Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 515

Huoyan island is the last ecological area designated by Santa magician to Hellfire giants. Hellfire living in it does not need to worry about being captured and enslaved.

They only need to draw a blood for the Santa magicians every once in a while, and then cooperate with the magicians to complete some experiments when necessary, so as to ensure their life safety and freedom.

Ideologically, Huoyan island is similar to the forest outside the holy tower on the three western islands. It is a species gene bank built to facilitate magicians to complete various experiments.

After completing the supply task for half a year in four months, Locke drove the floating ship to Huoyan island in the center of the plane.

During this half year, in addition to the established supply tasks, Locke inevitably joined several battles during the patrol process.

There are few wild level-1 creatures left in this plane. Every few years, the knight hall will send an army composed of knights above level-1 to plow the dark blue prison fire world like a plow.

Locke\'s luck is average. There are only two first-class creatures in this half year.

One of them was almost cleaned up by the two knights when Locke passed by. They didn\'t need Locke\'s help.

On the other end, Locke rubbed and drank some soup.

After the battle, he was given a first-class creature\'s left arm. Locke left his claws and threw the meat and bones to AI.

Without blinking, he feeds his pet with the flesh and blood of first-class creatures. Locke is not a loser, but he is difficult to accept the flesh and blood of creatures in the dark blue prison fire world.

These creatures may have been carried in the sulfur environment for too long. Even their meat is full of strong sulfur sour smell. Locke will turn his teeth when he tastes it.

Since Huoyan island is an island, it must be an island in the sea.

In the dark blue prison fire world, there is only one kind of sea water - molten sea.

Across 2000 square kilometers of molten sea, Locke finally saw the last gene bank in the dark blue prison fire world.

When he came here, Locke found that the level suppression effect was stronger, and the strength he could play fell from 80% to 70%.

"The residual plane will of the world will not gather here, will it?" Locke muttered.

The plane suppression effect is so strong that Locke would doubt whether it is an unoccupied virgin land if it is not for the occasional busy magicians passing around.

The zoo should look like a zoo. The whole Huoyan island is covered by a solid magic shield. There are several sightseeing corridors over Huoyan island.

These corridors are not really designed to let people go up to see the scenery, but serve the magicians who carry out research projects on Huoyan island.

Almost every one or two hundred meters, there will be a temporary laboratory on the sightseeing corridor. Locke once saw a reluctant Hellfire giant carried to the laboratory by a blue robed magician like a toy.

In Locke\'s eyes, it is a zoo and a fire Rock Island of species gene bank. In AI\'s eyes, it is a paradise.

She envied that the people here could eat enough. She also saw several Hellfire larvae smaller than her playing by the molten pool.

If only I could be born here, AI thought silently.

"I\'ll stay here for a while. Later, I\'ll communicate with the magician in charge here and allow you to play." Locke said to AI.

AI\'s face was filled with joy.

In the past few years in the dark blue prison fire world, Locke has collected many good materials, most of which are useless to him. He wants to see if he can make some deals with the magicians here.

There are several magician friends, and several beauties such as Angelina. Locke knows how to deal with Santa magicians.

These days in Huoyan island is AI\'s happiest time. She has made many friends of her own family. When she makes new friends, AI can\'t help thinking of her only old friend, rydmont Ann. I don\'t know what happened to Ann in the magnetic suspension mountains.

On the sightseeing corridor, in the temporary Laboratory of a first-class magician, Locke chatted with the magician named amlin.

"Is that your pet?" Amlin pointed to AI playing in the fire crystal jungle on the fire Rock Island below.

"Yes." Locke nodded.

"Nice pet." Amlin chuckled. Naturally, he could see AI\'s physical condition. He regretted that the Hellfire giant, whose strength reached the quasi level, might never go further.

So AI is just a pet, not a riding partner like Fermo the scorpion dragon.

"The refreshing potion you want is almost ready. You can come and get it in the afternoon." Amlin said.

Qingshen potion is a medium and low-grade potion used to restore damaged mental power and relieve fatigue. It can be used by magicians and knights. After the battle, many Knights will drink a bottle of similar potion for safety, so as to keep their combat power from decreasing too much.

"OK." Locke said that his biggest gain in the past week was to turn that group of useless materials into something helpful to himself.

Potions, magic scrolls, alchemy props, as long as they are useful to him, Locke will be prepared.

