Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 494

The last gift to master Michelle and uncle joss is a soul crystal ball and an unknown black iron ore collected by the Locke Billie family.

Locke thinks he can provide gifts at the first stage. In terms of value, the two level two and level three magicians must despise it. It\'s better to find something strange. I\'m sure the two masters will be a little interested.

The surface of the black iron ore was covered with a layer of viscous oil. If there was no energy fluctuation, it came from inside. Even Locke couldn\'t understand the reason. He tried to split the iron ore in two, but the first-class Knight\'s full blow didn\'t do anything to the ore.

Facing Locke\'s gift, uncle joss didn\'t even look at it. He continued to fiddle with his specimen. Locke\'s eyelids trembled at the three headed and six tailed lizard specimen.

If you guessed correctly, the lizard should be a second-class super order Warcraft. Leng Shengsheng was squeezed into a bigger palm by this martial uncle Jos.

Uncle Jos was not interested, but the magician Ashar sitting on the other side of Locke waved in surprise and took the iron ore away.

"Longlongyan? I didn\'t expect you to get this thing. I lack this material in my recent experiment." Assar magician was not polite at all. He immediately put it into his space ring.

Locke peeked at Uncle Jos. People didn\'t mind at all. They didn\'t take Locke\'s gift to heart at all.

"I have gifts, too?" Michelle, sitting next to Uncle Jos, said unexpectedly.

Michelle is not as unkind as Uncle joss. She politely took the crystal ball from Locke.

"There is a soul in it?" Michelle only touched the crystal ball and found the clue.

"Yes, this crystal ball is also a strange collection obtained by my knight attendants." Locke simply told master Michelle about the process of obtaining the crystal ball.

"The soul inside should have been sleeping for more than 20 years. It\'s still a problem whether it can wake up. I\'ll try calling it. I\'m not sure I can add an intelligent tower spirit." Michelle smiled.

Master Michelle is actually a second-class magician who is good at creating a magic tower. Locke can\'t see it. This aunt, who has pink hair and looks petite and lovely, is engaged in Civil Engineering

Locke would like to say to Aunt Shi, aunt Shi, do you need to move bricks at the construction site? I\'m strong. Let me do it.

"Since you have given me gifts, as an elder, I can\'t help but return the gifts. This gadget will be given to you!" Master Michelle enthusiastically stuffed Locke with a black pearl with countless stars inside.

"Ah, isn\'t this the negative energy fusion bead my elder martial brother gave you?" Master Kaila covered his mouth and said in surprise.

Smelling it, the martial uncle Jos looked over, but didn\'t stay for a few more seconds and bowed his head to fiddle with the lizard specimen.

"This thing is of little use to me. I gave it to Locke to keep it working." Michelle smiled.

"It doesn\'t work much? Do you?" Master Kayla\'s expression was more shocked than before.

"The last time I was seriously injured in the Centaur world, it was a blessing in disguise. I had a little more understanding of the law. Later, I cultivated in the activation goblin world for a while. Now I have a greater grasp of promoting level 3 magician." Master Michelle smiled bluntly.

Level 3 magicians can theoretically survive for 3000 years. Only level 3 heavenly knights can compare with them.

At the end of life evolution, all things come to the same goal by different ways. Although the different energy systems in the early stage lead to the difference in the life expectancy of knights and magicians, it is a coincidence that both magicians and Knights have a life of 3000 years at the third level, which is the limit that can be reached by adjacent species.

This seems to be some kind of shackle, which is the basic law and shackle of the endless world, the multiverse and thousands of planes.

It is said that not only the magicians and knights in the wizard world, but also the three-level strong in other planes. No matter what energy system they cultivate, the maximum life limit is 3000 years.

Of course, this refers to the vast majority of humanoid life forms. Some rare special life forms are not affected by the theory of "three thousand year shackles". For example, powerful creatures such as dragons, and weak creatures such as turtles and jellyfish are not affected by them.

It\'s a blessing for any magician to live two thousand more years and learn more about the mysteries of the endless universe. Not to mention master Michelle, you can stay with martial uncle Jos for another two thousand years.

Locke was terrified and afraid to accept the gift from master Michelle. It was an item given to master Michelle by martial uncle Jos. If it was a token of love, Locke asked for nothing.

Finally, master Kaila spoke and stabilized Locke\'s heart. "Take it. This is one of the magical equipment my mentor gave to elder martial brother in those years. It was damaged and repaired by elder martial brother. Finally, it was given to master Michelle for self-defense."

"Yes, it\'s still your heritage. Now it\'s returned to your original owner." Master Michelle smiled.

Locke can\'t want it. He is Angelina\'s husband, not the inheritor of master Jos and Keira. Angelina is.

He turned his hand and stuffed the negative energy fusion bead into Angelina\'s hand,

"Take it. Aren\'t you going to the ectopic side to perform the task? I can rest assured if you take it." Angelina has long been inseparable from Locke and stubbornly returned the negative energy fusion bead to Locke.

"Ectopic plane? Which plane are you going to perform the task?" Master Kayla said curiously.

Master Michelle and master Ashar on the other side also looked at it curiously.

"It\'s a world called dark blue prison fire." Locke replied honestly.

"The world where those hellfires live?" Master Kayla frowned. She seemed to know the world very well.

"Oh? What\'s your task?" Asked master Michelle.

"Garrison mission, garrison in the dark blue prison fire world for six years." Locke replied.

"Well, it\'s a small world that has been enslaved by our three western islands for nearly a hundred years. It\'s not dangerous. As long as you don\'t take the initiative to provoke those angry hellfires, I don\'t think there will be any security problems." Michelle nodded and said. "Keep this negative energy fusion bead. It can instantly activate a layer of negative energy shield against 20000 degrees of damage."

"It can also be used as a disposable prop, but I don\'t suggest you do so. 30000 degrees of energy released in an instant can easily eliminate all substances." Master Kayla told me.

Locke quickly nodded and said yes, not to mention whether he could escape from the explosion range of the negative energy fusion bead alive. Locke would not spoil the origin and inheritance of the magic prop.