Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 505

"Do you want it to be your mount?" Wizard Defoe opened his mouth. What he thought was that the knight had a unique idea.

"I can give it to you, but what can you exchange?" Defoe asked with interest.

This Hellfire is a burden for him. It\'s better to kill the lava core directly. Therefore, he didn\'t have a big opening, but gave the initiative to Locke.

As long as Locke takes out something more valuable than the crystal core of high-level Warcraft, Defoe will sell him face and agree to the deal.

Locke thought about it and threw out two boxes of purple bamboo from the space ring. Yao, the leader of the thunder locust and leech tribe, gave it to him before. He hasn\'t covered it in his hand yet.

"Zihuang bamboo, tut Tut, looks good and its value is a little low, but it\'s enough, and it\'s barely acceptable." Magician Defoe smacked his mouth and said.

If one or two drops of Zihuang bamboo essence can be extracted from these Zihuang bamboos, he must have made a profit.

"Are you sure you want to trade these purple bamboo for this waste? In addition to its strong recovery ability, its combat effectiveness is only in the category of advanced Warcraft." Wizard Defoe asked again with his side.

Hey, I didn\'t expect that the dark magician was still a solid intestines, but Locke thought about it.

"Well, I need it, and I don\'t need it to help me fight." Locke laughed.

Mage Defoe still thought Locke\'s practice was stupid, but he didn\'t continue to say anything.

After a cold hum, magician Defoe unilaterally tore up the contract with the master and servant of the hellfire. Under the agitation of his soul, the face of the Hellfire was whiter than before, "wow", and a mouthful of dark blue blood vomited out.

Locke\'s car is familiar with the deep soul of Hellfire and lays his own spiritual brand. From now on, he will be the owner of this Hellfire, and mage Defoe also put away two boxes of purple bamboo. Everyone is happy.

"I\'ll invite you to my castle when I have a chance to come to Merman city in the north." Defoe said with a smile that Merman city is the power center set up by the holy tower in the dark blue prison fire world.

"If you have a chance, you must!" Locke said, and exchanged contact information with wizard Defoe through Knight messenger and crystal ball.

"This half bottle of blue blood essence purified from Hellfire blood is useless for me. I\'ll give it to you. Take it to this hellfire and it will recover faster." Defoe threw Locke a bottle of blue medicine.

Start with burning. If you look carefully, you will find that the thick blue liquid inside is still boiling and bubbling.

"Thank you, master!" This is a magician named Defoe, who started an experiment to change A little, but for Locke, he is a good friend.

It can\'t be ruled out that this wizard Defoe is making love to Locke and fighting for wizard Ashar. Their relationship is not general~

After seven or eight years in the dark blue prison fire world, Defoe didn\'t know that the magician Ashar had been promoted to level 2, nor did he know when the master\'s sister accepted her disciples.

Described in a vivid word, Defoe is simply an otaku among magicians. He is only immersed in his own experiments all day and pays little attention to what happens outside. He is worthy of the title of "experimental madman".

After they talked and laughed, mage Defoe took the lead in leaving.

Before leaving, magician Defoe gave Locke a large dimensional bag, otherwise Locke was really worried about how to bring back the legless hellfire.

Touching the head of Hellfire with his hand, Locke can perceive the young soul and flawed soul of the huge creature in front of him from the level of spiritual power.

With a sigh, Locke put it into the dimensional bag and didn\'t hurry back. He had to finish the unfinished patrol task. Locke was a rigorous man.

Two days later, at the top of the magnetic suspension mountain, Locke opened a practice field.

Raise your hand and release the Hellfire giant from the dimensional bag. Locke orders the nearby drammons to greet him and prepare some food for him.

"Bring more high calorie meat, fire and thunder minerals. I heard Hellfire eats minerals," Locke told Ann.

Ann was a little stunned. After nearly a hundred years of slavery, Ann had never seen the ruler of Hellfire since she was born. She was just afraid and obedience hidden in the depths of her blood, so Ann didn\'t dare to stay in front of this Hellfire for a long time.

Panicked and ran out. Ann listened to Locke\'s order and went to prepare food for hellfire.

"A four month recovery period?" Locke shook his head. It\'s too long.

Take out the bottle of blood essence given to him by magician Defoe, pull out the plug, a strong smell of plasma comes from it, and even Locke is salivating.

It\'s not that the plasma tastes good, but Locke\'s body mechanism tells him that drinking this bottle of Hellfire giant\'s blood essence is also good for him.

The dying Hellfire on the ground moved its nose, opened its eyes, looked pitifully at Locke.

The fluctuation of spiritual power from the master-slave contract, Locke can feel the inner desire of this hellfire.

"Ann, ANN, I won\'t rob you." Locke patted Hellfire on the forehead.

Now that the Hellfire has followed him and is now counted as his pet, Locke will not treat his own people badly.

Hellfire\'s mind is still very fragile. In the course of more than ten years of life, he spent every day in whipping and painful experiments. When was he so concerned.

Thought of mom, Hellfire\'s heart suddenly sprouted this idea.

A bottle of blue blood essence. Locke fed it a quarter. Hellfire closed his eyes and fell asleep. His eyebrows were still frowning. He seemed to be afraid of something, but the corners of his mouth were bent and should have had a good dream.

Ignoring the Hellfire, Locke walked out.

At present, the practice field is full of blood from the broken limb of Hellfire. It tastes very bad. Locke plans to look for plants that can stop bleeding from the materials handed over by many biological groups in Cixuan mountain.

There are many recovery potions in his space ring, which are prepared for him by grace and Angelina, but the wound on Hellfire is too big to be applied, and Locke is reluctant to spend so many potions.

Not long after Locke left, Ann led a group of drammons into the practice field with a small car.

Two thirds of the car is red and white flesh. Locke requires high calorie food, so Ann selects these flesh and blood rich in fat.

Another third of the cars are filled with colored ores of different shapes, mainly black and blue ores, which contain violent fire and thunder energy.

Other drammons also showed fear of the sleeping hellfire. After Ann agreed, they fled here in a swarm and were unwilling to stay for a minute.

Ann, who saw this Hellfire for the second time, was more courageous. Anyway, the semi residual Hellfire fell asleep. Ann cheered herself up and moved slowly towards the Hellfire curiously.

Gently touched the terrible wound on the waist and abdomen of Hellfire. I feel relieved to think that I am still alive after such a heavy injury. What a big guy!