Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 530

Commander Ma\'s anger comes and goes quickly.

After venting two sentences, he took a deep breath, restrained his momentum, and turned back to the middle-aged man who gave people a sense of affinity.

"Anything else? Go on." Commander Ma said.

"From my short contact with him last night, this man has high mental strength and can control the human brain." Said the mature woman.

Commander Ma\'s waist straightened. This discovery was even more shocking than the information of the intruder\'s copper skin and iron bone. "Control the human brain? How does old lady Li compare with him?"

The mature woman shook her head, "mentor, her control effect can only last for three minutes, and there will be a week of weakness after use, but this person is completely controlled."

The reason why the mature woman can find the difference of the leader last night is that she has seen the ability of her mentor, and the mature woman herself has stronger spiritual power than ordinary people. She can\'t control people like her mentor, but can only give ordinary people a momentary trance.

Silence, silence again. Commander Ma sat in his chair and didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Will it be the genetically modified people in North America, or the animal people in Eagle country, or the people in India..." Commander Ma cited several examples in a row.

People in their class know the secret tricks of several powerful countries in the world. These secrets are not available to ordinary people at all. Even he barely has access to them.

In the picture, the mature woman shook her head. "At present, the strongest biological weapon we know is the genetically modified people in North America. Their defense is up to two centimeters thick steel plate."

"The intruder\'s body surface defense is comparable to the synthetic metal five centimeters thick. This synthetic metal is a high-strength krypton metal used on the surface of the space experimental station, which is not a level at all."

"If you are a North American genetically modified person, you don\'t need the ei301 surface to air ballistic missile. Just detonating the 084 hidden mine can kill it."

In the micro plane of the earth, the biological transformation of individuals is still at the end after all. The real development front wave of this plane is the progress of science and technology and the core Breakthroughs in cutting-edge technologies such as weapons.

2001 28890 28540 25113 23887 9160 10227 28352 11406 18264 29821 24709 17528 20797 18264 17527 11460 17639 3737 6295 7343 15911 9070 4157 30847 3693 2938 12625 6295 22324 29618

Not to mention the country behind it Lee Ei301 surface to air ballistic missile.

The words of a mature woman made commander Ma fall into deeper thinking.

"Did you ask those people?" Commander Ma said.

China has not carried out biological weapon transformation experiments like North America and Eagle country, but they have the most orthodox way to practice on behalf of individuals.

"I have contacted master Duan. Master Duan will take the afternoon flight to Shanxi Province in person. He said he was very interested in the identity of the intruder." Said the mature woman.

"Did master Duan ever predict the strength of this man?" Commander Ma lit the table and said that master Duan is not the strongest monk in China, but he is in politics Government The Department has great influence, and several Chinese national politicians The top leaders in the house have been treated with acupuncture and moxibustion by master Duan.

Even he, the deputy commander of a province, can\'t neglect him in front of master Duan.

"Master Duan once said that this person is likely to have the strength of the foundation period of a monk." The mature woman said uncertainly.

"What?" Commander Ma was stunned.

It\'s no wonder commander Ma was so surprised. At present, the most powerful monks in China only have the strength of six layers of Qi practice. At this level, they can take bullets with their bare hands.

As government agencies, they certainly have a detailed record of the power system of practitioners. There are only a few words left in the unofficial history of some sects about the foundation construction period.

The closest and most credible record to the contemporary era is that more than 2000 years ago, the Fu of the king of Yue mentioned that ah Qing, who captured 3000 Vietnamese armor, may be the foundation building period.

This is only possible. In fact, all Qi practitioners who have made achievements in the path of cultivation deny the view of King Yue\'s Fu, because in the official history records, the highest level reached by a man of cultivation in 2000 years is only eight levels of Qi cultivation.

After receiving so much information, commander Ma was a little tired and rubbed his temples. He was thinking about the decision to be made.

"Do you need to inform commander Zhao?" The mature woman in the picture tries to ask.

Commander Zhao is the Shanxi provincial army Area Commander, chief, commander Ma\'s old partner.

"Lao Zhao went to the head office. He went to a meeting. After a while, he may go to the EU as a representative for a meeting. Don\'t disturb him." Commander Ma said with a slight movement of his eyes.

"Is it because of the picture taken by the European Union observation satellite three months ago?" Mature women know a lot because of their special abilities.

"Yes." Commander Ma looked up at the woman and nodded slowly.

"It\'s a troubled time. I\'ve met everything." Commander Ma said with some self mockery in his tone.

Three months ago, the European Union\'s observation satellite took an amazing picture of a dark blue meteorite flying to the earth.

The meteorite is small, only a few cubic meters. Under normal circumstances, it should be evaporated by heat before breaking through the atmosphere.

