Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 512

The dark blue prison fire world does not have the local biological protection policy of the wizard world. These lizard creatures are obviously indigenous creatures of this plane. Kill them and no one will make decisions for them.

The three first-class Knights did it very quickly. They killed these ectopic creatures without any mud and water. The seven quasi order lizards caused only a little resistance and were killed by three Knights one after another.

Locke on the floating ship is not completely watching the play. The process of fighting others is also the process of his learning.

From the fighting of several knights, Locke can see whether some of the skills he can use are suitable for him or not, which needs to be tested in the future.

Many Knights grew up like this. They didn\'t have a master to teach them, didn\'t have a systematic study, and only thought about it by themselves.

The three first-class knights are old hands. They clean the battlefield very quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, there is nothing on the ground except some earth bags and pits that have been blown out.

"Hello, my name is Minter. They are my brothers: Lambert and Kener." The first of the three Knights came over and shook hands with Locke.

"Hello, my name is Locke. Your strength is very strong. It seems that I\'m worried too much." Locke laughed at himself.

"It\'s just seven quasi order creatures. It\'s no big deal." Minter shrugged.

Although Mingte said it easily, Locke knew that in order to prevent Locke from picking peaches, the three of them played 90% of their strength in the last period of outbreak.

Now these three people are not hurt, but their fighting spirit and losses are serious.

"Well, can you sell me some of the best crystal cores? The price is easy to discuss." Locke didn\'t beat around the Bush and said directly.

Mingte raised his eyebrows. "I\'m really sorry. These fire are the best crystal nuclei. Our brothers don\'t sell them."

The words were very straight, and there was no doubt in his tone.

"Well, I\'m disturbing you." Locke was not angry and turned to leave.

He saw that the three knights were all knights who practiced fire attribute skills. The fire is the best crystal. They are really of great significance, and Locke wants several best crystal cores just to increase his collection.

If it\'s the best crystal core of the wind system, Locke should pay the price that can impress them. Even if it\'s the crystal core of the fire system, there\'s no need to make enemies with others.

Locke walked very simply, which made Minter stunned. He thought Locke would buy two crystal cores from them like other knights.

The fire skill stresses going straight, bursting, rough and crazy. Mingte\'s three people are just like this. Locke\'s approach is very to Mingte\'s appetite.

"Brother, we will go to a place to hunt crystal nuclei later. You can come if you are interested." Mingte invited Locke who had not gone far.

"Can you tell me where it is?" Locke asked back.

"Not far, just under the molten slurry cave in front." Minter pointed in a direction.

Mingte hasn\'t figured out the situation of the molten crypt yet. He only received the news that there are two first-class volcanic salamanders at the level of Warcraft. The three brothers are confident to deal with two first-class creatures. The purpose of inviting Locke is to prevent accidents.

After all, with many people and many helpers, Locke\'s strength doesn\'t look bad.

Locke thought about the time it would take. The final replenishment deadline of Garlin swamp was four days, which seemed to be enough for him to go on a red business trip.

"OK, I\'ll go with you." Locke laughed.

The floating ship docked in a flat terrain not far from the molten slurry cave mentioned by Minter.

"Look at the floating boat. I\'ll come back as soon as possible." Locke told AI.

"Well, well." AI nodded his head and sat down beside the floating boat.

The floating boat with a height of only eight meters just reached AI\'s shoulder, so AI guarded the floating boat and didn\'t dare to move.

For AI\'s sake, Locke threw him a small bag of gibberellic spar before he left. There were about a dozen pieces in it. "Don\'t eat it in one breath. You are allowed to eat two pieces every five hours."

Red flame crystal contains rich fire energy. Locke is worried that AI will fall into deep sleep after eating at one time.

"Yes." AI was obedient to Locke. She blinked her big apricot yellow eyes, carefully took out a smaller one from the package of red phlogistic crystal and stuffed it into her teeth.

After dealing with AI, Locke followed Minter and others and went to the molten slurry cave.

"Brother Locke, you don\'t need to worry too much. We have almost cleaned up all the high-level creatures nearby. Besides, there are some prohibitions left on the floating ship." Minter smiled at Locke.

"Brother Minter, what level of creatures are you hunting this time?" Asked Locke.

"Two first-class volcanic salamanders, brother, are you interested?" Minter laughed.

"I won\'t come with you if I\'m not interested." Locke laughed, too.

The internal channel of the molten slurry cave is very wide, five or six meters high and seven or eight meters wide. There are many hot mucus residues on the cave wall.

