Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 527

Our great uncle Locke was following his "girlfriend" Zhang Ling to look for herbs everywhere outside the village.

"Don\'t take the gossip of the villagers seriously." Zhang Ling\'s face is a little red.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not so stingy, and I put forward this identity." Locke said.

Following Zhang Ling to Zhang village, Locke had to make up an identity and think about it. The most reliable one is Zhang Ling\'s boyfriend in Shangyuan city. This is more feasible.

As soon as he entered the village, Locke felt that the people in Zhang village were so enthusiastic.

He didn\'t put pressure on the aborigines, suggesting that Locke was confused.

From noon to afternoon, they had little harvest. Zhang Ling held several wild yams in her hand and was ready to take them back to Locke\'s stew.

"Hey, wait!" A fine light flashed through Locke\'s eyes.

Leaping over, he dug out a white rhizome plant under the roots of an old tree on the shady back of a hillside not far away.

"Old mountain ginseng!" Zhang Ling exclaimed.

"Why, do you know this?" Locke lifted his hand.

"Well, when the Taoist boy came to our village a few years ago, he had something similar to this in his hand. He said he collected it from the next village." Zhang Ling\'s face was flushed with excitement.

"Very precious?" Locke frowned. In his opinion, this thing was of no use except to nourish a little blood gas.

"MMM! MMM! The Taoist said we dug it up and sold it to him. He paid 20000 yuan." Zhang Ling\'s eyes were burning.

"Hum, 20000..." Locke shook off the ginseng in his hand. He knew the money value of this position. This material to replenish qi and blood is not magic material in the wizard world, but it is more precious than ordinary medicinal materials.

In terms of monetary value, the value of this old ginseng is at least more than 100000 yuan. The Taoist boy obviously bullied these villagers and didn\'t understand the market.

However, when he could collect 20000 yuan, Locke had to admit that the child\'s conscience had not been eaten by the dog.

Based on his knowledge of the villagers nearby, the old ginseng is sold for 200 yuan, and the villagers will sell it to him without saying a word.

Put the ginseng into the space ring. Locke and Zhang Ling return to Zhang village first.

Today\'s meal has never been so easy for Zhangjia people for the new year.

The old hen that had been raised for two years was stewed, and the newborn lamb in the sheepfold was slaughtered. The second sister of Zhang Jia specially went to the grain store in the village to buy a few kilograms of white flour and drank the millet wine that old man Zhang had hoarded for three years. The whole family was very happy.

Let their family be so extravagant and wasteful. It has something to do with the 20000 yuan that Locke stuffed his cheap father-in-law before dinner.

Old man Zhang has never seen so much money in his life. His family is suffering. His eldest daughter goes out to work, his second daughter helps with farming in the village, three and four children are still at school, and five children are a little fart in open crotch pants. At the end of each year, the money saved at home does not exceed three figures.

With money, old man Zhang straightened his waist and spoke briskly. His rheumatism for many years seemed to be completely cured (in fact, Locke combed him with a little fighting spirit).

Locke somehow asked Zhang Ling to take care of eating, drinking and Lasa for a few months. He has a short mouth. He still needs to do a small return. Locke has a bottom line.

"Lao Zhang, I have a bottle of Fen Wine sent by my nephew last year. Today is a happy day for your family. I\'ll bring it to you." At the dinner table, the village head came to the door with a bottle of wine.

Visitors are guests. It\'s hard for honest zhangjias to drive people out, not to mention the village head.

Through communication with Zhang Ling, Locke knew what the old guy did and didn\'t want to spoil the interest of the zhangjias. Locke called the village head with dark skin outside the door.

"How much does it cost to build roads in your village?" Locke opened the door to the mountain road.

He found that it was not power but money that formed class repression among indigenous creatures.

Money is uncle!

"This... 20000, do you think so?" The village head looked up at Locke secretly.

Locke\'s face was expressionless.

"Ten thousand, ten thousand!" The village head spoke immediately.

Locke still doesn\'t speak.

As soon as the village head gritted his teeth, "five thousand! All the young students in the village are used for road construction. The money is mainly to buy Cement stone sand in the town. The labor force in our village can manage food!"

The village head gave Locke a definite number this time.

After listening to Locke, he nodded with satisfaction. He didn\'t open a good hall, and he gave more help to Zhang village. He was not helping Zhang, but harming Zhang.

After decades of life experience, Locke knows the ugliness of human nature, which is common in all aspects.

If he shows too much enthusiasm, won\'t he become synonymous with stupid money? In the future, if Zhang village people still ask him for money.

These five thousand are the only help Locke gave to the people of Zhang village.

After touching his pocket, Locke pretended to take money from it, but actually took five thousand dollars directly from the space ring.

"Take it well. Be nice to the Zhangjia people in the future." Locke said in a deep voice.

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry. The surname of our village is Zhang. Everyone in and outside the village is his own family. Don\'t worry, uncle." The village head said with a smile.

With this pile of money, the good days of their village will come faster.

