Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 513

"Bang!" A fierce collision soon occurred.

Locke\'s bladed sword had a close contact with the head of the male volcanic salamander.

Sparks splashed everywhere.

In the underground cave, because there is a molten pool nearby, two volcanic salamanders have polished their scales harder than steel.

This is a good raw material for armor, which is a favorite test for all alchemists.

After experiencing the hardness of the scales, Locke raised his numb right hand to resist the tail whip from another female volcanic salamander before he could catch his breath.

"Pa!" Locke flew back quickly and hit the rock wall before he stopped.

On the hard rock wall, a human character "big" is left.

When he pressed a mouthful of stuffy blood rising from his abdomen, Locke was angry by the two animals. Before the fight was over, he raised his sword to meet him again.

Good armor is an important part of Knight strength.

In the collision with two volcanic salamanders in the lightning and stone fire just now, Locke looked very embarrassed. In fact, there was no big problem. In addition to his excellent defense, his armor also had a good shock absorption effect.

Produced by the holy tower, it must be a high-quality product.

In the surprise of two volcanic salamanders, lockty sword dived to the nearest female volcanic salamander, gave it a soft abdomen and made a cross cut.

"Pooh!" The hot blood gushed out violently. Locke caused a lot of trauma to the female volcanic salamander.

"Hiss!" The female salamander eats the pain, turns the whip tail, and draws to Rock again.

Locke, who had suffered a loss, how could he get caught for the second time. When the tail of the whip was about to hit himself, Locke turned around and hid at an incredible angle.

"Pa!" The whip tail hit the rock wall behind Locke, and several sharp stone pillars shook and fell. Locke left the place immediately.

"Sword Qi finger!" Three parallel fighting edges came from Locke\'s fingertips.

The target points directly at the injured soft abdomen of the female salamander.

This time, the female salamander learned to be good. When the edge of the sword Qi finger approached, she immediately turned over and resisted with her hardest back armor.

Two of the three sword Qi fingers were blocked by the back armor of the volcanic salamander, and only one sword Qi finger hit the tail of the female salamander, resulting in a deep incision.

The strength of the female salamander and Locke was immediately known. The other male salamander had run to the cave at the exit, but noticed that his spouse was entangled by Locke and turned around and rushed back.

For more than 100 years, the two volcanic salamanders have long been inseparable from each other.

Seeing that his spouse was beaten badly enough by Locke, the male salamander screamed and leaned down to hit Locke.

It is smarter than the female salamander and knows the soft covering of its abdomen Meat, the way of attack, is mainly collision and biting, and never let Locke close to his lower abdomen.

When attacked by two salamanders, Locke became a little embarrassed. His wind fighting spirit was very difficult to break the hard scales of the volcanic salamander. Only the sword Qi finger of the war skill could tear open a little weak protective positions, such as the tail and fins.

But Locke was not in a hurry, because he saw Mingte and others supporting him.

"Dare you run?! die!" After being put together by two salamanders, Mingte had a breath in his heart. When he approached the battle group, he didn\'t think about it and went straight to the stronger male volcanic salamander.

The original flame knife, which was only two meters long, soared to more than five meters under Mingte\'s sparing efforts, which was close to half the length of the volcanic salamander.

If you don\'t do it, you\'ll kill.

When Minter\'s strike was formed, the male volcanic salamander ignored the struggle with Locke and uttered a sad cry in his mouth, as if he had foreseen the consequences of resisting the strike.

The salamander was tough enough. Knowing that he couldn\'t run, he simply turned his head and hit the Mingte formed by the convergence of the flame knife in his hand.

A knife and a beast collided in an instant, and a fierce explosion came from it. No one could see what was happening inside.

Lambert and Kener, who supported him, replaced Locke\'s main attack position. The female volcanic salamander is weak. They must solve it as soon as possible and then support Minter.

Lambert and Kener also take the road of opening and closing. One person uses a gun and the other a hammer. With the cooperation of each other, they can add a blood hole or a heavy blow to the belly of the volcanic salamander every moment.

Locke, who has consumed 40% of his fighting energy, is like an assassin walking in the dark, hiding at the top of the underground cave, observing the flaws of the volcanic salamander, and occasionally appearing to give the volcanic salamander a deep wound.

At the beginning of their cooperation, they were still stiff and flawed, but with the rising momentum of the attack, their cooperation gradually became orderly and flexible.

There are more and more scars on the female salamander. The scales are like being soaked in blood. They reflect the color of the hot magma flowing in the underground cave, which is quite ferocious.

"Roar!" There was another shock from Knight Minter.

