Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 496

"You guy, quietly, you have to run to the ectopic side to carry out the garrison mission." In front of the floating ship, Shelley, HALS and others came to see Locke off.

After four years of acquaintance and several joint missions, Locke has been completely regarded as his brothers by HALS.

"Go and work hard. I\'m not sure we\'ll try our luck in that world in a few years." Shelley came forward and said.

"OK, let me take the lead for you." Locke laughed.

The dark blue prison fire world is a small world conquered nearly 100 years ago. Shelley and other "young people" who are not yet 100 years old just missed the plane war and don\'t know much about the dark blue prison fire world.

He spent money to go to the dark blue prison fire world. The transmission fee paid to the knight\'s palace is about two first-class energy essence. Locke didn\'t take Shelley\'s words seriously. He has made plans to come back to catch up with these old friends six years later.

Everything was arranged at home. Locke set foot on the floating boat to the headquarters of the knight\'s Palace on the top of the snow peak in the north.


In the white snow and the turbulent and manic cold wind, Locke, who inspired the shield, walked into the headquarters of the knight palace with a group of knights. It is said that there is one of the three Western Island bases in which level 4 Knight Odyssey sits.

In the steeple buildings with the flavor of the times, the level-1 and level-2 knights who come and go are vigorous and resolute.

The Knights here are one of the three western islands and the most elite high-level knights in the West Asia continent. Only in the bitter and cold place of the Arctic snow region can they exercise their power to the extreme.

"Are you the first-class Knight Locke?" The secondary knight in charge of receiving and guiding, with a thick cigar in his mouth, glanced askance at Locke.

"Yes, my Lord." Locke replied respectfully.

"The wind attribute of cultivation is fighting spirit, which is well described in the task scroll, and the fluctuation of mental power mark is also consistent. Here you are, go to the advanced transmission report in two weeks!" The second level Knight left a mark of his spiritual power on Locke\'s task scroll as a record, and then photographed the task scroll back to Locke.

"Yes!" Locke replied.

Two weeks later, in the center of a large square in the headquarters of the knight\'s palace, a huge dome door 20 meters high and 10 meters wide is slowly forming.

There is a dense circle around the square, inlaid with an unknown number of energy crystals. Roughly counted, there are thousands.

The properties and distribution of these energy crystals show specific laws, and together form a complex magic Rune array.

"The formation time of the portal is only 120 hourglasses. You have to enter in two batches within 60 hourglasses!" In front of the portal, the knight in charge is a level 3 sky knight.

They are opening their bright wings of fighting spirit and floating directly above the square, saying harshly to hundreds of knights entering the square.

In front of the portal, Locke is in the middle and front of a queue, waiting quietly for the portal to be charged.

There are more than 400 knights in the dark blue prison fire world. 90% of them are first-class knights and only more than 20 second-class knights.

The other group is the knights who independently pay a large fee to enter the dark blue prison fire world for adventure. There are a small number of knights, more than 200 people. Similarly, 90% are first-class knights and only a dozen second-class knights.

The brilliance of the transmission array became more and more dazzling. After a great agitation through the spirit, this portal, together with the wizard world and the dark blue prison fire world, finally took shape.

Several majestic oppressions came. Locke knew that this was the other three-level Knights left behind in the headquarters of the knight palace, and threw their consciousness over.

Only in the headquarters of the knight palace can level 3 sky Knights be so common, and Locke can feel the power of level 3 sky knights at a close distance.

But somehow, he admitted that there was a big gap between magicians and knights at the same level, but he also felt that these three-level heaven Knights did not put so much pressure on him when he was activating the goblin world.

"Uncle joss should be a top level three magician in the holy tower." Locke sighed that his words were not so full, because he had seen martial uncle Jos, a level 3 magician so far.

"Don\'t be stunned, get ready to enter!" A secondary knight standing not far from Locke ordered.

Hundreds of first-class Knights following Locke disappeared in the bright light of the transmission array when they were watched by the headquarters knights in charge of the transmission array.

At the moment before entering the transmission array, Locke suddenly gushed out a reluctance to give up the standard side and a resistance to the ectopic side in front of him.

"The subconscious influence of plane will..." Before taking part in this mission, Locke checked many introductions about ectopic surface knowledge, and now has a certain foundation for some ectopic surface knowledge.

In fact, as a native of the wizard world, he has been imperceptibly infused with consciousness by the plane for many years since he was born and formed before he left.

The resistance to the dark blue prison fire world is based on the natural protection mechanism of the body. At present, this plane is not friendly to him, which can be said to be full of deep malice.

Also, which mature plane can have goodwill to a group of invaders and robbers.


This is a dark blue sky. When the sun shines into the atmosphere, it scatters. Several kinds of rays cause ripples from the sky, both like jumping flames and curling water waves.

The strong smell of sulfur in the air has a great impact on the knights who have just entered this plane.

Locke reached out and grabbed a small piece of black ash floating in mid air, took it to his eyes and observed it curiously.

The black ash was as light as nothing. With a gentle twist, Locke turned it into smaller debris and slipped between Locke\'s fingers.

This is an ectopic side with extremely bad environment, especially for humans in the wizard world.

"Come on, let\'s register first!" In addition to this group of first-class knights, there are several second-class knights who took the lead in the transmission array.

No one reminded that everyone spontaneously aroused the morale shield.

When the gas shield was formed, Locke felt better and vomited a deep breath. Locke kept up with the front team.

It is a huge fortress made of steel. It is called iron fortress. There are 1000 permanent knights, all of whom are official Knights above level 1.

Walking in the iron fortress, you can see everywhere the strange looking aborigines.

There is a kind of humanoid creature with light blue skin. It is less than 1.5 meters tall. It is thin and small, but its head is very large. With black eyes like carbon stone, it carefully looks at the knights in the fortress.

Another common creature is the insect type intelligent creature, which looks very much like the leech that Locke caught in the field when he was a child. The same shell is blue and has a volume of half a cubic meter. It is about to catch up with a piglet.

Then there are other creatures with more eccentric appearance. They are rare and not as common as the first two. Most of their skin is blue and red.