Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 501

"Ha! Drink!" At the top of the magnetic suspension mountain, in a practice field opened by Locke himself, Locke is practicing his long lost martial arts with a big sword.

The open-edged sword was originally created by master Santa bosh. The streamlined body reduces the weight of the sword and increases the flexibility of the open-edged sword. It is very suitable for Locke\'s style fighting users.

In addition to the cutting-edge sword, there is also a supporting armor. Magician bosh is an old acquaintance. There is no pit Locke and summoning armor in this regard. Only after Locke\'s spiritual strength is bound, a thought in his heart appears and wears it on Locke immediately.

Usually, this armor becomes an insignificant wrist guard, which is worn by Locke on his arm.

Locke loves this set of equipment. When performing tasks with HALS and others a few months ago on the three western islands, Locke was reluctant to use this set of equipment for several tasks with low risk.

Any equipment has durability and service life. If there is any damage to the armor, it will be a painful cost to take it to master bosh for repair.

It\'s almost two weeks since he arrived at the magnetic suspension mountain. After Locke handled the handover of all races, he gradually adapted to everything in this plane.

The temperature is a little higher than the wizard world, the oxygen concentration is lower, the air is filled with sulfur smell, and the free energy in the environment is mainly fire system, earth system, thunder system and light system This is what Locke summed up in the past half a month.

These environmental factors are secondary to the official Knight Locke. The first-class creatures can adapt to most of your harsh environments.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was the plane suppression effect that existed in Locke all the time.

The longer he stayed here, the more Locke missed the mother world and the three western islands, the place where he raised his breast milk.

After Locke finished exercising, an MA, who had been waiting on the side, came over and handed Locke a towel.

While wiping his sweat, Locke listened to Ann report on the material handover of various ethnic groups recently.

"I know that. Go and stare at those slave creatures. Don\'t let them steal." Locke casually gave Ann a task.

"Yes." This task, ANN can\'t wait.

In the past, there was often a man in the Cixuan mountains who mysteriously disappeared indigenous creatures, and he could always see some bones eaten clean meat outside the camps of slave creatures.

Now with Locke\'s constraints, these slave creatures will be much more honest.

After Ann left, Locke took out two things from the space ring: one is the cultivation method of fighting Qi in the wind, and the other is the negative energy fusion bead given by master Michelle.

Originally, Locke planned to go to the ectopic side and take out his spare time to directly convert his eagle fighting spirit, but when he really began to try to convert his fighting spirit, he found that it was not so simple.

There should be no mistake in changing the skill. Locke finally understood why master ASAR advised him not to change the fighting spirit attribute. He had some skills that he couldn\'t play and didn\'t use. That didn\'t kill him.

Plane suppression, the constant plane suppression in the dark blue prison fire world, is the culprit for Locke\'s dare not change the fighting spirit skill.

"Hey, it seems that we can\'t consider changing the skill method until we return to the three western islands." Locke had no choice but to think of it.

He is still young, less than 40 years old. With a life span of 200 years for first-class knights, he still has a lot of youth to spend. After trying to understand this, Locke simply put it behind him and ignored it for the time being.

Turn around and look at another thing, negative energy fusion beads.

After the teacher\'s banquet, Locke checked some information and realized how cheap he had picked up and how much he owed master Michelle.

The negative energy shield that can resist 20000 degree attack can be activated, and the strongest magic that level 2 magicians can use is only about 10000 degrees.

The attack strength of level 3 magicians is about 30000 degrees.

In other words, as long as Locke doesn\'t want to die by himself, with this negative energy fusion bead in hand, his safety can be guaranteed.

And with Locke\'s character, he will never go to the third level creatures to compete.

Not to mention the third level creature, the second level creature Locke doesn\'t want to face-to-face. He knows how many kilograms he has. At the first level creature level, he is a person with almost medium strength, but under the second level creature, he is nothing.

Locke is not a madman who only knows how to cultivate. He cares about his family and pays attention to family affection. Now his strength is enough for him. He has completed the task of ectopic surface stationing for six years with peace of mind, and saved some possessions by the way to improve his strength. This is his original intention.

Put away the two most valuable things in front of him. Locke changed his clothes and walked out.

At this time, the top of the Cixuan mountain is a little busy. On average, more than a dozen tribes will send the payment materials of this quarter. An LED dozens of ledmon people to record the materials into the warehouse. A group of slave creatures lie on both sides of the road and yawn bored.

Seeing Locke coming out, these slave creatures with high wisdom quickly nodded and bowed to show their kindness.

He noticed Locke\'s magnetic suspension mountain race, but also responded with a restrained and awe. Two weeks ago, Locke went to various tribes to collect supplies, making them remember the new controller of the magnetic suspension mountain.

Locke didn\'t come out to watch slave creatures and aborigines flatter. He glanced at the blue skin spotted lion mastiff closest to him and the most powerful. Locke frowned. He needs a mount.

Locke did not regret leaving Fermo on the three western islands. He was not there. Raffi and Xia Xi needed a quasi order scorpion to be responsible for their safety. Only here, Locke didn\'t even have a means of transportation.

Spotted lion mastiff from its thigh muscle shape and bone size, Locke can see that this guy is not suitable for long-distance running, but good at short-distance outbreak.

The magnetic suspension mountain covers an area of 20000 kilometers, which is the territory that Locke needs to patrol.

Patrols do not need to be too frequent and can be conducted once every three weeks, focusing on expelling potential crises in the magnetic suspension mountains and reporting special situations in the jurisdiction area to the iron ridge fort.

If Locke finds that there are unknown targets that can\'t be defeated, or difficult problems that can\'t be solved, iron bastion will send special knights to help solve them.

The spotted lion mastiff can\'t count on walking for himself. Locke turns his attention to several winged intermediate Warcraft nearby.

After a rough sweep, Locke was slightly disappointed.

How big can the intermediate Warcraft level birds be, and whether they can carry the moving Locke first, the comfort level must not be compared with the broad back of the scorpion dragon.

I can only fly by myself, Locke sighed.

With a patrol area of 20000 square kilometers, it will take at least three days to patrol.

There was no way. Locke got up and flew West.