Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 514

The battle with female volcanic salamanders is not as easy as Locke said.

From the scars on his body.

One arm is broken and the thigh artery is torn. These are the two most serious wounds. Others are minor injuries such as bone dislocation and visceral damage, which will not be described one by one.

Although he was hurt so badly, Locke\'s face was still full of joy.

No, he likes it Abuse, but this harvest, is too rich.

A primary energy crystal core, two-thirds of a relatively complete volcanic salamander skin, and salamander meat and salamander bones stuffed with space rings are amazing wealth wherever you get them.

In the distribution of booty, Mingte didn\'t bully Locke and was injured. He divided it as he should. Mingte did a fair job in this regard.

Lambert and Ken always listen to Minter and have no different opinions on Minter\'s distribution.

Locke is not an inhumane guy. He knows he can kill female volcanic salamanders alone. Part of the important reason is that Lambert and Ken helped him consume a wave.

In addition, Mingte alone restrained the male salamander, and Locke also wanted to accept a love.

You know, the male volcanic salamander first went straight to Locke, and then Minter took the shot to attract the male salamander.

Returning to the surface again, seeing that Locke was seriously injured, Hellfire giant AI ran in panic to see how Locke was, but she didn\'t dare to get too close. She was a little afraid of Mingte.

"Where are the Locke brothers going next?" Asked Minter.

"I haven\'t finished the supply task of Jialin swamp yet." Locke smiled and pulled a wound somewhere while talking. Locke showed his teeth in pain.

"Do you need three of our brothers to escort you?" Minter said, it\'s not polite.

"Thank you very much." Locke said.

The recovery ability of the first-class knight is comparable to that of the first-class Warcraft. After the battle, Locke has taken back his left arm. It will take time for the bone stubble to grow again. After Locke completes this supply task, he may need to apply for a month\'s holiday from the iron stronghold.

The torn thigh artery looked scary, but it was not as heavy as the broken bone of his left arm. After Locke applied it externally and took several bottles of precious medicine from the holy tower, the blood had stopped and the blood vessels were connected.

But Locke\'s face was still very white, the wound was easy to repair, and the lost blood didn\'t come back so soon.

Injury is common for a knight. He knows how to take care of his body.

With the help of Minter and others, Locke completed the supply task in Jialin swamp.

When the garrison Knight came out from the garrison point, he found that the four knights, including Locke, were all injured and seriously injured. He thought something had happened and made a joke.

Send Locke back to the iron stronghold, and Minter leaves.

Before leaving, Locke made a deal with them.

"Do you want this primary fire core?" Locke stared at Lambert.

"If you want this crystal core, you have to exchange something." Locke shook his head, a first-class biological crystal core, which was also a huge sum of money in his eyes.

"What do you want?" Lambert asked. Now he has reached a small bottleneck in his cultivation. He urgently needs a primary energy crystal core to help him break through.

"I want a wind energy core of the same level." Locke said directly.

Locke now lacks nothing else, but the wind energy crystal core. The effect of high-order wind energy crystal on him is very low, and there are too few top-grade crystals.

"I don\'t have a primary wind system nucleus." Lambert said, "but I have this."

A navy blue square was taken out by Lambert, and Locke looked at "the essence of primary energy!"

The result of the transaction satisfied both parties.

The mineral energy essence is forbidden to be excavated by individuals in the three western islands. Only the knight palace and holy tower will reserve a large amount of this high-end material.

Locke was surprised that Lambert could have a first-class energy essence. What surprised him most was that this energy essence was still the wind system he needed most.

With this thing, Locke is sure that he can increase his fighting spirit by 10.5%.

The mission center of iron ridge fort was very good to ask for leave. The responsible Knight saw that Locke was seriously injured. Without saying a word, he approved his two-month leave, one more month than Locke originally expected.

The injury was assessed as work-related injury because of the nature of Locke\'s task. The knight hall not only assigned Locke an iron bastion house for his cultivation, but also provided him with some recovery potions of general value.

In the next two months, Locke had a very comfortable life, which was easier than that in the magnetic suspension mountains.

After the routine cultivation every day, I will walk around the iron stronghold. After half a month, I will walk through all the places of the iron stronghold.

The city on the ectopic side is very different from the capital of the omor empire. Under the wise leadership of the knight palace, some flexible ledemons have the courage to do business with the Knights of the iron fortress.

