Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 499

The disappearance of an ectopic life did not cause any fluctuations in Locke\'s heart.

The standard of 200000 tons of Leichi stone was the bottom line given by the knight\'s palace to many ethnic groups in the magnetic suspension mountains decades ago.

For more than a decade, the knight palace has been pursuing the most appropriate deprivation ratio calculated by Santa magicians. These indigenous people in the dark blue prison fire world have been enslaved for so many years. Not only has their population not decreased much, but it has shown a stable trend. In recent years, some ethnic populations have increased.

Locke doesn\'t think that just a large-scale volcanic eruption will make the task indicators for this quarter unfinished in his hands.

Even if you want to fill it, you have to collect 200000 tons of thunder blazing stone for me! This is Locke\'s most real idea.

Among the accompanying slave creatures, Ann was also among them. Locke allowed her to ride on the back of a low-level slave creature.

Yes, the ladmon named Ann is a female. ANN, who can be called a "beauty" in the ladmon group, looks quite disgusting in Locke\'s eyes.

It can only be said that the aesthetic gap between different races is too large.

Ann is in a bad state now. She looks pale and shows signs of vomiting.

Just now she wanted to intercede with the sickle dwarf tribe. After all, we are all ledemons and close relatives, but before she could say anything, she saw that the young sickle dwarf was chewed up by a ferocious spotted lion mastiff.

Ann served the last garrison knight for a year. She believed that these seemingly ferocious Warcraft would never dare to eat her people. Slave creatures that were the source of fear for the ledmond people were just a group of docile kittens for the Knights of the three western islands.

Then there is only one possibility that it was inspired by the knight.

An Qingxing said one step late, otherwise it would be him who was chewed and eaten.

Ledmond\'s cowardice in human nature made Ann have such a lucky idea.

"What\'s the next stop?" Locke\'s voice interrupted Ann\'s thoughts. In a hurry, Ann finally pointed out the direction for Locke.

One morning, under Locke\'s strong order, the twelve races who did not pay enough Leichi stone promised to collect the amount to be paid in three weeks.

Locke\'s approach was very gentle. He just said his requirements. He didn\'t do it. He really didn\'t do it.

But the spotted lion mastiff ate a little all morning and couldn\'t even walk.

Many races in the magnetic suspension mountains have been weak for many years, and species with a little strength have been caught and filled into the slave Legion to work endlessly for the Knights and magicians of the three western islands until they die.

After being intimidated and killing chickens to show the monkeys, all the tribal leaders were honest. Anyway, they were not the ones who went to dig thunder blazing stones.

This is a very interesting food chain. Locke oppressed the tribal leaders, and the tribal leaders ordered their people to work hard.

Of course, during this period, there were also some ignorant and self appointed sage tribal leaders who fought with their lives in the hope that Locke could ease them for a period of time.

There\'s nothing to say about the result. You can\'t complete the index. Naturally, others can complete the index. Three tribes have changed their leaders today.

Where\'s the original leader?

They went to the stomach bag of spotted lion mastiff for a day. Maybe tomorrow, they can return to the dark blue prison fire world with another substance.

Today\'s progress is surprisingly fast.

At noon, Locke arrived at a new tribal settlement.

The thunder locust leech looks very much like an enlarged insect. It has two pairs of transparent thin wings, which are surrounded by electric light.

This is the largest species in the dark blue prison fire world except the ledemons.

It was the leader of the thunder locust leech tribe who came out to meet Locke. He was also the most powerful warrior in the tribe. It seemed that he had the strength of a high-ranking attendant.

Considering that thunder locusts and leeches can use one or two lightning attack methods, their actual strength may be higher.

This thunder locust leech is not low in wisdom. It expresses its most sincere greetings to Locke on behalf of its people.

These virtual Locke didn\'t care. What interested him was that the thunder grasshopper tribe had consciously paid the amount of Qi Leichi stone.

A total of 9000 kilograms. This is a big tribe.

"Good." Locke nodded with satisfaction.

He didn\'t ask the leader why you can gather together the blazing stone. As a commander, he just needs to issue orders. As long as he can see what he wants to see, what the following people do, no matter what he does.

More interestingly, when Locke collected the thunder blazing stone and was ready to leave, the leader of the thunder locust suddenly invited Locke to sit in his tribe.

Looking up at the blue sun in the sky, Locke thought he had to take a break for lunch.

This thunder grasshopper tribe has 3000 people. Every thunder grasshopper is terrified of the arrival of Locke and others.

The slave creatures were arranged outside the grasshopper tribe by Locke. He could see that these thunder grasshoppers were not afraid of him, but these slave creatures.

Presumably in the past, the thunder locusts had an unforgettable impression of these slave creatures.

Walking into the grasshopper and leech tribe, bamboo fences and houses can be seen everywhere. Locke thought that these thunder grasshoppers slept in the cave. Unexpectedly, their civilization level was not low.

Bamboo is not ordinary bamboo. A little electric current flows through it. It is the favorite material for low-level thunder magicians in the holy tower when making magic wands - thunder bamboo.

No wonder it is said that there is an inch of land and gold on the ectopic surface, which has won countless knights and magicians to plunder one after another. The dark blue prison fire world has been developed by the three western islands for 100 years, and so many magic materials have not been mined out.

Lei Zhu is good for middle and low-level magic apprentices, but he looks down on Locke. If the number is large, it\'s better to say that more than a dozen pieces will give him trouble.

In a corner of a thunder bamboo fence, Locke found more than a dozen burned and shapeless bodies of thunder locusts and leeches. Black hard blocks appeared on the bodies, which were volcanic rocks after the molten slurry was cooled.

It seems that this thunder grasshopper tribe also suffered some losses in the large-scale volcanic eruption more than a month ago.

The leader of the thunder locust leech tribe is named Yao. After Locke was invited into its bamboo house, the characteristic delicacies of the thunder locust leech tribe were brought up.

Baked milky white insects, grayish green viscous slurry, sugarcane and bamboo harder than steel Locke\'s mouth twitched slightly. If he didn\'t see from the fluctuation of mental power that the leader of the thunder grasshopper tribe was really kind, he would turn his face.

Instead of eating the food carefully prepared by the thunder locusts and leeches, Locke straightened his body and looked at Yao, waiting for it to give the following.