Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 528

The 5000 yuan Road Construction money actually made the village head a lot of money, but for the sake of his 50 cents a day salary to the workers, Locke didn\'t care too much about the honest farmer.

This plane also gives Locke some inspiration. These indigenous humans are so much weaker than those in the wizard world. Why do they live so long.

Locke was shocked when he heard that the average life expectancy of ordinary people in the world was between 60 and 70.

The average life expectancy of human beings in the wizard world is only 40 years old!

Comparing back and forth many times, Locke found a clue.

The level of education in the world is very high. Only 40% of the current generation are illiterate. Zhang Ling has not attended high school or university, but she has attended primary school and junior middle school, which is not illiterate.

And in his judgment, the illiteracy rate will be lower in the future.

The reduction of the illiteracy rate marks a leap in scientific and cultural knowledge and a great improvement in medical and health achievements.

The poorest people can go to see a doctor, which is unthinkable in the aristocratic territory of the three western islands.

Locke\'s impression is that if the poor class in the three western islands get sick, it\'s OK to survive. If they can\'t survive, they can only wait to die.

If you can\'t eat, you can\'t get the money to see a doctor.

In addition to this factor, Locke thinks it is also a big reason for the depressed element concentration at this level.

Will the abundant energy elements in the wizard world help some individuals break through the limit and achieve higher life, while those lower creatures who do not break through the limit of life will be tired.

High energy concentration is not entirely good. For example, Locke fled to this level because of the terrible negative energy storm outside the dark blue prison fire world.

Through all this, Locke\'s mentality has changed greatly.

He thought of his parents. If he was born in this position, whether old Locke and TIA are still alive, and whether the four members of their family are still living happily together.

Locke\'s eyes were wet.

More than a month\'s summer vacation flashed by. I stayed in Zhang village for nearly 40 days, but I still didn\'t wait for the Taoist boy who came to collect herbs.

"Uncle, Zhang Daxian came last year. He came in autumn. I\'m not sure this year." At the entrance of the village, the village head took Locke\'s hand and said.

"Did he say why?" Locke asked, Zhang Ling only came home once for a long time, and she didn\'t pay attention to the trend of Tao Tong, so it\'s reasonable for Tao Tong to come to Zhang village once a year.

The village head scratched his head, opened his yellow teeth and said, "I seem to hear him mention that what country\'s accelerated industrialization has polluted the vitality of this area."

What the village head should say is the child\'s original words. It\'s stumbling. He doesn\'t even know what industrialization is.

"If the Taoist boy comes, please contact me." Locke wrote a series of phone calls to the village head. This is the way of communication in the world. It is more convenient to use than the Santa crystal ball.

"OK, OK, there is a phone at the entrance of the village. Zhang Daxian is coming. I\'ll call you the first time." The village head grinned.

"Well, take these two thousand yuan. You can buy two tractors for the village office." Locke handed the village head another stack of tickets.

It\'s impossible to find someone to do things without benefits. Locke gave him 2000 yuan just to let the village head inform him as soon as possible when the Taoist boy came.

"Thank you, thank you, uncle!" The village head nodded and bowed.

After saying goodbye to the villagers, Locke and Zhang Ling took a car and returned to Shangyuan city.

In the past few decades of summer vacation, there is another thing that people in Zhang Village enjoy talking about.

At that time in the middle of the month, Zhang Ling\'s adoptive father, the master of a middle school canteen in Shangyuan City, came to propose marriage to Zhang Ling. The object of marriage proposal was Zhang pangzi, the steward of Shangyuan university canteen.

Without Locke, the people of Zhangjia would definitely welcome the master warmly.

But the master went to the entrance of the village and saw the black car running. He went to Zhangjia and asked about the situation. Without saying a word, the teacher turned around and left.

His apprentice\'s family is good, but how good can he afford to run?

Teacher Fu didn\'t pity her apprentice. Zhang Ling is still her adopted daughter. The palms and backs of her hands are all meat. Just kept sighing, Zhang Ling finally had a good life.

Zhang Ling, who has a good life, seems to live in a dream in recent months, especially in the month when she returned to the village during the summer vacation. Her soul is floating and floating, just like flying in the clouds.

But Zhang Ling knows that this is only illusory. Locke and she are people from two worlds. She dare not tell her parents that she and Locke are fake boyfriend and girlfriend.

"What are you going to do back to Shangyuan city and go on to college?" Zhang Ling asked in the co pilot\'s seat.

"No, I\'ve collected enough what I want to know. Next, I\'ll actually test it." Locke said without looking at the sky.

Zhang Ling didn\'t know what Locke was going to experiment with. She just said, "be careful."