Locke nodded, did not continue to talk nonsense with the village head, and went back to the house to continue to eat.

"What about the village head? Won\'t he come and have a drink?" Old man Zhang opened the Fen Wine sent by the village head and filled Locke with a glass.

"He has something else to do. Let\'s go first." Locke replied casually.

"This wine is good!" Lift the cup and taste it, Locke praised.

"Yes, yes, this Fen Wine is the treasure of the village head\'s family. I\'ve only heard of it before. I don\'t know what it\'s like." Old man Zhang smiled.

A table of rice was quickly finished. In front of the old man Zhang\'s family, Locke didn\'t perform well. He didn\'t move his chopsticks after only eating two cents full.

Chopsticks are the latest food utensils that Locke learned in this position.

Old man Zhang\'s family can\'t bear to pour out the unfinished food. His family doesn\'t have a refrigerator. Old man Zhang and Zhang Ling discussed with their mother and planned to put the leftovers in the shady cool room and bring them out tomorrow morning to stew a pot of chowder for the children.

Locke certainly can\'t eat leftover chowder with the children of Zhang family. Liu\'s daughter-in-law of old man Zhang has already thought about making a stewed egg for his uncle tomorrow morning.

In the evening, the sky was full of stars outside. Sitting in the yard, Locke felt the peace of the moment.

After helping her mother clean up the dishes and chopsticks, Zhang Ling went to the yard, sat next to Locke and said, "don\'t you have enough to eat? Do you want to find a place where there is no one, and I\'ll make some for you?"

Zhang Ling knows that there is a complete set of cooking utensils, as well as some spare food and water in Locke space ring. She helped to buy these things in the supermarket in Shangyuan city.

"Forget it, I\'m not very hungry." Locke shook his head.

"Your place is really very different from the city." Locke said.

"Of course it\'s different. Our village is not as prosperous as Shangyuan city." Zhang Ling said that every time she returned to the village from Shangyuan City, she always felt like returning to the primitive tribe from a civilized society.

The only electrical appliance in the village is the gray TV with a flashing screen at the village head\'s house, and there is not even a street lamp in the village. Zhang Ling seldom walks at night in the village.

Locke then shook her head. Zhang Ling didn\'t understand what he meant. What he actually wanted to say was that there were a little more energy elements in this remote mountain village than in the city, and most importantly, there were a lot less impurities.

He is now a little convinced that the world has what Zhang Ling said, but with the energy concentration here, the energy users practicing Taoism will never surpass the low-level attendants.

Unless he has energy spar like Locke.

How is this possible? The probability of producing energy spar at this element concentration is almost zero.

Locke said that low-level attendants were higher. In fact, if Locke was left here and gave him the best skill, Locke thought it would be hard for him to become an entry-level attendant with this low element concentration.

He got up and patted her pants. Locke said to Zhang Ling, "go back to bed and wait for the Taoist boy now."

Zhang Ling nodded and agreed.

They told the people of Zhangjia that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but they still slept in separate rooms. People in this small mountain village are extremely conservative about the relationship between the opposite sex.

No marriage, different room. This is an iron rule that has been circulating in the village for hundreds of years.

So Locke sleeps with Zhang\'s three and five children at night.

Two children, four children and Zhang Ling are all women. They sleep together with their mother Liu.

Old man Zhang sleeps in the living room today. He used to sleep with his two sons.

Locke wanted to sleep in the living room, but old man Zhang refused. Even his wife Liu came out to persuade Locke to sleep on the Kang. Locke can only accept the kindness of the family.

Lying on the earth Kang of Zhangjia, Locke rubbed the space ring. He was glad that he had a good habit of storing energy spars. Hundreds of high-grade energy spars and more than a dozen top-grade energy spars were the basis for him to settle down in this position.

In the corner of the space ring, there are several pieces of broken negative energy fusion beads. Locke tried to use it to contact Angelina and other women on the three western islands. It may be that the distance between the two planes is too far, or the magic pattern array on the negative energy fusion beads is completely scrapped, and there has been no movement.

"I hope everything is safe." Locke closed his eyes and sighed.

He didn\'t sleep, but ran the wind silently. It was not his purpose to restore the first level. If he wanted to cross the endless time and space and return to the wizard world, he felt that he had to have the strength of the second level Knight at least.

This summer is a beautiful summer for Zhang village people.

Successive heavy rains wetted the dry land in the village and added a little green and vitality to Zhang village.

Outside the village entrance, the village head personally took command and called on the labor force under the age of 50 to come out to build roads.

"The head of the Yellow faced Wowo is enough. Fifty cents per person a day!" The slogan of the village head spread to every family in Zhang village.

Everyone was excited. Not only all the people in Zhang village went out, but also the strong young students in the neighboring village crossed the difficult mountain road, hoping to come to Zhang village to earn extra money.

The salary of 50 cents per person per day is unimaginably low in Shangyuan City, but in Zhang village, it is enough to arouse the enthusiasm of the whole village.