Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 492

"There will be a crow named blue. Don\'t provoke it." Angelina said.

"Blue crow?" Locke can\'t keep up with Angelina.

"And you need to prepare another gift quickly." Angelina said.

"To whom?" Locke wondered.

"Martial uncle Jos\'s childhood sweetheart, the second level magician Michelle." Angelina gave Locke a brief tip about her uncle Jos.

“......” Locke was speechless.

The 392 floors of the holy tower are the highest level that Locke has reached so far.

According to the data of the total floor of the holy tower, there are only more than 400 floors and 392 floors. This figure alone can make Locke clearly realize what level this usually difficult to see Master Jos is at in the holy tower.

Level 3 magicians do not live above 400 floors of the holy tower. Only when some major high-level meetings are held, those Level 3 magicians will move above 400 floors.

In addition, the master of Panama, the owner of the holy tower, will live on more than 400 floors of the holy tower all year round.

Even more shocking to Locke, Angelina just told him that the 390 to 394 floors of the Santa tower belong to his uncle Jose.

One person owns the fifth floor!

The 392 floor of the holy tower is probably the living room of Uncle joss. After knocking on the door, a shiny mechanical puppet floats in the hall.

"The host has prepared dinner in the living room. Please come with me." This is a mechanical puppet whose appearance is similar to human beings. Judging from the strong energy fluctuation, it has the strength of first-class creatures.

It\'s better than the two stone ghost puppets guarding Santa college. Locke and Angelina follow the mechanical puppet.

On the main seat of the extended round table, a magician wearing a white mask sat there. There were no organs on the white mask. From the appearance, there was only a smooth skin on his head, which was very strange.

After a few years, Locke saw the legendary master Jos again.

Martial uncle Jos was not sitting there alone. Next to him, a young female magician with pink hair was talking to him. On the female magician\'s shoulder, stood a black crow.

Locke and Angelina came in. Before they said hello to the two magicians, the black crow couldn\'t wait to cry "quack! Angelina, you\'re finally here! Quack! We can have dinner!"

"Uncle joss! Master Michelle! Hello!" Angelina half stooped to greet her with her skirt.

"Quack! Quack! Angelina, why don\'t you say hello to me?" The crow fluttered its wings and said unhappily.

Angelina covered her mouth and smiled, "Hello, Lord blue!"

"Quack, quack! Angelina, you too!" The crow was very satisfied with the word "you" in Angelina\'s mouth.

"Hello, martial uncle and martial aunt!" Locke then greeted.

As soon as Locke\'s voice fell, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became cold, and everyone was shocked, especially the crow jumping around on Michelle\'s shoulder.

"Teacher, teacher, aunt teacher?!" The crow widened his eyes humanized, pointed to Jos with his wings for a long time, and then pointed to Michelle with an incredible face.

Master Jos\'s face moved. This strange mask without eyes and nose didn\'t hide his original expression this time. Everyone could feel his embarrassment at this time.

Michelle beside her, too, blushed slightly, but she didn\'t blame Locke for his recklessness and irrationality, but secretly glanced at Jos around her with watery eyes.

Angelina, who recovered, quickly pulled Locke\'s arm and motioned him not to talk.

Locke, who knew he was wrong, sat at the edge of the round table under the leadership of Angelina.

"Well, Dora, go and see if Emma has finished her food?" Jos coughed and said to the metal puppet who led Locke in.

"Yes, my Lord." The metal puppet nodded and flew out.

In addition to the escort puppet, Jos, who is responsible for the daily life of the third level magician, there are other puppets, such as cleaning puppets, cooking puppets, auxiliary experimental puppets and so on.

Emma is a life puppet who is good at cooking.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment on the court, Angelina took the initiative to get together with Michelle and whispered with the childhood sweetheart of martial uncle Jos.

Master Michelle, although she is a second-class magician, she has no quirks of other magicians. She even speaks gently and looks very easy to get along with.

"Master, what about my mentor and master Ashar? Why don\'t they come?" Angelina asked in a coquettish tone.

Master Michelle looks as young as a girl. In fact, she is over 600 years old. It\'s not too much to say that she is an old monster. Angelina\'s coquetry is just right here.

"They said they would come later. It\'s not time yet. It should be soon." Michelle narrowed her eyes and smiled. She was in a good mood at this time.

When Michelle and Angelina were talking together, the black crow sneaked over, stood on the chair next to Locke and looked at Locke with great interest.

"Quack, boy, you did a good job. I\'m very optimistic about you!" The crow said to Locke in an elderly tone.

Locke can\'t see the depth of the crow and has no energy leakage. If he doesn\'t speak, Locke may directly regard it as an ordinary crow.

Remembering that Angelina had told herself not to provoke the crow named blue, Locke cleared his throat and said to the crow, "Hello, Lord blue."

"Quack, you too." The crow was stunned and replied.

The crow\'s wisdom is not low. After asking Locke\'s name, he flew to Locke\'s shoulder. One crow and one crow soon started chatting nonsense like old friends.

The crow\'s voice was a little noisy, but its conversation content was well-informed, and Locke was often amazed by many interesting things and wonders about the ectopic side told to Locke.

However, this guy is only handsome for three seconds. He just told Locke that he killed Jos in the fog burning soul world. Then the conversation turned and he even talked about the gossip between Jos and Michelle.

"Quack, Locke, do you know that the fog burning soul world is the love world between Jos and Michelle. At the beginning, a burning soul Lord took Michelle, and Jos went alone..." The crow talked endlessly, his face excited and cheap, which stunned Locke.

Locke didn\'t dare to continue listening, because he felt the cold air around him. Looking back, sure enough, uncle Jos\'s face was facing here, to be exact, the crow.