Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 489

During this period, Locke didn\'t do anything. He handed over the space flute of scorpion dragon Fermo to Xiaxi for management. Fermo, who is not low in human wisdom, knows that Xiaxi is one of its mistresses and is very obedient to Xiaxi\'s orders.

She has helped the Morgan family and several other families solve several troubles at the instigation of Shaxi.

Now all the nobles who know the Morgan family in Princeton know that the famous first-class Knights stand behind the family, along with the small families in the business alliance and the rich businessmen without titles, have benefited a lot.

After praising the business operation ability of the Morgan family, Locke and Billie chatted in a private capacity.

"Is that guy Fermo honest?" Locke laughed.

"It\'s good! There are two yaks waiting on it every day, and they don\'t want to go back to sister Xia Xi\'s flute." Bili covered her mouth and giggled.

Locke used to put Fermo in the space flute, mainly because this guy had a bad appetite and it was troublesome to feed every day.

Locke\'s trouble is not even fur in the hands of the Morgan family.

Several servants with flexible hands and feet were specially sent to serve. Needless to say, they ate yak meat from the western provinces every day.

The Morgan family can\'t afford the meat of demonized creatures and Warcraft. The meat of ordinary livestock is more than enough. Fermo opens his stomach and eats it.

Fermo is a little happy.

After a casual conversation, Locke noticed several silver hairs on Bili\'s temples and faint wrinkles that could not be covered by any cosmetics.

The young girl in those days is old now.

Bili, who is still a middle-level magic apprentice, can maintain her appearance in her thirties without much aging. It is very difficult. I think she doesn\'t eat less of all kinds of beauty supplements at ordinary times.

"Here you are." Locke photographed Billie with a pale green potion.

"Echo potion, isn\'t it strange? Strive to be promoted to senior apprentice within two years." Locke gave Bili a positive look.

Reverberation potion is a holy product to improve the realm and break through the threshold at the magic apprentice stage. Its most precious place is not to improve the 30% promotion probability of intermediate magic apprentices, but to have few side effects and can be ignored.

Many potions that help to raise the level are generally at the cost of the wearer\'s vitality and potential.

It\'s easy to say that Bili not only controls half of the Morgan family\'s industry, but also takes Locke, a first-class knight as a backer. It\'s not difficult to get help to break through the magic potions of senior apprentices. She can always get one or two.

In fact, she did have two valuable breakthrough drugs in her hand. The factor that kept her from deciding to take was that she was worried about the serious consequences after the failure of the breakthrough.

Life expectancy has been reduced by more than ten years. Her appearance must not be able to maintain the current bulletproof skin. It is no exaggeration to become an aging old woman.

With this ECHO potion, Bili has at least 50% confidence to break through the realm, which is more important than the 30% promotion rate attached to the potion itself.

"Thank you, Locke." Bili thanked. She wanted to say more, but she didn\'t know how to speak.

"Don\'t take it to heart, little idea." Locke said with a smile, "if the breakthrough fails, I\'ll find another way for you."

This reverberation potion is the best potion grace can make at present. If she wants another potion of the same level, Locke has to ask wizard Ashar.

At night, in the bedroom, the moonlight puts soft light from the window and shines on Xia Xi on the bed. It has a mysterious resonance with Xia Xi\'s silver white hair and emits light fluorescence, showing her holy appearance, amazing and beautiful.

"How beautiful!" Locke licked it Lick Xia Xi\'s earlobe and say softly.

"Master Kaila said that there are many kinds of elves. I inherited the blood of the moon elves." Xia Xi blushed and said.

Not to mention, it\'s good. When it comes to master Kayla, Locke\'s body is hot.

It\'s not that he\'s a beast. It\'s not that he\'s not as good as his wife\'s master\'s idea, but that Xiaxi and Kaila are so similar after blood conversion.

The same silver hair, the same beautiful face, also gives people a sense of holiness.

The only difference is that Xiaxi\'s holiness is charming and charming, while master Kayla is more pure, lofty and flawless. Coupled with the unique book atmosphere of scholars, Locke can\'t help but treat his subordinates as

Locke didn\'t dare to reveal this obscene idea. He must be deeply pressed at the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, master Kayla will destroy himself. Angelina must castrate him first.

After a cloud and rain, Locke and sissy lay in bed and hugged each other Snuggle up.

"Is business good recently?" Nothing to do, Locke asked casually.

"Well, many industries are on the right track." Xiaxi leaned on Locke\'s shoulder and said that she was responsible for the cooperation between several business families and Locke, and she had participated in a lot of business by virtue of her relationship.

"Angelina asked us to bring some gifts when we went to the Santa tower at the end of this year. You can watch and prepare." Locke commanded.

