Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 502

This is a deep dense forest, located at the northwest boundary of the magnetic suspension mountains. The withered vegetation and silent mountains and forests constitute this scene today.

Locke, who patrolled here, released a circle of mental force detection wave according to the Convention. Before the mental force detection wave reflected back, Locke raised his feet and was about to leave.

What can happen here? Locke, who had been patrolling for most of the day, was curious about all kinds of things in the ectopic forest at the beginning. After watching more, he found that it was the same thing.

What he wants now is to finish patrolling quickly and go back to either practice fighting spirit for a while or sleep.

Finally, I understand why the last garrison knight was so excited when he came to take over. This place is really boring. Not even a person with a common language.

As soon as he took a step, Locke stopped. There was movement 2000 meters away from him, and the breath was very familiar. There should be knights or magicians from the three western islands there.

This area can be regarded as his Garrison area. After thinking about it, Locke decided to go and have a look.

The energy fluctuation in front is quite stable. It doesn\'t seem like a battle. Fly slowly. The closer the distance, the more a strong smell of blood. With curiosity, Locke reaches his destination.

I saw a dark blue humanoid creature up to five meters on the flat ground, lying on the ground and howling in pain.

The state of this humanoid creature is very strange. It has only the upper body and disappears out of thin air below the waist. Countless blue meat stubbles breed from its waist, and torrential blue blood gushes from its broken waist.

The smell of blood around here is so heavy, which is caused by the blue blood.

The giant without half his body lay there. Because of the pain in his waist and abdomen, his two broad arms kept hammering the ground, making the ground \'touch, touch\' sound.

"Be quiet!" A curse came from the blue giant\'s waist, and Locke noticed that there was still a man in black.

This is a Santa magician. From the energy fluctuation it shows, Locke judges that he is a first-class magician.

The blue giant in front of him, who had no lower body and was like a pig or cow to be slaughtered, only showed the strength of senior Knight attendants.

With the mental acuity of the first-class magician, he should have discovered Locke\'s arrival, but the magician ignored Locke. He seems to be busy now.

A needle hole with a thick arm of a child was inserted into a swinging arm of the blue giant, and a needle of medicine was injected. The blue giant was really honest, and the shaking strength of his arm gradually decreased.

"Hum, I can\'t stand this pain. How can you be my test object!" The black robed magician sneered, then took out a scalpel and carefully cut the blood and flesh at the stubble of the blue giant\'s waist.

The palm sized flesh and blood tissue was cut off. No matter the blue giant was still bleeding, the black robed magician couldn\'t wait to take out a high-power mirror and observe it.

To Locke\'s surprise, the blue giant\'s wound, which had just been cut off by the black robed magician, soon returned to normal and no longer bled.

However, the bigger stubble on the waist and abdomen of the blue giant showed no sign of recovery, and kept spraying blood.

Also, one is an insignificant small wound for the blue giant, and the other is the pain of a broken limb without the lower body. Which is lighter or weaker can be judged at a glance.

"Damn it!" At this time, the black robed magician suddenly let out an angry roar.

"The cell regeneration rate is only 1.74%, and the resistance of parasitic bacteria has increased by three percentage points. Why don\'t you die!" The black robed magician obviously didn\'t like the experiment. He began to beat and kick the experimental body in front of him.

The magician did not fight with physical power, but borrowed the wonderful use of spiritual power.

One basin sized mark after another appeared on the remaining half of the blue giant\'s body. The bleeding in his waist and abdomen expanded again, and the blue giant became weaker and weaker.

"Lord Defoe, after three years of research, I developed such a thing as you! Die!" The black robed magician thought more and more, and his heart became more and more different. His face remained cloudy and sunny, and became worse and worse. On impulse, he had the idea of killing the blue giant.

A black energy arrow was formed in the magician\'s hand. This is a solid first-class magic. The arrow of the energy arrow is pointing to the blue giant\'s head.

Perhaps feeling the arrival of the final moment of life, the weak blue giant flashed back for a few seconds. He lost too much blood and was given a high concentration anesthetic. He had no strength to resist. Dizzy, the blue giant remembered the warmth in his mother\'s arms when he was a child, and issued a sad cry the moment before the black robed magician\'s energy arrow shot.

This is still a child! Locke didn\'t expect that the dark blue giant, half naked and five meters huge, was just a teenager from the perspective of spiritual fluctuation!

The giant\'s bleary cry moved Locke\'s breath. The black robed magician remembered that there was another man staring at him for a long time.

"Who!" The black robed magician turned the energy arrow and stared coldly at Locke\'s position.

He had already seen that it was a knight there. Otherwise, when Locke first approached here, he greeted him with a dark arrow, rather than letting Locke watch the play for so long.

The black robed magician didn\'t start immediately, but sent a signal to Locke that he didn\'t want to fight with Locke, that is, he didn\'t want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Hello, master. I\'m the knight Locke patrolling nearby. Dare you ask me the name of the master?" Locke, like all knights who encounter magicians of the same level, greeted respectfully and politely.

"Defoe!" The black robed magician has just failed his experiment. He is not in the mood to talk nonsense with Locke here.

When I learned that Locke was a knight patrolling nearby, I didn\'t have any doubt. I was just upset when Locke interrupted me.

The magician and the vast majority of magicians Locke knew were very similar in character and did not like talking to strangers. After they reported their names to each other, magician Defoe put away his guard and began to pick up the experimental device in front of him.

In order not to offend the magician, Locke always kept a safe distance from him.

This wizard Defoe is also OK. I guess he has conducted magic experiments in the deep mountains and forests for at least a week. He is really an experimental madman.

The experimental equipment is packed quickly. For magicians, their most precious items, except for the staff and robe, may be their set of experimental equipment. Everyone knows the truth that money is not revealed. Master Defoe is obviously an old hand.