Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 497

Iron fortress is the power control center set up in the fire level of deep blue prison in the Palais of mainland Knights of central Messiah on the three western islands.

According to a first-class Knight accompanying him, there are three such large cities and fortresses in the dark blue prison fire world, which are controlled by the knight halls and holy towers of the other two continents.

On the whole, there is only a vast continent in the dark blue prison fire world, which is divided into four parts by the four forces. The radiation range of Locke\'s iron fortress is mainly in the southern region of the dark blue prison fire world.

Everything in the iron fortress seems to be in order. From time to time, we can see teams of knights flying away from the iron fortress to perform tasks outside.

In the task processing center of tielenburg, Locke received his first task, which lasted one year.

"Locke, right? Your task is to go to the magnetic suspension mountains, where..." Locke was assigned a second-class knight. Locke saw him laughing with several second-class knights with a very deep background and network.

Respectfully accept his task. Locke quickly leaves the task processing center. Today is the day when the plane channel is opened. The iron stronghold is a bit lively, especially in the task processing center. Locke has just left, and several Knights enter at the back foot.

"Magnetic suspension mountain." Two days later, Locke, who arrived here from the iron stronghold by floating boat, looked at the huge mountain range with an altitude of several kilometers in front of him.

Waving to the floating boat that brought him, Locke got up and flew to the top of the mountain.

Every quarter, collect 20 tons of Leichi stone and a number of other kinds of materials from dozens of deep blue prison fires living in the magnetic suspension mountains. It is responsible for patrolling 20000 square kilometers near the magnetic suspension mountains. This is Locke\'s task this year.

It took Locke half an hour to fly to the top of the magnetic suspension mountain. The dark blue prison fire world suppressed his plane too strongly. Locke tested his efficiency. I\'m afraid there are less than 80% left.

After all, it was once a small world with complete rules, far from the activated goblin world experienced by Locke before.

At the top of the magnetic suspension mountains, Locke met the first-class knights who were stationed here last year.

A strong man with a fiery red beard, seeing that Locke came, did not rush to complete the handover work with him. He enthusiastically took rokla to a luxury residence where he lived, and refused to leave until he had a meal with him.

"Brother Locke, you\'re the first knight I\'ve seen in the past two months. I\'m going to get sick here." The strong man with red beard was a talkative man, pulling Locke to talk about things.

Locke learned that he had only communicated with the knights on the floating ship who came to transport goods two months ago. The rest of his time was entirely alone.

What kind of loneliness can hold such a big man like this.

"Isn\'t this a nice house? There are practice room, living room, bedroom... Everything. I asked those aborigines to build it according to my villa in the gomil kingdom. Anyway, I\'m going to leave, so I\'ll be a favor and send it to you!" The big man patted on his chest and said enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much. I can save myself to build a house." Locke said his sincere thanks.

The house is not only good, but also has gardens and pavilions. The plants in the garden are unique to the dark blue prison fire world. Locke doesn\'t know any of them, but it looks very good.

The red bearded man has a delicate heart that likes to appreciate beauty under his rough appearance.

Instead of having a meal, the staple food was a low-level Warcraft animal named Dianguang horned ox, which was cooked into a roasted whole ox full of aroma. The red bearded man didn\'t stay long and left in a hurry before the afternoon.

Before leaving, the red bearded man told Locke about the details of the tasks he needed to pay attention to this year, as well as some about the distribution of ethnic forces in the magnetic suspension mountains.

From the beginning to the end, Locke only learned that the red bearded man was named IDA and came from the Gomel kingdom in the west of Messia.

Looking at this slightly empty courtyard, Locke felt that this is where he will live in the coming year.

"Ann, come and show me the inventory of this quarter." Locke turned and said to a light blue Asian standing in the corner. He communicates with it directly with his mental strength.

"Yes, my Lord." The Asians did not dare to look up at Locke, but bowed their heads and replied respectfully.

The Asian belongs to the ledmon people common in the dark blue prison fire world. Locke saw a group of humanoid creatures with big head and blue skin in iron ridge castle, which also belongs to the ledmon people.

A hundred years ago, the Hellfire family, the main controller of the dark blue prison fire world, was defeated by the knight corps, magician corps and slave corps of the three western islands, and gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Now the spokesperson of the dark blue prison fire world is the puppet race supported by the holy tower and the knight Palace: ledmon and thunder grasshopper.

The Hellfire family, the darling of the dark blue Hellfire world, was defeated. The lava core of Lehman, the leader of the fourth level biological Hellfire, is still the magic wand of the Panamanian master. The main energy crystal of the wand head. The plane will fall into a long sleep. This low-level plane is arbitrarily taken and plundered by the three western islands.

Locke has no heart to pity the humiliation history of this weak and small race over the past century. He knows his current identity very well. Not only will he not pity, he may also exert more barbaric oppression and rule in the suspended mountains.

Twenty tons of Leichi stone need to be turned over. At present, the inventory is 12 tons, which is still eight tons short. The floating ship will arrive next month. It seems that Locke needs to put some pressure on the race of the suspended mountains.

Volcanic rock, magnetic storm powder, electro-optic grass and other materials are almost placed in the warehouse, barely meeting the collection standards for next month.

"What\'s the matter with Leichi stone?" Locke asked coldly how the ledmond people next to him were doing.

An Cheng lay on the ground in fear and muttered to Locke with his unique racial slang. He spoke very fast, as if he was afraid of being punished by Locke.

After Ann finished, Locke understood a general idea: "flame eruption? Hum! I don\'t care how many people died because of the volcano eruption. You can\'t afford the consequences if you don\'t collect them for me within half a month!" Locke said ruthlessly.

Ann was trembling with fear by Locke\'s amazing momentum. Its strength was barely comparable to that of a low-level attendant. How could she resist the full-blown threat of Locke, a first-class knight.

"Tomorrow, take everyone with you and go with me to see those ethnic groups who haven\'t paid enough thunder blazing stones." Locke\'s tone turned and said very plainly.

His temperament is bright and dark, which is the label given to Locke by the lad Mongolian little guy in his heart.