It is said that when the dark blue Hellfire world was invaded at the beginning, it had nearly one million Hellfire giants, of which more than 30000 were powerful hellfires above level 1.

However, with the enslavement and repression, the number of remaining Hellfire giants in the world was strictly controlled at 50000. The Gaia adult had 30000 hellfires, while the fire Rock Island had 20000.

The 20000 hellfires were scattered into dozens of tribes, large and small, and settled in various positions of Huoyan island.

The Hellfire tribe AI temporarily integrated into is a medium-sized tribe with 2000 hellfires.

That day, AI gang and his friend Suo, who had not known for a long time, were fishing for Yanjing by the lava lake. Suddenly, his body shook.

"Ai, we should go." In a corner of the sky invisible to ordinary Hellfire, Locke\'s spiritual voice.

"What\'s the matter, AI?" Next to him, he carried a sack of low-grade inflamed crystals and said, "we should go back, mother, they should hurry."

Suo is a male hellfire. He is 13 years old and has barely reached the estrus period of the Hellfire family.

In this tribe with 2000 hellfires, there are very few hellfires of the same age, and even fewer can combine with each other to become spouses.

Like all races, the Hellfire family also faces the embarrassing situation of more men and fewer women. AI can integrate into a Hellfire group so easily, which has a lot to do with her gender.

Yes, Suo likes AI. The female Hellfire who suddenly appeared outside their tribe a week ago attracted the attention of many unmarried male hellfires in the tribe.

After many private challenges, Suo, a young and strong young man with excellent talent, defeated all males of the same age in the tribe and became AI\'s most powerful suitor.

But no matter how kind SOE was, AI didn\'t have a deeper idea of him.

Friends are friends. AI, who lived in the laboratory since childhood and was later accepted by Locke, doesn\'t understand that there is a more intimate relationship between men and women above friends.

In AI\'s eyes, Suo is no different from other hellfires she knows in this tribe. They are all her own friends.

If you have to use a scale to measure the status of the people AI cares about and cares about, Locke should be the first, the second is Ann, a ledmon friend she knows, and the third is Suo, a group of Hellfire compatriots.

"I\'m leaving." AI whispered that she could not disobey Locke\'s orders.

"Are you going back to your tribe?" Suo was surprised. They all guessed that AI was a Hellfire from other tribes.

Ten meter high female Hellfire is too rare. Only those powerful groups in the center of all tribes can be born.

So thought AI was going back to her powerful tribe.

AI didn\'t know how to explain. She handed the low fire crystals she had collected all afternoon to Suo, "these should be your gifts."

The first gift AI received in her life was a cart of blue sturgeon meat from Ann. She knew that friends should give gifts to each other.

Stay where you are. He didn\'t know how he came back to the tribe, and forgot the fire crystal whose sack was abandoned by the molten lake.

Back at the tribe\'s home, Suo was a little haunted.

"AI is gone." The poor little guy has lost the person he likes before he feels the taste of love.

Suo\'s mother touched her son\'s head and failed to marry in the Hellfire family. It is very common that she thinks her son will recover in a period of time.

Suo\'s father knew something and said in a deep tone, "Aiben doesn\'t belong to you. There is no such situation in the ten meter high juvenile Hellfire, even the big tribes in the red flame mountains."

Suo looked up at his father. He knew that his father would not deceive him. In the whole tribe, except for leaders and sacrifices, his father was the strongest.

Strong hellfires know something that ordinary hellfires don\'t know. For example, Suo\'s father knows that there is another group of creatures ruling in the place where they live.

When Suo\'s father was young, he was lucky to enter the laboratory of a first-class magician and become an experimental object on the test-bed.

Not all Santa mages are as dark and bloody as mage Defoe. At least the mage who treated Suo\'s father was very kind and didn\'t let this Hellfire lack any parts.

The comfort of his parents did not make Suo feel much better. At night, Suo ran out of home, lay down on the hillside where AI had played with him, and looked at the purple night sky. Suo\'s thoughts floated far away.

What is AI doing at this time?

"This medicine is made for you by a magician named amlin. He is interested in your constitution. Drink it. See if there is any reaction." Beside the floating boat, Locke threw AI a turquoise potion,

AI curiously played with the medicine, which was smaller than a needle for her, opened her mouth, threw it into the mouth, and swallowed it with a test tube.