In the dense dust, a red light spot became brighter and brighter, and finally formed a super large light ball with a diameter of more than one meter.

"No, get out of here!" In the darkness, the voice of Knight Minter came.

Lambert and Kener immediately put down their opponents and avoided to the left and right sides. Locke, who was hidden above the underground cave, was no exception. He found a gap that could accommodate his body and hid in.

No one can see what happened better than him. Fighting with Knight Minter, the male volcanic salamander suddenly erupted after being pressed for more than ten moves. The temperature in his mouth rose sharply, and the light ball was its energy attack.

After the light ball expanded to the limit, it finally turned into a light column and shot at Mingte and others.

Hard armor can resist biting and impact, but there are not many ways to deal with this energy attack.

The red light column with extremely high energy level first broke the gas fighting barrier released by several people in a hurry, then quickly tore the gas fighting shield, and finally successfully hit several people.

Fortunately, there are timely avoidance measures. The energy beam faced by several people is not the strongest attack at the center.

When the surrounding energy factors stabilized again, the three men of Mingte were killed again. This time, their goal was the most threatening male volcanic salamander.

At the top of the underground cave, Locke, who was slightly injured, naturally matched the female volcanic salamander.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Of course, the female volcanic salamander still remembered who first caused the wound to herself. Regardless of the blood gushing wound, the female salamander rushed to Locke in an arrogant run.

The female salamander, who had been consumed by the three for a long time, was not as powerful as Locke. Now Locke doesn\'t pay attention to it.

The battle of trapped animals, how can Locke do less these years, and how can he be hurt by this temporarily irrational volcanic salamander.

On the other hand, the male salamander faced by Mingte and others was obviously weak after releasing a big move.

Now they can still play with Mingte three people, but they are just superficial. Mingte three people are also secretly adjusting their breath and fighting spirit, ready to give a fatal blow to the male volcanic salamander.


It is very difficult for underground battles to have any impact on the surface.

While Hellfire giant AI dozed off guarding the floating ship, her master was still beating to death below.

The relatively clear underground space is covered with dust at this time, and the visibility is very low.

The surrounding rock walls were broken several times. Needless to say, the winding molten slurry river was also disturbed by the fighting impact released by several first-class knights.

The male volcanic salamander at the end of the crossbow still has an unwilling roar in his ear. Now it only has bursts of low chirp.

In the despair of the male volcanic salamander, Minter impolitely stuffed his arm into his brain.

Originally, a flame knife was inserted on the hard skull of the volcanic salamander. It was Mingte\'s weapon. At the notch of the skull, the red and white brains slowly drip.

A fist sized red spar was excitedly taken out by Mingte. It is the energy crystal core of a first-class creature. The greatest harvest of this trip.

As soon as the energy crystal nucleus was taken out, the surviving male volcanic salamander immediately stopped breathing, and the light in the pupil quickly decayed and became gray and dead.

For the vast majority of creatures, the energy crystal nucleus in the brain is a little more important than the heart. The heart is broken, and some creatures with tenacious vitality will not die for some time. The energy crystal nucleus is seized, and no one can save it except God.

"Go help brother Locke and don\'t let the female volcanic salamander run away." Exhausted Minter said to his two brothers.

Lambert and Kener looked at each other and supported Locke in the direction of the original battle.

A few minutes ago, Mingte and others had just succeeded in damaging the male volcanic salamander, and soon there was no movement from Locke.

If not for the messenger given by the knight\'s palace, the spiritual power belonging to the nearby Locke still seemed to exist, they would all think that Locke and the female salamander died together.

Sitting on the head of the volcanic salamander with his back against the flame knife, Minter saw that Lambert and Kener came over with a knight in the dust.

The knight between the two is not who Locke is.

The guy\'s face was dripping with scarlet blood, several scratches were visible, and his bones were deeply visible. His left arm was unnaturally twisted. It should be broken. One leg was pulled to the ground. He could barely stand up with the help of Lambert and Kener.

What makes Mingte open his eyes even more unbelievable is that Locke, who is also seriously injured, holds a fire energy crystal core in his hand and grins uncontrollably.

"Brother, you take it?" Minter pointed to the location of the female volcanic salamander.

At this moment, there is only one explanation. Locke killed the first-class volcanic salamander alone just now.

"Hey, a wounded first-class Warcraft, I still can\'t stand it?" Locke spat blood sputum on the ground and said viciously.

Hearing this, Mingte stood up and patted Locke on the shoulder.

Since he was promoted to the first-class knight, he has not recognized many strong men at the same level, and now he has to add Locke.