Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 490

After getting off the floating boat, when Locke and HALS walked behind to chat, Shelley and other four people had already walked in front.

In front of the King City of Franza, many welcoming people gathered at this time, including great nobles, rich businessmen and some people who participated in the fun.

"Marquis Lev! Marquis Joyce! Marquis Arnold! Welcome back." On the city wall, a middle-aged man with a tighter package and a very luxurious cotton padded jacket opened his arms enthusiastically.

Leff several people inspired fighting spirit, jumped up the wall, shook hands with the middle-aged man, talked and laughed.

Looking at the middle-aged man wearing a golden thorn crown with gorgeous lines on his head, Locke could not guess that this was the current king of franca.

But to his surprise, the man turned his head to Shelley and shouted "Grandma!"

Locke twitched in the corner of his mouth. Shelley looked like a young woman. She was a grandmother.

"Shelley was the sister of the last king." HALS leaned over and whispered.

I see. The king\'s grandfather is Shelley\'s brother. No wonder he calls Shelley \'grandmother\'.

It\'s normal to think that Shelley is almost 70 years old this year and has a nephew and grandson in his thirties.

The royal family attaches great importance to the continuation of blood. A very important requirement for the prince to succeed to the throne is to have children.

I don\'t know how many sons there are under the middle-aged king. Maybe there are several grandchildren. It seems that Shelley\'s family tree is very rich. I don\'t see her talking at ordinary times.

Shelley just nodded and didn\'t show much enthusiasm. Several other first-class Knights still cared about the status gap between themselves and the king, but she didn\'t have the slightest pressure. She grew up looking at this boy. From the perspective of ability, she was also half a bright King.

After Shelley passed, the middle-aged king welcomed HALS behind him, "Marquis HALS, welcome back!"

"It\'s easy to say. I\'ll introduce you to a friend. This is Locke." With a careless look, HALS pushed Locke out and introduced him.

"Hello, Knight Locke!" The middle-aged King\'s attitude was very upright, neither humble nor arrogant, and extended his hand to greet him.

The kingdom of Franza is not a small country like the Duchy of zelot. Although its population is small, there are seven first-class knights in the kingdom of Franza, which can be ranked in many countries in the northern region of the mainland of Messia.

"Hello." Locke smiled and shook hands with the king.

"Go! Go! Go! Have a party and a celebration! Have you arranged everything, Holmes?" HALS greeted the crowd excitedly, and turned to call the middle-aged King\'s name.

"It\'s all arranged, please!" His majesty is worthy of being a northern man. He is also forthright and generous. He is not angry at all because HALS calls his name directly. Surrounded by many noble ministers, he walks to the palace hall with several first-class Knights returning home.

Franca is not a big country with developed economy. The dinner hosted by the king was a little simple in luxury, which satisfied Locke very much.

The food is franca\'s unique skate fish, deep-sea toad and ink caviar.

The ice knife fish with thinner fins than the blade is the main fish species in the major ice lakes in frassa. The fish live 20 meters below the ice lake all year round. It can be widely caught by fishermen only in the fishing season in spring and autumn every year.

The whole fish body is less than two fingers wide and more than ten centimeters long. The meat of each ice knife fish is pitiful.

However, after dipping in the sauce secretly made by the Franza court, Locke had to admit that it was a rare delicacy.

"Try this!" HALS didn\'t look like a marquis. He came over with a whole roasted deep-sea toad, tore off half with his hand and threw it to Locke.

"It tastes good." Just smelling the toad meat, Locke\'s mouth is full of saliva. The level of cooks in the palace is very high.

After all, Locke and HALS are very similar in character, or they are very similar in some ways.

Now everyone in the hall is drinking and polite, and only they shrink in a corner and eat.

"Go and get me a piece of snow venison!" As HALS ate, he did not forget to order the waiter next to him.

"Yes, Lord marquis." The waiter was not surprised at HALS\' behavior. The whole civilian population of Fransa knew that the Marquis of HALS was forthright and informal.

"Bring me one, too." Locke added.

The waiter stooped back and led some maids to fetch food for them.

"HALS, don\'t just eat. Introduce Locke to the honor of Fransa." Not long after, Shelley, who was dressed up tonight, came up and complained about daohals.

"I\'m not interested. I want you to go." HALS wiped the grease on the corner of his mouth and lost interest.

"Just forget Xun GUI. It\'s enough to know you Shelley." Locke laughed.

He was right. In terms of status, the most distinguished king was one head shorter than Shelley. In terms of strength, the first-class Knight looked at the whole kingdom of Franza and was also the top group of people.

