Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 503

After finishing all the things, Defoe turned around and had a heart to chat with Locke.

Anyway, Locke is also the person in charge of the magnetic suspension mountain and the head of the earth. He, a first-class magician, came here to do experiments and make such a big noise. It doesn\'t make sense if he didn\'t visit Locke.

There are no indigenous biological groups living in the neighborhood, and there are no mineral resources. It is just that the environment is a little damaged. The middle and low-level Warcraft nearby were hindered by the first-class magician and killed more than a dozen at random. Locke won\'t hold on to this trivial matter.

"Master, what is this?" After chatting for a while, Locke looked at the blue giant who had lost half his body behind him and asked.

I don\'t know what kind of freak the blue giant has been transformed into by magician Defoe. He has no lower body, has lost more than half of his blood, and has broken stubbles and flesh in his waist and abdomen. Looking at a tough man like Locke, his eyes twitch, but that\'s the scene. This guy hasn\'t died yet!

Of course, there is more air in and less air out. It seems that it will not work in the next second, but it is still hanging a breath.

Mage Defoe looked at Locke, smiled and said, "are you a knight who has just come to the dark blue prison fire world?"

"Yes." Locke nodded honestly.

"No wonder you don\'t even know hellfire." Defoe smiled, pointing to the half crippled dark blue giant.

"This is Hellfire?" Locke was so surprised that he came forward and looked around.

"Doesn\'t it mean that hell fire is red fire, which is immortal? Why is this head like this?" Locke raised his question. He didn\'t see any flame from the hellfire.

"You said it was Hellfire above level 1. The main opponent we met when invading the dark blue Hellfire world was not yet an adult." Master Defoe sneered.

Locke still has some doubts, because in his understanding, Hellfire is a flame giant with a height of eight meters. Since this Hellfire is still a minor, how can half of its body be five meters? If it needs to be fully grown, isn\'t it ten meters tall?

Defoe saw Locke\'s doubts and explained, "this Hellfire is my experimental transformation, mixed with other blood, not a pure hellfire."

"It turns out that the master is still an expert in corpse training and synthetic animals." Locke flattered Defoe without trace.

Seeing Defoe\'s complacent expression, I was very satisfied with the title of "expert" given to him by Locke.

Magicians who have studied corpse synthetic animals are usually mentally abnormal. They are extreme and stubborn. They can think of cutting their experimental body into half to study. Indeed, this guy has changed a little State.

Locke wondered if he should leave as soon as possible so as not to have anything to do with such moody magicians.

"Hey, I chose this minor Hellfire from Bono city. I didn\'t expect it to be a waste. The degree of blood fusion is so low!" Locke\'s "expert in training corpses and synthetic animals" made Defoe regard Locke as a confidant who could talk to him for the time being.

He complained to Locke about how much savings he had spent, how many precious materials he had collected through thousands of mountains and rivers, and what blood research and theoretical support means he had used to complete his current subject.

From time to time, a proper term for a magician pops up, saying that Locke is stunned.

"It would be nice to add more cold rock grass. It can increase the genetic and molecular controllability by 2.3%. This guy may not be a failure." Defoe sighed as he looked at the infernal fire behind him.

"I think it may not be the problem of cold rock grass. Master of gene controllability, you have reached the limit. Maybe you should find a problem in fusing blood types." Locke was stunned and said that he didn\'t know how to make synthetic animals, but he did blood research experiments with assar magician for a period of time.

Assar magician is usually a stuffy jar, but he is very excited during the experiment. Regardless of whether Locke understands it or not, he often tells him some experimental principles.

Locke unconsciously expressed his views at this time.

Hearing that a knight doubted his experimental conclusion, master Defoe\'s good mood just dissipated because of Locke\'s boasting. You, a knight who can\'t even carry the element cycle, come to instruct me to do the experiment?

Wizard Defoe blew his beard and stared. He turned back to leave here and ignored the arrogant knight. However, when he turned back, he saw half of the Hellfire waist stubble, half of the blood stopped and half of the blood bled. Suddenly, a trace of insight passed through his heart.

"Yes! Hell fire is a natural fire attribute constitution, and thunder attribute is acquired. I took the biological blood of ice attribute as the stabilizer between the two, and inadvertently ignored the fact that hell fire below level 1 has no thunder attribute blessing! Oh! Damn it!" Magician Defoe suddenly scolded angrily, with a look of regret on his face.

The ice attribute blood and Hellfire\'s fire attribute and thunder attribute blood? When Locke heard wizard Defoe\'s strange cry, he thought it was really a wonderful work. He dared to think of this kind of deviant method.

Contact with water and fire energy attributes will cause hedging extinction effect, which is the common knowledge of a magic apprentice in the holy tower. As a close branch of water attribute, ice attribute is also incompatible with fire energy.

However, if the thunder attribute is added, the three elements can barely reach a balance, which may really enable this guy to create a monster.

Unfortunately, this is only if the three fierce elements reach a balance, which can not be achieved by the strength of assar magician. What does Locke think of this untidy black robed magician Defoe is not that material.

"Do you also study magic? Are you interested in studying this project with me?" This time, magician Defoe made a 180 degree turn in his attitude and looked at Locke with bright eyes.

He thought that Locke was promoted to the first level and began to practice magic after understanding the use of spiritual power.

"No, I don\'t specialize in magic. I just beat a magician before." Locke shook his head.

"Who is the master?" Defoe couldn\'t wait to ask. A knight hit him. He had such insight. The magician\'s research in the blood field was absolutely ahead of schedule.

Looking at the expectant eyes of wizard Defoe, Locke spit out a few words "wizard Ashar."

"Ah?!" Mage Defoe\'s expression was momentary stunned, and then made a meditative state, "mage Ashar does have this possibility. She was ahead of all first-class mages on the three western islands on the research road of wizard power."

Master Defoe even knows sorcerer assar. Also, sorcerers of Santa tower like academic exchanges. Sorcerer assar is one of the most powerful. It is normal for many people to know her.


A few hours of study, dizziness, a few hours of code words, refreshing.

Locke\'s story in the dark blue prison fire world, I steal a lazy title in each chapter, just one, two, three, four How about standing back?

If you think it\'s OK, just do it. If you don\'t think it\'s OK, Xiaodou won\'t be lazy. It all depends on what you mean.