Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 504

The research on the synthetic beast of corpse training, which is told from the source, is the knowledge inheritance of the oldest wizard department.

Until modern times, element system, warlock system, summoning system, alchemy system, prophecy system all flowers bloom together.

The research on the synthetic beast of practicing corpses was slowly taken over by the necromancer, the dark elemental, the summoner, and even the black magician who everyone shouted. However, it is undeniable that the magician who mastered the knowledge of wizards is definitely a big winner in this regard.

Mage Defoe himself is a dark element master. He has spent so many years in the holy tower. Of course, he has heard of the name of the gifted mage Ashar.

When Locke opened his mind, magician Defoe, like an adventurer who discovered the new world, couldn\'t wait to turn out a lot of experimental notes on the transformation of Hellfire creatures from his space ring.

"The blood solubility is 17.2%. If you first inject earthly blood and ice fire blood into Hellfire before it reaches level 1, the blood solubility is likely to increase to 19.82%. As long as you add some... To 20%, this experiment will be guaranteed!"

Magician Defoe didn\'t care that Locke was still standing next to him. He picked up a goose feather pen and wrote and drew on the experimental notes. From time to time, he wrote a complex magic formula, which was like a dense ghost amulet.

Locke did not disturb the magician Defoe who was temporarily in a state of madness. The magician should have found a solution. At this time, he interrupted others\' thinking. Locke had to bear the consequences of the rage of a first-class magician.

With a trace of curiosity, Locke approached the half body of the hellfire and observed it closely.

This is really a miracle of life. I don\'t know what blood was mixed into this Hellfire by Wizard Defoe, and what experiments were done. It\'s not dead in this state, and its vitality is terrible.

After walking back and forth around the weak Hellfire for three times, Locke can roughly know the creature hellfire.

Blue skin, humanoid, with red and gold stripes on the body, and a wired gap on the inner side of the stripe. This gap is not formed the day after tomorrow, but is born.

Think of the description that the hell fire red flame is added to the body at level 1 or above, the life is endless, and the red flame is immortal. Those red flames wrapped around the hell fire skin erupted from these gaps.

I touched a gap in the Hellfire\'s thick arm. It was cold and smooth. Its skin was covered with enamel. It could withstand a high temperature of 500 degrees at least.

Promise is to feel someone touch yourself. Hellfire slowly opens his eyelids, reveals his apricot yellow eyes and looks at Locke.

It is now weak, like cattle and sheep to be slaughtered on the chopping board, but after a while of recovery, there is less blue blood gushing from its broken waist, and some inconspicuous wounds are healing slowly.

Every infernal fire\'s red gap is a sensitive area, and the grease layer is even more sensitive. When Locke gently wipes it, the infernal fire frowns slightly and its hair drops for a while Sing.

"Shit!" Locke jumped a step after being frightened.

This Hellfire is not only a teenager, but also a girl. Are the creatures in the dark blue Hellfire world so strange? The ledmeng girl ANN is like this, and so is this hellfire.

It can only be said that the biological differences between different planes are too great. They are both humanoid creatures. The cat women and fox women of the orc and the mermaid of the sea are popular on the three western islands, while the ledemons and Hellfire giants in the dark blue prison fire world are expected to be given away.

Of course, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds, excluding some heavy ones Taste knights and magicians may like this tone.

The movement of Locke woke up the deep thinking magician Defoe over there.

A look of unhappiness on his face flashed away. Pick up your mood and magician Defoe walked to Locke.

"It\'s getting late. I have to go back and continue my experiment. I hope Bono has such good goods." Said magician Defoe to Locke.

Bono City, another ruling center of the three western islands in the dark blue prison fire world, is under the power of level 4 Knight Gaia.

Locke\'s iron bastion is under the command of level 4 Knight Odyssey.

"Is there a lot of Hellfire in Bono?" Locke asked casually. He didn\'t see hell fire during his days in the iron fortress.

"Well, the Hellfire giants in the dark blue Hellfire world are enslaved and imprisoned most in Bono City, except for the part scattered in the center of the world."

Although Locke was a little upset about his plan just now, Defoe patiently explained that he owed Locke a big favor anyway.

Defoe packed up very neatly. The experimental equipment had just been collected. Now some corner materials were packed into the space ring by him. After a while, there was only this hairy hell fire on the ground.

"Hey, the blood hedging is fierce, and the gene controllability does not meet my expected requirements, so the cell repair ability is strong. It\'s still a waste. Let me take out your lava core and squeeze out the last benefit value." Mage Defoe looked at the failed experiment with regret.

Lava core is mostly the energy crystalline material in Hellfire, which is equivalent to the demon core of Warcraft and human heart. Once taken out, it is definitely the end of complete death immediately.

A lava core of high-level Warcraft level is indeed tasteless. It\'s a pity to abandon it. It has just entered the eyes of first-class strong people such as Locke and devils.

Another dark energy arrow is formed, straight to the Hellfire head.

Recovering some Hellfire still has no resistance. It is even weak and can\'t even dodge. It can only close its eyes and wait for death.

"Wait!" Locke suddenly raised his hand and said, "master, do you say it has strong cell repair ability?"

"Yes, it\'s stronger than ordinary hellfire. Its cell regeneration rate is 1.74%, ordinary Hellfire is only 0.59%, and human knights are less than 0.38% Said difurton.

"It\'s still useless. The cell regeneration rate I originally set must reach at least 2.5%. It\'s still a failure." Defoe shook his head.

"According to your meaning, the lower body lost by this Hellfire will grow back slowly?" Locke\'s eyes sparkled.

Asked by Locke, magician Defoe touched his chin to think, took out a crystal ball to calculate, and said to Locke, "with its current recovery speed, supplemented by a large amount of flesh and blood, it will take four months to grow the lost limbs of his whole body."

"What? Are you interested in it?" Defoe\'s face showed strange light. He didn\'t think wrong. With the physical appearance of Hellfire, as long as he was a normal knight, he wouldn\'t have that idea.

"Well, I didn\'t bring my mount with me when I came to this seat. Now I\'m short of a substitute." Locke looked at the Hellfire with burning eyes.

Half of the body is five meters. When the lower body grows back, isn\'t it ten meters tall?

Scorpion Lord Adam LISS is just that head. Locke thinks it will save a lot of effort to have this giant carry himself on patrol.