In other parts of the dark blue prison fire world, knights can arbitrarily bully the aborigines of this plane, but not in iron fortress.

This plane has been ruled for nearly a hundred years. The high level of the knight palace wants to see stability, not unrest.

No one would embarrass these poor Redmond people under the eyes of the top.

Locke once bought twenty iron eaters from a ledemon who was engaged in animal husbandry in the downtown center of tielenburg, and spent a total of two kyanites.

Of the twenty iron eaters, three went into Locke\'s belly and seventeen into AI\'s belly.

When Locke came out of the lava cave, AI looked at his concern, and Locke decided to reward AI.

Two months later, Locke\'s body finally returned to normal.

In fact, he recovered almost a month ago. The extra month is a holiday for himself.

Embarking on the floating ship, Locke continued to perform the task he should complete.


Six months later, in the molten sea in the southwest of the deep blue prison fire world, on the floating ship, a knight in brown armor compared the map in his hand to judge the next place to go.

"Lei Yunfeng." The knight looked at the address and found that the supply point was close to Bono.

"Ai, do you want to go to Bono?" The knight passes through the channel of spiritual power and AI Gou.

Feeling AI\'s affirmative will in the dimensional bag, the knight turned the floating ship and headed north.

Two weeks later, entering the city of Bono, Locke looked for the difference between the city and the iron fortress.

There are fewer aborigines on the street and fewer shops. In addition to Knights, the streets are sometimes mixed with a Hellfire giant with dark blue skin and red inflammation.

These hellfires were completely controlled and allowed to be enslaved by the patrol knights.

"It\'s said that Bono city belongs to Lord Gaia, and the Lord has a Hellfire Legion. Unfortunately, I didn\'t have the chance to witness it." Locke sighed.

The Hellfire legion of level 4 Knight Gaia doesn\'t know which plane it is in. The Hellfire left in the dark blue Hellfire world is only a small part of it.

When you come to Bono City, of course, Locke has to go to the trading center. There is the dark blue prison fire world, the only place where Hellfire slaves are sold.

When she came to this birthplace again, AI became a little cramped. She spent her childhood in this place before she was three years old.

There is an iron cage area across half a square in the trading center, in which weak hellfires are placed like commodities.

Adult hellfires below level 1 are generally eight meters tall. When AI, who is ten meters tall, appeared here, some confused knights in the past thought it was a level 2 hellfire.

Many passing Knights pointed at Ai, and even Locke had refused more than three waves of knights who wanted to buy AI.

As a last resort, Locke took AI back into the dimensional bag.

Now AI is not the only high-level strength a year ago. Under the feeding of Locke regardless of cost, AI finally broke through to the quasi level strength.

Didn\'t waste the body of a first-class volcanic salamander, Locke sighed.

If AI eats the whole flesh and blood of a first-class fire creature and the level has not changed, he will consider whether to give up the pet.

There are twenty hellfires in the square of the trading center. Every time one of them is photographed by a knight, another one will be transported from the rear to ensure the total number of twenty hellfires in the square.

Locke looked at the price. The cheapest Inferno under the age of five requires 20 high-order nuclei. As for adult Inferno, the price was fried beyond 30 top-grade nuclei.

There is only one end of Hellfire above level 1 in the square, with a price of ten first-class energy essence.

Locke grinned. Most people can\'t afford it.

After strolling around Bono City, Locke found that AI\'s mood was much lower.

However, it must be hard for anyone to see his people being bought and sold like commodities.

The reason why AI wants to come is to see if his mother is still here. Locke once asked AI for the person in charge of the knight hall. People said he didn\'t know.

There are 80 Hellfire giants traded from Bono every year.

After all these years, who knows whether AI\'s mother was bought or died.

There are many Hellfire giants who can\'t stand prison every year and die of illness.

Locke still has a task to do. He can\'t stay in Bono city for a long time. In order to make AI happy, Locke promised to take her to Huoyan island in the center of deep blue prison fire world after this task.

At present, there are Hellfire activities in the whole dark blue prison fire world, except for the Bono City sphere of influence ruled by Gaia knights, there is only Huoyan island in the center of the world.

If the Hellfire giant in Bono city is a slave, the Hellfire giant on Huoyan island is an animal kept in captivity.

As for who was kept in captivity, it goes without saying that only rich magicians like to do so.