Locke looked at the woman strangely and said, "in this world, it is estimated that only missiles with positioning can threaten me. Don\'t worry."

Zhang Ling thought to herself that the man was talking nonsense. What is a "missile with positioning"? She didn\'t go to school much. She only heard that there were home-made explosives in the village before.

The car ran fast on the road. Locke, with excellent driving skills, almost stepped on the accelerator to the limit. Thanks to Zhang Ling\'s work since childhood, she had a good physique and was not carsick by this guy.

After two years, the man disappeared, I\'ll find a place where there is no one and live alone. Zhang Ling looked at Locke driving and thought to herself.

She received more than 100000 yuan from Locke, which was enough for her to find a small county with low consumption level for a lifetime.

She didn\'t dare to wait for Locke to leave and tell her family the truth. Could it be that they were divorced? Old man Zhang was absolutely angry.

As for why I can guess that Locke will go, I also guess that two years later, it is due to a magical thing - women\'s intuition.

Back in Shangyuan City, Locke didn\'t go to school. Zhang Ling also quit her job in Shangyuan University and became a full-time nanny for Locke.

That day, Locke quietly left Shangyuan city. Before leaving, he only said to Zhang Ling, "I\'ll go out for a few days, at least two days, or more than four days. I\'ll definitely come back."

All Zhang Ling can do is silently prepare dry food for Locke for four days.

From Shangyuan, Locke went straight to the nearest army in the provincial capital He wants to see what level the high-end power of this position is.

It can make him so confident and dare to break into the army representing the high-level combat power alone Things are forbidden District, he finally recovered to the first-class Knight level a week ago.

Level-1 wind knight, although Locke\'s demonized armor is completely destroyed, he can feel that his overall strength is no different from that of the previous demonized armor.

Before arriving at a military camp, Locke first changed his facial muscles, changed his appearance, shook his body, shrunk his spine by two inches, and became a middle-aged man of about 1.75 meters.

Secretly attacked a sentry on duty outside the camp. Locke put on his clothes and sneaked into the camp.

In these two days, the military camp is no different from before. From the outside, it is quiet.

Until the next night, at some point, a huge "bang" sounded and the barracks burst into flames.

"There\'s a spy! Catch him!"

"Apply to the nearby airport for air support!"

"What\'s that TM, Superman?!"

"Come on, pull out the tanks in the warehouse!"

"Where\'s the head? Who of you has seen the head!"


The barracks were in chaos.




There were three fires in the sky. The explosion completely lit up the barracks. Some soldiers with good eyes saw a black figure from the fire.

"Pa!" He slapped himself to wake up. These soldiers are not three-year-old children. How can anyone fly and resist rocket propelled grenades.

"Diwu! Diwu! Diwu!" The alarm sounded in the barracks. All the soldiers who heard the sound immediately fell down and looked for the nearest shelter.

The missile silo in the barracks gradually opened the well cover, and a dark red bullet head cylinder slowly rose out of the ground.

The firelight at the bottom of the "boom boom" missile was emitted. With the permission of the upper headquarters, the Chinese second model surface to air ballistic missile, code named ei301, flew out of the silo.

After circling in the sky, the missile flew towards a cloud in the dark night sky.

Fifteen seconds later, a huge explosion occurred in the distant clouds.

Because of the interference of clouds, the explosion was not found by the ordinary people in Shangyuan City, but on that night, there was a light rain in Shangyuan City, and some people felt the earth tremble a little twice.

The next day, the news coverage in Shangyuan city was as usual, only in the evening In the last few minutes of the news, the host briefly introduced that a small-scale artificial rainfall was carried out in Shangyuan city last night, and there was grade 2.1 land in an area hundreds of kilometers away from Shangyuan city Shock.

In a dark pit in a hill forest outside Shangyuan City, Locke was lying in it sadly.

"Bah!" A mouthful of thick sputum spit out, and Locke, who was scorched all over, resisted the pain and got up hard.

Leaning against a tree trunk, Locke poured two bottles of recovery medicine and bared his teeth. "You can\'t underestimate the strength of a micro plane."

He has a fighting spirit, but people\'s technology is not made of mud.

After two days at that military base, Locke finally got a general understanding of the world, a part of high-level knowledge that ordinary people don\'t know.

When the supreme commander of the camp was operating to gradually lift the ban on confidential documents, an upper window popped out of the computer center and asked the commander to have a video conversation with him.

Locke had to order the leader to do so. A mature woman wearing black framed glasses appeared in the window. I don\'t know how the woman found it. After having a dialogue with the group, immediately close the dialogue window and lock Locke\'s access rights.

This time, Locke realized that he was exposed.