Locke took a little mucus with his finger and twisted it. It looked like the body of a volcanic salamander Liquid.

In some remote corners deep in the cave, Locke also found one or two black scales, which should be the molt of volcanic salamanders.

Minter saw all of Locke\'s actions. He nodded without trace and was a little sure of Locke\'s new knight.

The deeper into the cave, the higher the temperature, and the thicker the fire element in the air.

The three fire fighting knights are OK. Locke can\'t stand it. What he can\'t stand is not the temperature and hot fire element, but the increased sulfur smell.

Wrinkled his nose, Locke didn\'t stimulate the morale shield, but touched the wrist guard on his left arm, and a brown magic armor was formed in an instant.

"Good thing ~" Minter praised Locke\'s equipment.

The three brothers are also wearing armor, and slight elements fluctuate around the armor.

They are also demonized armor, but people with a clear eye can see that the three of them are a little worse than Locke\'s.

There is no morale shield to hide yourself, reduce consumption and avoid startling the snake.

The first-class creatures have a strong sense of smell and insight, especially those living in volcanic lava all year round. They can easily detect something strange in the air.

The crypt was so deep that the four of Locke didn\'t know how long they had been walking, and they hadn\'t seen the bottom yet.

The surrounding air was getting stuffy, and the body of Locke\'s first-class knight was becoming unbearable.

"Fast, about 500 meters away." Minter closed his eyes and felt it, then opened his mouth.

Locke and others leaned forward and were ready at any time.

When there were still 200 meters left at the Mingte point, the four, without exception, immediately aroused all their fighting spirit and rushed to the exit under the crypt.

"Hiss!" "Roar!"

Two roars came out one after another.

When Locke rushed into the underground space, the first thing he saw was the crimson giants intertwined at two ends.

It seems that they chose the wrong time to disturb the volcanic salamander couple.

But at this time, no one will care about these details. He opened his gas shield and enthusiastically burst the fire system. Like a falling meteorite, Mingte took the lead in shooting at two volcanic salamanders.

His two partners Lambert and Kener are not slow. They have already formed a set of cooperation system. Mingte is responsible for the front, and they are responsible for the attack from the flanks.

"Brother Locke, you block their retreat and don\'t let them run away!" A burning two meter flame knife has hit the forehead of a volcanic salamander. Minter shouted to Locke in the fierce battle.

"Don\'t worry!" Locke worked hard and flew faster behind the two volcanic salamanders.

The flexibility and rapidity of the wind system show no doubt. Before Lambert and Kener reach the designated position, Locke has rushed to block the dark hole behind the volcanic salamander, which is their only escape route.

In the dark blue prison fire world, all creatures above level 1 and with wisdom know that their planes are now ruled by a race called human.

Some old guys with a long life span even participated in the epic battle against ectopic faces more than 100 years ago.

But now, they can only shrink in some dark corners like humble mole ants, hoping not to be killed by invaders.

These two volcanic salamanders are lucky. They are the indigenous people of the deep blue prison fire world who survived the plane war a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, they were quasi level little guys, and the cannon fodder pushed out by Hellfire giants existed.

When the powerful Hellfire giants were slaughtered by more powerful human knights and magicians, they just dug a deep pit to the ground on the battlefield with their skilled hole drilling ability.

In the plane war, the attention of both belligerents was on the strong at least one level of each other. No one noticed that two guys like earthworms fled.

Even if I noticed, no one would take care of it. The battle was too fierce.

As the lucky ones who survived the plane war a hundred years ago, two volcanic salamanders saw four suddenly appeared knights.

First, the first reaction was the anger after being disturbed. Then, the second reaction was that the dead risked to escape.

It\'s not that they haven\'t seen as strong as Hellfire giants being slaughtered. Although they were lucky to be promoted to the next level in this underground space, they don\'t think they are opponents of this group of knights.

What should bear the greatest pressure in the battle was the positive Minter. Now the situation has turned into Locke behind them, who is responsible for blocking the retreat.

Under the pressure of death, two volcanic salamanders rushed to Locke with all their strength.

Watching two volcanic salamanders, they rushed to Mingte\'s road, made a strange turn, and then attacked themselves fiercely.

Locke scolded, inspired the light cyan fighting shield, picked up the cutting-edge sword and hardened his scalp.

Positive hard resistance is not Locke\'s specialty. He just wants to delay two volcanic salamanders for a few seconds and buy time for Mingte and others to catch up and support.