Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 488

Locke asked to finish the task before November because he had to go home to spend the new year with several women at the end of December.

Angelina from the Santa tower told him to make time to go this year and asked him to prepare some gifts.

Gifts? To mage Kayla and mage Ashar? When Locke went to the holy tower in April this year, he just sent a precious light system best energy crystal to mage Kaila and several newly captured magic books to mage Ashar.

Locke scratched his head. He didn\'t quite understand what Angelina wanted to express in her magic letter.

In the past two days, in a dark cave deep in the dense forest, Locke and others finally blocked the prey of this trip.

The five eyed tarantula King\'s "click, click" action of waving fangs did not scare the five first-class knights.

And from the humanized eyes of tarantula web, Locke saw the two words of fear and worry.

Behind the tarantula king are two female tarantulas with a slightly smaller physique. Later, there are a group of ordinary tarantulas with a smaller physique and the size of a calf.

"The eyes of twelve five eyed tarantulas seem to be ready. I\'ll go first this time?" Playing with a waning moon machete in his hand, gene played a beautiful knife flower.

The fighting spirit spewed out in the light of the knife shows the wonderful man of death.

"Whatever you want, let\'s make a quick decision!" Shelley doesn\'t care.

One level Warcraft, two quasi level Warcraft, plus more than ten high-level Warcraft, she really didn\'t pay attention.

Gene stopped talking nonsense and rushed up with a knife in both hands, followed by Arnold and HALS. Their tacit understanding in performing tasks for many years made them not care whether the opponent in front of them was strong or weak.

One to one? A duel? Don\'t be kidding. This virtue popular among knights is just too much flattery and flattering exaggeration by nobles.

If there is such a noble knight, Locke can guarantee that he will never live long.

The aggressive gene three rushed up in the shape of goods. This is a standard triangular array. The attack and defense complement each other and deal with more than a dozen vulnerable Warcraft. It means killing chickens with ox knives.

Locke and Shelley were not idle. One hid in the dark to guard against possible variables around, and the other flew out of the cave to "watch the wind".

"My five eyed tarantula family is protected by the flame proud lion. The Knights of your knight Palace are not qualified to kill us!" The life-threatening blade is right in front of me. What the five eyed tarantula King fears most is that the three recommendation votes are still my own QAQ, which is uncomfortable~