Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 498

The next day, riding a multi legged horse unique to the deep blue prison fire world, Locke took a group of slave creatures stationed in the suspended mountains to the hinterland of the mountains.

The biological strength of these slaves is generally low. There is only one high-level Warcraft, and the rest are mainly low-level and intermediate Warcraft.

They were rubbish removed from the slave Legion by the holy tower and knight palace, and were thrown here to help the stationed first-class Knights manage the aborigines.

Although their strength is not high, their loyalty can be guaranteed. They are the most loyal dog legs of the garrison knights and the sharpest claws and teeth to deter the nearby ethnic groups.

At 10 a.m., the team came to the first biological population settlement in the suspended mountains - the sickle dwarf population.

This is a group of humanoid creatures with a height of less than 1.2 meters, belonging to the ledmeng nationality.

The arrival of slave creatures led by Locke broke the peace of this small valley.

The sickle dwarf has red skin and slightly hot golden marks on both sides of his cheeks. He has great strength and low wisdom.

In this fire sickle dwarf tribe with a population of nearly 1000, an old fire sickle dwarf with a very thick beard walked in the front to welcome Locke.

The old scythe dwarf was helped forward by many scythe dwarves around him. His beard was braided into dozens and spread to the ground. The longest lock was nearly two meters, which was longer than his height.

The golden marks on the temples are dense, forming a mysterious rune.

It is said that as soon as the sickle dwarves are born, they have golden marks on their temples. The more golden marks, the higher their wisdom and strength, and they are most protected by their ancestors.

The old scythe dwarf seemed to have a high prestige in the tribe. Walking ahead, it didn\'t speak, and other scythe dwarves were quiet.

Locke looked at all this coldly.

"My Lord, this is the thunder blazing stone of this quarter." The old sickle dwarf spoke racial slang, which Locke could understand with his mental strength.

The scythe dwarves, which have 1000 ethnic groups, are the middle-class ethnic groups in the suspended mountains. In the past, they had to take out 5000 kilograms of blazing stones a quarter. Now there are only less than 3000 kilograms here.

More than a dozen sickle dwarves struggled to push out seven or eight cars filled with dark blue ore in front of Locke.

Locke took out a small pyramid, which was the oversized space equipment distributed to him by the knight\'s palace when he left the iron fortress.

With a wave of his hand, all these thunder blazing stones were loaded in, leaving a blank car.

The fire sickle dwarves who witnessed this scene issued a slight exclamation one after another. They had no systematic teaching and only slight wisdom. They would often be amazed at this kind of miracle scene.

The ruling policy of the knight\'s palace in the dark blue prison fire world is very simple, enslavement and plunder. From the day when the world was captured, it was destined to input a steady stream of effective forces into the slave legion of the knight\'s palace.

The various resources produced in this world also serve as a solid backing for the knight palace to feed the wizard world and expand the forces of the three western islands.

The scythe dwarves are not worth filling into the slave Legion. Their weak power is not even worth the magicians. They waste their spiritual power to imprint their souls. Therefore, their value lies only in mining minerals.

Low level wisdom is conducive to the management of the knight\'s palace. These sickle dwarves generally have a slight ability to control the element of fire. Their strength is at the level of demonized creatures on average, but their intelligence is not as good as that of 11-year-old children, and their knowledge is extremely short. They will not step out of the suspended mountains in their whole life.

Ignoring the kneeling behavior of some of the scythe dwarves, Locke stared at the old scythe dwarves and asked, "what\'s left?"

The cold eyes frozen through his heart. The old sickle dwarf barely had the strength of an intermediate magic apprentice, but he still felt the threat of death.

"A month ago, the volcano, people, lost, we were understaffed..." The old scythe dwarf, frightened by Locke\'s little skill of mental impact, said in slang intermittently.

Hearing the words of the volcano, the other sickle dwarves around were sad. Some of their relatives died in the volcanic eruption.

In the dark blue prison fire world, volcanic eruptions are as common as rain in the wizard world.

Small scale volcanic eruptions, like light rain, not only do not harm creatures, but can promote the compliance of the rules of the dark blue prison fire world and bring vitality to all races living around the volcano.

For example, for the sickle dwarves, the fire energy brought by volcanic eruption can be partially absorbed by them. In the season of volcanic eruption, it is also the season with the highest birth rate of the sickle dwarves.

Large scale volcanic eruptions are different, just like rainstorms that can cause floods. The sickle dwarves like fire elements, which doesn\'t mean they are immune to fire elements.

When the hot molten slurry poured down, they had to die.

What the old flame sickle dwarf said refers to the large-scale volcanic eruption a month ago, which not only killed hundreds of its people, but also lost a third of the previously mined Leichi stone.

"This is not a reason!" Locke shook his head insolently. He had no sympathy for the aborigines.

"I\'ll give you three more weeks. Then give me the remaining 2000 kilograms of Leichi stone to the top of the suspension mountain!" Locke held out three fingers.

What else did the old scythe dwarf want to say? A tearing fighting spirit wave was generated in front of him.

The death threat flashed by, and the old sickle dwarf bowed his head and found that his long beard had been cut off.

Sword Qi finger!

Locke is more and more adept at using this combat skill. In the past, if he couldn\'t control his strength, what he just tore was not a beard, but its body.

Locke blocked the old sickle dwarf with action. If he mined 2000 kilograms of Leichi stone in three weeks, he could only start all the people of their tribe, including the old, weak, women, children and children!

Then everyone has gone to mining. Who will grow food and rebuild the home destroyed by volcanic lava a month ago?

These are what the old sickle dwarf needs to consider.

At this time, a young scythe dwarf next to the old scythe dwarf stood up. He was the successor of the scythe dwarf tribe. He was more intelligent than ordinary people. He understood the dialogue between Locke and the clan leader just now.

"Sir, we..." The young scythe dwarf had just opened his mouth and was ready to say something to Locke, either begging for forgiveness for some time or something else.

But these Lockes could not hear, because the moment the young sickle dwarf stood up, a spotted mane mastiff with blue skin rushed out and swallowed the sickle dwarf into his stomach.

"Creak, creak." The sound of bone fragmentation came from the mouth of the spotted mane mastiff, and a little scarlet blood flowed out of the canine teeth.

All the scythe dwarves, including the old scythe dwarf, were scared to crawl on the ground by the sudden event.

Locke, the initiator of the accident, has left here at the forefront of the team. There are many races and tribes in the suspended mountains. I don\'t know if I can go all the way today. How can I waste time here.

"Well done." Riding on the back of a multi legged horse, Locke threw an intermediate crystal core to the high-level Warcraft spotted mane mastiff as encouragement.

What ushered in was the spotted maned mastiff, a burst of begging and shaking its head and tail.


Eight more, nearly 20000 words, saved a lot of days to save so much.

There may not be so much tomorrow. I can only say try my best.

Speechless, make complaints about app today. I believe that three new posts are added, two are advertisements, one is not good for Tucao, and I am speechless.

In my heart, I deleted the three posts. I almost never deleted the reader\'s posts. This is the first time. Hey, don\'t say it. My brother who has always supported me also knows Xiaodou\'s bitterness.