Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 491

In the mission Hall of the knight\'s palace in Princeton, Locke and Riley found an oblique position to sit down and talk.

Over the past few years, with Locke\'s deliberate friendship, Raleigh has become closer and closer to him. Locke is interested in Raleigh\'s background and power, and Raleigh is concerned about Locke\'s potential and knowledge.

"Brother Locke, come to take the task so early?" Said Raley, sitting comfortably.

Under normal circumstances, next year\'s tasks will be collected before February. Now there are still two and a half months before February next year.

"I had to go to the holy tower years ago. I can get ready as soon as I get it." Locke laughed.

Raleigh looked at Locke meaningfully. He had known Locke for three years. He knew that Locke had several women as magicians in the Santa tower.

These days, it\'s enough for these first-class knights to boast that there is a high-level magic apprentice\'s wife in the holy tower. Locke is even more cruel and has several female magic apprentice wives directly.

Raleigh wondered when the proud Santa mages could accept sharing a man.

"Well, I happen to have two tasks here. Let me show you one." Raleigh gave Locke two mission contracts.

One is an ordinary yellow contract, the other is a purple magic contract.

Curious, Locke first opened the purple magic contract.

"Ectopic surface stationed mission?" Locke asked in surprise when he saw a few lines of big words on the purple magic contract.

"Yes, are you interested?" Raleigh smiled. "Considering your strength and promotion time is not short, you should be qualified for this job."

Locke didn\'t reply immediately, but read the task contract carefully. With the skilled application of spiritual power, Locke can easily understand some difficult and obscure magic symbols on the task contract.

"Dark blue prison fire world..." Locke thought, "I\'m very interested, but the garrison time limit is a little long."

He pointed to the task duration on the magic scroll, which was prominently marked with the words "six years".

To perform tasks on the ectopic side is what Locke has long longed for. The promotion path after the first-class Knight needs to be supplemented by more huge resources. If you save it bit by bit on the three western islands, you have to save it until monkey years and months. It\'s better to take a chance on the ectopic side directly.

"First of all, this is a small plane that has been enslaved by us, and the risk is not high." Raleigh shook his head and said, "as for the duration of the mission, it\'s because you still have six years of mandatory mission."

"Think about it." Raleigh was not in a hurry to get Locke to say something.

Locke pondered and stayed in the ectopic side for six years. At first glance, he couldn\'t make up his mind immediately.

"Don\'t you know Garcia knight?" Raleigh thought of something by chance and suddenly smiled, "the Garcia knight is also in the dark blue prison fire world and hasn\'t come back."

"I need information about the dark blue prison fire world." Locke said calmly.

"It\'s easy to do. You can find the basic information in the data room of the knight\'s palace. The deeper information will be open to you after receiving this task." Raleigh said.

"Well, I accept the task." Locke took over the purple magic contract.

"Don\'t look at another task?" Raleigh waved another yellow contract in his hand.

"No." Locke left his spiritual power mark on the purple magic contract, and a rainbow light ran through Locke\'s spiritual knowledge sea and magic scroll, marking the establishment of the task.

"The transmission array to the dark blue prison fire world will open on February 17 next year. You need to arrive at the headquarters of the knight hall on time." Raleigh warned.

"Headquarters..." Locke murmured. He was wondering when to go to the headquarters. He didn\'t expect to come so soon.

After saying goodbye to Raleigh, Locke returned home. Next, he worried about how to tell his women that he would go to the ectopic side for six years.


On December 24, when the new year was coming, every family in Princeton was ready to make a fuss for the new year, Locke, Xia Xi and Raffi got on the floating boat to the Santa tower.

"Xia Xi, here you are." Locke handed Shaxi a magic scroll, which was the magic communication scroll Alan gave him.

The three sisters of the Roland family don\'t know how they are doing now. It\'s useless to think of this communication scroll. It\'s better to give it to Xia Xi and ask her to try to contact Alan and see if she can establish a trade route with the east coast or go Private route.

There are many materials on the east coast, which are extremely scarce in the three western islands. The three western islands also have many common magic materials, which are very popular on the east coast.

There are great business opportunities here.

After taking the magic scroll, Xiaxi didn\'t have a happy face. Instead, she hugged Locke\'s arm and said, "can\'t you go? Six years is too long."

"This is the task given to me by the knight\'s palace, and I also need to go outside to experience." Locke patiently explained, "if you feel bored these years and run the following business well, I need this part of support."

"All right." Xiaxi pinched the scroll in her hand more and more tightly. She suddenly wanted to do something for Locke with her ability, otherwise everything would be pressed on Locke. He was too tired.

Xiaxi and Raffi are easy to handle here. After considering going to the Santa tower, Locke how to explain to Angelina and grace.

On the outskirts of Santa Island, Angelina, who received Locke\'s advance notice, specially ran here to wait today.

The huge floating ship appeared from the sky and slowly docked at the wharf. As soon as Locke and Xia Xi got off the deck, they saw Angelina standing on the shore.

She came forward and gave Angelina a hug. They both enjoyed the quiet moment.

"By the way, did you bring anything?" Feeling Locke\'s strong heartbeat, Angelina asked for a moment.

"What? What?" Locke was confused.

"Gift! Didn\'t I specifically tell you!" Angelina gently pinched Locke\'s arm.

"For master Kayla and master Ashar? Of course I brought them. See if these are OK." Locke handed Angelina the space ring prepared by Shaxi.

"Not for the two masters." Angelina regretted that the magic letter didn\'t make things clear.

"Who is that for?" Locke said strangely.

"Uncle joss will spend the new year in Santa Fe this year. The tutor will take us there." Angelina whispered.

"Is it appropriate for me to go to your teacher\'s banquet?" Locke said, biting Angelina\'s ear.

"The tutor said yes. Besides us, master Ashar will also go." Angelina blushed and said.

"Well, what do I need to pay attention to?" Locke was a little nervous. It was a party attended by level three magicians.