"I see. Among the rare earth mines exported by the Principality of zelot this year, I photographed a top-grade radioactive stone, which can be used as a gift." Shay and Locke are generally at ease.

Under the guidance of Locke, the business alliance between the Principality of zelot and the Morgan family successfully opened a business road a year ago, and a considerable number of rare earth raw ore, processed ore and finished radioactive stones are transported to Princeton through this business road every year.

Grain, textiles, wine and other materials were also continuously transported from the omor Empire to the Principality of zelot.

Everyone has money to earn together, common development and common prosperity. The people\'s livelihood and economy of the Principality of zelot have increased by 10% since last year.

Locke\'s income from it can be close to 70 high-level energy crystals a year.

The only thing that makes Locke dissatisfied is that whether the profits handed over to him by the Morgan family or the energy spars Locke earns from his sideline are almost all variegated spars, and only a small part of the wind energy spars.

Moreover, the energy level of spar is high and low, mainly medium-energy spar.

Hell, with the life thickness of Locke\'s first-class knight, the supplementary function of advanced energy spar is very small, and the intermediate energy spar basically has no function at all.

In fact, what is most suitable for Locke\'s current use is not the high-level energy spar, nor the more precious top-grade energy spar, but a further level of energy essence than the top-grade energy spar.

The essence of first-class energy is the strategic reserve materials of the holy tower and the knight palace. All the mines that can be produced are strictly controlled by heavy troops. You can\'t get them in the market of the three western islands.

The only way to get it is to barter with people who have the essence of first-class energy, or complete the difficult tasks issued by the knight\'s palace.

Another way to get it is to kill a first-class Warcraft.

The crystal nucleus bred in the first-order Warcraft skull is not much worse than the energy essence.

It\'s better to find an opportunity to go to the ectopic battlefield and kill a ectopic first-class creature than to find a standard first-class Warcraft.

The value of the heart core contributed by the first-class city masters who activate the goblin world is equivalent to the essence of the first-class energy.

In the few years after the war, assar magician can quickly break through to a second-class magician, which has a great relationship with her winning countless strong men of the same level on the ectopic battlefield and having enough first-class life heart core.

Half a month later, Locke, HALS and others took a floating ship to the Fransa kingdom in the far north of the mainland of Messia.

"It\'s said that the headquarters of the knight\'s palace in the West Asia continent is in the Arctic ice region?" On the floating ship, the air shield opened, and Locke talked with Shelley around him against the cold wind.

"Well, the headquarters is on the top of the snow peak in the northeast. You have been promoted to a first-class knight. You have to go and have a look when you have a chance in the future." Shelley nodded.

The headquarters of the knight palace, the whole continent of Messia, the leading organ of several level knights. It is said that the fourth level Knight Odyssey is a place where adults settle all year round, and half of the third level knights in the whole continent are stationed, leading Locke\'s infinite vision.

In fact, the headquarters of the knight palace is much more shabby than the holy tower. There is a snow peak at a very high altitude. The temperature is more than minus 40 degrees all year round. Ordinary humans and wild animals can\'t survive at all. Only Knights above level 1 can move freely in that environment.

The reason why Locke cherishes vision is that, like all knights, he has curiosity and longing for the headquarters of the knight palace.

The high level of the holy tower is also settled by level-3 magicians, and the top of the tower is the residence of level-4 magician Panamanian master. Locke went to the holy tower more than ten times. He was more familiar with the holy tower than his own home, and his original awe gradually faded.

Some things, experienced more, will naturally be regarded as ordinary.

I believe that Locke will visit the headquarters of the continental Knight palace in Messia once in the future, and most of the second time will not be fresh.

The floating ship traveled for nearly 20 days before reaching the kingdom of Franza in mid September.

Looking at the King City of Fransa from the sky, what is this scene: thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow!

Standing in front of him was a beautiful blue ice city. Snowflakes curled over the ice city.

Is it really September now? In Locke\'s impression, September in the kingdom of Faustin was the last time of the peak temperature in a year. The dryness of the autumn tiger made every Faustin civilian dare to wear a layer of short clothes and go to work in the fields barefoot.

Locke did as the Romans did, and wrapped himself in a thick cotton jacket.

It\'s too extravagant to stimulate the morale shield to resist the cold. Locke doesn\'t want to be fat.

"How\'s it going? Isn\'t our country beautiful?" HALS came up and pointed to the ice city in front of him.

Locke stamped his feet and rolled his eyes. What he thought was how HALS chose the fire fighting spirit cultivation under this extreme environment, and it really made him enter the realm of a first-class knight.

The temperature must be 20 degrees below zero.