Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 495

"Quack, quack, quack, they all have gifts. What about me? Why don\'t you have me?" Crow Blu flew to Locke at this time and shouted reluctantly.

This didn\'t embarrass Locke. After thinking about it, Locke took out an earth series high-energy crystal core.

Warcraft generally likes to eat energy crystal core, and the crow is very satisfied with Locke\'s gift.

"Quack, good, good. It would be better if it were the crystal nucleus of the water system. The earth system is too astringent." The crow swallowed the earth system crystal core and commented.

"Quack, this is my gift back to you. Take it away, boy, quack." The crow threw Locke a yellow scroll with a strong smell of age.

Locke noticed that there was a spatial fluctuation in the crow\'s mouth just now. This scroll was vomited from the crow\'s mouth. Is this crow a rare space Warcraft?

Before Locke continued to think deeply, the scroll in his hand soon attracted his attention.

"The wind fighting?" Locke looked at a few simple words about the introduction at the beginning of the scroll.

"Quack, I think you are a knight of fighting spirit in the wind system. I have captured many good things with Jos over the years. I have taken away all the things he doesn\'t look up to. This strong wind fighting spirit is just right for you, quack." The crow took picking up the garbage the owner didn\'t want as a very proud thing and showed off to Locke.

This is indeed a great gift. Locke browsed through the cultivation method of strong wind fighting Qi and found that this is a skill that can directly cultivate Level 3 sky knight.

You have achieved great accomplishments at level 1. You are a fierce wind knight; Level 2 absorbs the blood of the wind devil and becomes a hurricane knight; Level 3: comprehend the storm power and become a storm knight.

At the end of the skill, there are a few words about promoting level 4 creatures. The storm demon God is the realm imagined by the creator of this skill.

There is no skill above level 4 in the wizard world, because every level 4 knight must cultivate his own skill and take the most suitable road.

This kind of fighting Qi skill that can cultivate Level 3 sky knights is already the highest level skill owned by the major Knight organizations in the wizard world.

According to crow Blu, since this skill is captured, it shows that martial uncle joss must have killed a powerful level-3 sky Knight before he can get this secret.

Or a talented Knight of a powerful organization can have this complete inheritance. However, it is estimated that the lowest level of the talented knight is also a second-class knight.

Only when you become a level 2 land knight can you obtain the complete skill to achieve level 3 sky knight.

"I didn\'t expect you to keep it?" Uncle Jos, who had been silent for a long time at the banquet, rarely spoke to crow blue.

"Quack, what the little guy cultivates is the fighting spirit of the wind system. This strong wind skill is the most appropriate for him." Crow blue flew up and said.

"Well, whatever you want. Anyway, this is your gift in return." Elder martial uncle Jos didn\'t care. It was just a skill to cultivate Level 3 heavenly knight. He didn\'t care very much.

"Quack, Locke, you\'re good at cultivation. This fierce wind fighting spirit was one of the booty Jos used to cross the endless waters in the south of the wizard world." The crow winked at Locke as if I were very optimistic about you.

"The endless waters in the south of the wizard world..." Locke murmured that as a first-class knight who has only been to the east coast as far as possible, Locke is full of longing for the vast and vast region of the wizard world.

"Quack, don\'t lose heart. When you are promoted to a second-class knight, you will certainly travel all over the place." Crow blue knows a lot.

With the vast territory of the wizard world, first-class Knights travel too hard. This is not a micro plane or small plane. There are tens of millions of kilometers of routes and journeys. Tourists should be prepared to spend decades.

Only the life thickness and speed of the second-class knight can reluctantly accept this large space and large-scale travel.

This fierce wind fighting spirit is also the result of killing a powerful second-class knight who dared to challenge him in the endless waters of the South after Jos was promoted to become a second-class magician.

The local knight had a long history. Jos didn\'t control his power. After he killed him, he was chased by a huge knight in the endless waters of the south.

It was precisely because of the hunting years that Jos could still remember this skill.

"Take it back and practice it well. Although you are level one now and can change the types of cultivation skills, I advise you not to change your fighting Qi attribute, which will have an impact on your foundation." Said the assar magician.

Locke carefully put away this skill. The wind fighting spirit is the most precious thing he got at the teacher\'s banquet today. The negative energy fusion beads are easy to return, but it\'s not as timely as the wind fighting spirit.


After the teacher\'s banquet, Locke stayed in the holy tower for half a month before leaving.

This half month is happy and tired.

Knowing that Locke was going on a mission for six years, Angelina, grace and Christine turned into resentment one after another Every night, Mrs. Locke refused to bypass him.

"When you come back in six years, I\'ll be an old woman." In the evening, grace drew a circle on Locke\'s chest with her finger and said.

Is grace old? Not at all. She is an experienced herbalist herself. She can make several magic potions to slow down aging and improve skin.

Over the years, coupled with Locke\'s persistent moisture, grace is not old at all. Standing with Christine makes people feel more like sisters than aunts and nephews.

"Just six years, soon." Locke kissed grace on the forehead and said, "strive to break through the first-class magician as soon as possible. Our future days are long."

"The first-class magician is hanging enough, and the quasi magician is still no problem." Grace said to herself.

She has been a high-level apprentice for a long time. She is 70% sure of being promoted to a quasi magician, while less than 20% of a first-class magician. In the final analysis, her accumulation is not enough.

Among the remaining women, Christine and Raffi are still young and don\'t need Locke to worry for the time being. Angelina also has some eyebrows about being promoted to a first-class magician. Master Kayla is said to take Angelina to the west coast.

According to Angelina, when she came back from the west coast, she was sure of the promotion of first-class magicians.

I\'m with grace tonight. Locke has to find his sister Leia tomorrow night. Locke is like a hard-working little bee collecting nectar among several women.

In the past few years, Locke was very worried about the women. He still had a lot to tell them.

Back in Princeton, Locke took away all the energy spars accumulated over the years from Shaxi, especially the wind energy spars.

Locke doesn\'t know what\'s going on in the dark blue prison fire world. At that time, he will have to change the fighting spirit of the Eagle into the fighting spirit of the wind. There\'s nothing wrong with making more preparations.