Shelley didn\'t wear her usual armor at the party, but changed into a long black lace skirt, noble and sexy.

No wonder there are so many male animals in the knight\'s palace aiming at Shelley. If you really want to dress up, Shelley\'s appearance is no worse than Locke\'s beauties.

The three first-class strong men sat here, regardless of their status, and the aura rolled on the life level made Franza\'s great nobles dare not come forward at will.

Gradually, there were fewer participants walking around Locke\'s three people.

"Locke, I hear you\'re a prince?" Shelley came up and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I am the prince of the kingdom of faustan." Locke nodded. It\'s not an unspeakable secret.

"Look..." Shelley bit his lips and said, "can you foster any business contacts with us in franca? Many of our industries in franca are good."

After a good party, Shelley began to sell all kinds of Fransa specialties to Locke.

Locke turned and looked at HALS. HALS just didn\'t see it. He took the dinner plate to the banquet banquet to find food. There was no shelf that the Marquis should have.

"Well, you know, faustan is far from franca." Locke said with some worry. He saw Shelley\'s intention.

"It doesn\'t matter. We Fransa have caravans to the omore Empire every year. I\'m sure you Forrest will also send caravans to Princeton?" Shelley further said.

In the strict sense, Faustin is located in the south central part of the continent of Messia, while the kingdom of Franza is located in the north of the continent of Messia. The distance between the South and the north is not a simple human effort.

It was Locke and his first-class knights who traveled between the motherland and the omor empire. They also took floating ships. If those caravans wanted to trade, they needed to come step by step.

"I\'ll help you and the king, but don\'t give too much hope." Locke injected Shelley first.

Every year, the caravan that Faustin goes to the omor empire is very small, with only one or two hundred people. Coupled with half of the escorts and noble youth studying abroad, there is virtually no commercial trade.

"It doesn\'t matter. Thank you, Locke." Shelley smiled.

She is really tired to be a knight. She should not only practice hard, but also spare some energy to take care of the country.

Unlike Locke, he doesn\'t care about the kingdom of Faustin at ordinary times. Every year when the envoys of the kingdom of Faustin come to Princeton, Locke will meet him and collect the cultivation materials brought to him by Uncle kensell.

King kensell is much better to Locke than other domestic first-class knights. Every year, there are 30 pieces of high-grade crystal stones and some domestic specialty materials. Locke didn\'t call him "brother-in-law".

"Prince Locke, would you like to dance with me?" Shelley took off her white gloves and invited Locke.

"It\'s a great honor." Locke smiled and took Shelley\'s green hand.

Locke\'s dancing level is not low. Angelina and grace are all good players. Locke\'s dancing skills have soared over the years.

During his half month in the kingdom of Franza, Locke had a very comfortable life. Near winter, everything was covered in silver and there were few pedestrians outside.

HALS took Locke and led his Marquis house guard to a vigorous winter hunting activity on the vast Kostya ice field.

He ate freshly roasted snow deer and drank the famous French wine vodka. Locke was confused when he drank this kind of wine for the first time.

HALS had his guard adjutant perform the magic of spitting fire after drinking a mouthful of vodka.

"You adjutant can be half a magic apprentice!" Locke pointed to the strong man with beard and smiled and scolded.

"He\'s a fart magic apprentice. The temperature of the flame is less than 300 degrees. It\'s hard to roast." HALS disagreed. "If the alcohol concentration was a little higher, it would be almost the same."

When the adjutant heard that, a strong man like a bear trembled with fear. He added it with the alcohol concentration of vodka. What he drank was not wine, but pure alcohol.

The strong man thinks that with the physique of his high-ranking attendant, a bottle or two of pure alcohol will not cause an accident, but who is free to drink poison?

"Have you been to the headquarters of the knight palace?" In the ice and snow, Locke in a sleigh asked HALS next to him.

"I\'ve been there twice. It\'s no fun." HALS said, "by the way, isn\'t your task coming soon next year? You can take the opportunity to go to the headquarters."

"Good." Locke said that he has completed the ten-year task for four years. When he goes to the knight\'s palace to take the task next month, he will see if he can find Riley to change a task to the headquarters.

Half a month later, Locke took the lead in returning to the omor empire. Shelley, HALS and others said they would stay a few more months.

Locke was not alone along the way, because he was accompanied by two first-class Knights: Cobb and temple.

They are two of the remaining first-class knights in the kingdom of Franza. This time they go to Princeton together.