Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 506

A week later, in the peak practice field of Cixuan mountain, Locke just finished practicing his fighting spirit, began to stimulate the demonized armor in his wrist guard, picked up the cutting-edge sword and became familiar with the battle routine.

This enchanted armor and the cutting-edge sword as a weapon are of great help to the improvement of Locke\'s combat effectiveness. Locke is exploring the most suitable attack method.

On the other side of the practice field, Redmond man an and Hellfire giant, big and small, sneak together and don\'t know what to play with.

Most of the indigenous names in the dark blue Hellfire world have only one word. Locke gave Hellfire a name - AI.

It\'s strange that Locke didn\'t notice when Ann and AI got together. Ann brought AI a pile of active flesh and blood all day. AI often likes to say something to Ann. The two creatures have become inseparable good friends and girlfriends.

It\'s an exaggeration to say that they are inseparable. AI\'s legs haven\'t grown yet. For a week, the bottle of Hellfire blood essence has all fallen into AI\'s belly. In exchange, the massive bleeding in AI\'s waist and abdomen has finally stopped, and a trace of fresh meat stubble has begun to breed.

After practicing a set with a big sword, Locke gasped slightly, put away his equipment and came over.

"How about the collection of materials?" Locke asked Ann.

The floating ship of iron stronghold will come next week. He must hand in all kinds of materials in sufficient quantities at that time.

Hearing Locke\'s question, Ann got up and left AI, ran to Locke and reported respectfully: "Leichi stone has reached the standard. Now the inventory is 21 tons, and other kinds of materials were collected yesterday, all of which have reached the required quantity."

"Well, the materials can then be collected from the following families. If the surplus is stored in the warehouse, it should be prepared for the next quarter." Locke nodded.

"Yes." Ann replied.

This ledmond Locke is very handy. He is usually a little generous and never stingy.

Ann\'s tribe is a large and medium-sized race in the magnetic suspension mountains. Locke doesn\'t care whether Ann takes care of its ethnic group behind her back. As long as she can complete the task assigned to her by Locke, everything is easy to say.

Locke doesn\'t have much desire to control power. He likes to delegate power to the following people, especially those with ability.

After asking, Locke went to Hellfire giant AI.

Ann bit her lip and followed.

After more than a week of contact and upbringing, AI\'s wariness and fear of Locke decreased a lot.

The master-slave contract imprinted in the depths of the soul, a ray of spiritual light bridge runs through the spiritual knowledge sea between Locke and AI. Under Locke\'s deliberate concern, AI is more and more dependent on Locke.

What\'s this, Laurie? Locke smiled bitterly.

This Hellfire is so big that it was transformed by Defoe\'s experiment. The normal teenage Hellfire is not yet an adult, and it is only four or five meters high at most.

Locke is looking forward to how spectacular the height of ten meters will be after AI\'s limbs recover.

It doesn\'t matter if the strength is a little low. I\'m afraid the light power is not small for such a high physique. A fist can break even a grinding plate and bring it back to the three western islands, which will cause the envy of HALS and others.

"Eat well and recover my injury quickly!" Locke patted AI\'s big head.

AI is not used to this intimate contact and wants to avoid Locke\'s palm, but the strange thing is how to hide. Locke can put his palm on her head and simply don\'t hide.

Squinting, AI unconsciously felt the heat from the palm of his head.

Looking at the performance of this Hellfire, Locke knew that it had been abused for a long time and had not completely put down its guard. It needed a long time to get along with each other to resolve the gap in his heart.

Another casual explanation, Locke left here.

When Locke\'s back disappeared, Ann was relieved. He pushed a car\'s food to AI and said something to AI.

AI also replied to "wuwulala".

Ann doesn\'t understand Hellfire language, AI doesn\'t know ledmond language, and they don\'t have the same spiritual communication ability as Locke. I really don\'t know how they communicate with each other and understand each other\'s meaning.

But it\'s also a miracle. This slang with actions between words makes them really understand each other\'s words.

Ann said, "isn\'t lord Locke very good? Here\'s a load of blue sturgeon meat. Please eat it."

AI replied, "Lord Locke is really better than others. This truck of meat is delicious. Can you have another truck?"

After listening to AI, she waved her palm like a palm fan and purred and cheered. Ann nodded like she knew, and went back to push her a cart of meat.

He took a handful of meat in his hand The ball slipped into her mouth and AI chewed the meat, thinking about what kind of person Locke was with her simple mind.

Seeing the different Ann below, AI\'s heart was like a prank. A little minced meat leaked between his hands, and he directly submerged ANN in the meat.

He grinned and AI laughed.

Ann climbed out of the pile of meat angrily and kicked and beat AI\'s rough arm, like tickling AI.

Two little guys, one five meters and one five meters, really made them a pair of good friends.

A week later, a floating ship about 200 meters long and 60 meters wide slowly approached the top of the magnetic suspension mountain.

This is a medium and high model floating ship owned by the knight palace. It is specially used to transport materials. The theoretical carrying capacity is more than 5000 tons.

Locke at the top of the mountain is already ready to welcome.

More than a dozen strong slave creatures acted as coolies today. Hundreds of Aborigines were mobilized to carry materials to floating ships. Several large warehouses in the magnetic suspension mountains began to clear their warehouses.

Standing on a boulder on the top of the mountain, the surrounding atmospheric pressure forced a strong wind. Locke remained unmoved and quietly waited for the floating ship to come.

"It\'s Knight Locke! Hello, I\'m one of the knights in charge of this transport ship, Bilson." On the ship, a burst of hearty laughter came, and a middle-aged knight in a brown fur coat fell from the sky.

"Hello, Knight Bilson." Locke stretched out his arm and shook hands with Bilson.

There was nothing special about the floating ship, but Locke\'s eyes stopped at the blue figure hanging directly below the floating ship.

From top to bottom, it was chained at the bottom of the floating ship and hung in mid air.

Sometimes there is fire around the blue figure. At a distance, Locke can feel the burning energy inside the flame.

The chains and shackles should be specially made. No matter how burned by the creature, there is no sign of damage.

Knight Bilson looked down Locke\'s eyes, "Oh, that\'s a first-class purgatory giant just captured by us. If Knight Locke is interested, you can watch it closely with me."