But the observation satellite actually measured that the meteorite was a living body!

If you open the meteorite, it is ten meters high.

Ten meter high life!

On the earth, there are few creatures ten meters high on the land. Such species can only be found in the unfathomable ocean, but the problem is that it is too abnormal for this kind of life to appear in outer space!

It\'s a vacuum and high radiation environment where bacteria can\'t survive.

All countries want to study that individual.

Commander Zhao attended the European Conference on behalf of China after a while One of the candidates for the League meeting.

Oh, actually When sharing intelligence with countries, the alliance also kept an eye on them. They didn\'t tell countries that they actually detected life fluctuations in the blue giant biological center.

Moreover, the volume of the life body, which is no different from that of ordinary people, is far higher than the life body ten meters high.

The struggle and relations between countries are very complex, and no one is willing to tell everything about themselves.

It was also within the country. Commander Ma found that it was likely to be a mysterious monk during the foundation period. He didn\'t immediately report it, but considered others first.

The light screen was taken back by commander Ma, and he sat on the chair. Commander Ma was thinking about what to make.

The Shanxi Provincial Military Region must give an account of what happened last night. Hidden mines and rocket launchers are nothing. They can be uncovered in a small military exercise.

The trouble is the ballistic missile. If we catch the intruder, it\'s OK to kill him. Commander Ma has to take credit for saving face.

But I didn\'t catch it. This is politics The enemy attacked him.

That\'s why commander Ma strictly controlled the news and kept it from his old partner commander Zhao.

But the paper can\'t stop the fire. It will be known by others sooner or later.

Commander Ma wants to minimize the impact in the shortest time.

With his legs crossed, commander Ma mused.

"Why don\'t you ask someone from your wife for help?" Just having this idea, commander Ma shook his head.

My father-in-law has retired for many years. It\'s not good to ask someone from his wife for help.

"Hey, let\'s think of other countermeasures." Commander Ma sighed.

Soon he thought of his baby daughter and wife. It was not safe to go to the original city now. Commander Ma took out a small green telephone from the drawer of his study and went to the army I dialed the area.

He plans to place more than a dozen special forces bodyguards to protect his daughter and his wife, otherwise he won\'t rest assured.


The time when Locke went back was not much different from what he told Zhang Ling. This was the afternoon of the third day. When Zhang Ling was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, Locke, who changed his clothes, pushed the door in.

"Come back." Zhang Ling quickly got up and went to the door to help Locke take off her coat.

Even Zhang Ling didn\'t find out and did it herself The action is so natural, like a wife welcoming her husband back.

"Make me something to eat. I\'m a little hungry." Touched his stomach, Locke said.

After two days of dry food, Locke missed the hot food made by Zhang Ling.

"What would you like to eat?" Turning back, she went to the kitchen and wrapped her apron. Zhang Ling took out her pot ladle and asked.

Locke tilted his head and said, "let\'s have hot pot today. It tastes good."

"Well, there are ready-made ingredients in the fridge and they can be eaten soon." Zhang Ling began to hot water and took out the ingredients from the refrigerator to wash.

Sitting on the sofa, with his eyes closed, Locke was sorting out the gains of the past two days.

Two months later, when Locke was running in the bedroom, the telephone rang at his waist.

With a frown, Locke finished his practice and answered the phone, "hello?"

"Uncle ~ here comes Zhang Daxian. He is collecting herbs in the village now!" Over the phone, the village head\'s loud voice came.

"I see. Try to keep him there. I\'ll be there right away." Locke finished and hung up.

Out of the bedroom, Locke put on his coat.

"Are you going out?" Zhang Ling asked on the sofa.

"Well, I\'ll be back soon." Locke nodded.

"Oh." Zhang Ling looks a little melancholy. The longer she stays here, the more lonely she feels. For her, the happiest time every day is the time to chat with Locke at dinner.

Look at today, Locke will probably not come back for dinner.

Locke also found that it\'s not the same to leave Zhang Ling at home every day. "If you\'re usually bored, you can go out for a stroll or find a job to pass the time."

Zhang Ling\'s eyes brightened. "Aren\'t you worried about me running away?"

Locke pulled a little amplitude from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "no matter where you escape, I can find you, believe it?"

"Believe it, how can I not believe it." Zhang Ling tilted her mouth.

Locke even knew where her home was, and Zhang Ling didn\'t have the mind to resist from beginning to end.

After going out, Locke didn\'t choose to drive to Zhang village. It was too slow.

When he came to a remote corner, Locke kicked his right leg and quickly flew to heaven. He decided to fly directly to Zhang village.

The distance between the original city and Zhang village is only half an hour.