Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 487

The annual offering of rare earth minerals in the Principality of zelot is closely related to Locke\'s guess.

About 60% will be handed over to the omor Empire, and the remaining 40% will be used to buy food and develop the national economy and people\'s livelihood.

Locke\'s move of asking for 30% is equivalent to that 10% of the mining cost can only be obtained by the Principality of zelot.

But the fat man agreed. What he valued was not the residual value of the newly opened rare earth mine, but a certain confidence in completing the established mining task before this winter.

The Duchy of zelot is located in the north of the omor empire. The temperature here is very low and the climate is dry. A considerable number of workers in the Duchy of zelot are frozen to death in the mines every year.

Winter is the season of death in the Principality of zelot. When people of other countries are sitting around the stove and enjoying themselves, the civilians of the Principality of zelot must carry hoes to work in the dark and deep mines.

This year\'s situation is even more critical. The stone mist storm bear in the laren forest has been raging for nearly two months, which directly led to the shutdown of several high-yield rare earth mines in the laren highland for two months.

Before tonight\'s banquet, fat Duke even got the number of workers who might freeze to death this year from his staff and ministers.

As mentioned earlier, although Archduke zelott usually likes wine and sex, this guy can barely be called a diligent ruler.

Ten years ago, the Principality of zelot had only more than 100000 people. Since he took office, it has grown to nearly 200000 people, which can be called a miracle.

If what Locke said is true, it is a rich mine with amazing reserves. This year, the Principality of zelot is very hopeful to complete this year\'s mining target before winter.

Archduke zelott is very concerned about the newly discovered rare earth mine, because there are few rich mines that can work on first-class knights in their principality of zelott. Of course, there are also reasons why the rare earth mine is an open-pit mine.

The open-pit mine is good. It has low mining difficulty and high efficiency. If it operates well, even if only 10% of the income can make the Treasury of the Principality of zelot richer.

"I\'ll leave it to you." Locke patted the fat man on the shoulder with encouragement.

He didn\'t sign any contract, only 30% of the profits of a rare earth mine. It\'s expected that the fat man won\'t go back. It\'s not so easy to bear the consequences of cheating a first-class knight.

"By the way, if you lack a trading caravan, I can send a team." Locke thought of Morgan and other families who had recently reached cooperation with him.

"Thank you so much, Knight Locke!" Archduke zelot thanked from the bottom of his heart.

This country is so remote, the production mode is single, and there are only a few business trips. If Locke can send a new caravan, it will greatly promote the mobilization of the national economy.

"Yes." Locke nodded. Billie\'s family has a very broad business network in the omor empire. Even the Gobi provinces in the West have business as far as possible, but the shop is not too big.

Now let them develop in the north, presumably they are also happy.

After a few more words with Archduke zelot, Locke turned and left.

Locke is not a good man in mining new rare earth mines.

Rare earth has another nickname - "radiation stone". Since the radiation intensity of that open-pit rare earth mine can have some effects on first-class Knights such as Locke, how great are the side effects on ordinary humans.

Every year, countless miners in the Principality of zelot freeze to death in winter, but many humans are affected by radiation every year.

Many civilians die in their old age from physical decay or mutation. It\'s normal to have multiple arms and eyes.

The average life expectancy of ordinary people in the wizard world is 40 years old, but the average life expectancy of civilians in the Principality of zelot is 30 years old

Locke is not a saint. He can\'t control too much.

Even if we knew that many miners in the Principality of zelot would die in this open-pit rare earth mine.

They will turn their lives into a fortune and enter Locke\'s pocket.

In fact, Locke is saving them again. Without this new rare earth mine, the construction period has been delayed for two months this year. The number of miners frozen to death in the Principality of zelot in winter is definitely far more than that killed by the radiation of the ore vein.

Send a caravan from the Bili family, which may be what Locke subconsciously hopes to make up for. It\'s also good to slightly improve the current situation of the Duchy of zelot.

Two weeks later, Locke returned to Princeton.

One of the paws of the stone mist storm bear was handed over to the knight\'s palace as proof of his mission.

"Well, yes, this is a second degree variation of the stone mist storm bear, isn\'t it?" Locke was received by an old man who could not see the depth.

With a gray beard and a strong physique, this old knight can be an old horse.

Locke didn\'t know what the second variation was. He could only stand there with an open mind without any pride.

The stone mist violent bear is really beyond the ability of novice Knights during the general ten-year mission. When Locke met that guy, it was a blind cat, a dead mouse and a.

Locke has not experienced such a long battle for a long time.

"The young man did a good job. This is your annual salary this year. You don\'t need to go to the logistics office. I\'ll give it to you directly." The old man seemed to have a big head. After praising Locke, he threw him a bag of energy spars.

At the age of 36, Locke took the title of "young man" from the corner of his mouth. Locke remembers that the last time someone called himself that, it was more than a decade ago during the horizontal war.

Without pestering the old knight for too long, Locke took his annual salary and left respectfully.

Ho! Fifty pieces of high-level wind crystalline stones are nearly twice as many as last year. This is a disguised reward from the knight\'s palace for his completion of the task, and it is also an affirmation of his strength.

After receiving an annual salary, Locke wondered whether to go home first to enjoy the gentle countryside of Raffi and Xia Xi, or to find HALS and others for a drink.


Two years later, in a tropical forest in the eastern part of the omor empire.

HALS and others, who had just completed a Warcraft hunting mission, sat around the fire, barbecue the hind legs of the stone pig and chat with each other.

"Hey, Locke, I heard your woman is a half elf? Yan. Good luck!" HALS winked at Locke sitting on the branch.

Locke in the tree rolled his eyes and ignored the fool.

"If you want to solve your personal problems, go to the rose shop in the trading area! I heard that a group of pure elves have entered there!" Shelley stood up and said angrily.

Women are sometimes rough and dare to say more than men.

ROSE STUDIO...... I\'ll go. Locke has heard these guys mention it many times, but he hasn\'t been there once.

It is said that there is a girl in the knight\'s palace The industry of the three-level sky Knight of color.

The famous knight has great powers. In his rose square, there are sweet singers, desert beauties and grassland beauties There is everything, but the sign there is a group of deep-sea mermaids. The excitement of exotic beauties attracts a group of male knights to empty their pockets.

Sometimes some ectopic females are added for the animals in the knight\'s palace Vent.

"Pure spirit, if I want to have that money, I\'d better change my inner armor." HALS muttered.

It takes about three years to redeem a pure spirit from Rose Square with his assets. This beautiful ectopic creature is a hot commodity in the knight\'s palace.

Even if they are tired of playing in the future, they can sell it to the holy tower and let the magicians extract a few bottles of ELF blood essence, which is enough for them to return 30% of their capital.

The effect of spirit blood essence is similar to that of the bottle of spirit medicine Locke obtained before. It can convert human blood into half spirit, but the extraction method is a little bloody, and there are some sequelae.

"Gene, how much can we make this time?" On the other side, Joyce turned and asked the thin man squatting by the campfire.

"The magician said that one person has 50 energy crystals." Gene opened his hand and compared a number.

"Shit, please let\'s go out for a red trip. There are only 50 energy spars!" Over there, HALS complained again.

The people present ignored him.

This task is not difficult, mainly time-consuming and laborious. They need to track a five eyed tarantula family in the dense forest. The first-class magician of the holy tower needs 12 tarantula eyeballs to make a magic equipment.

"After this task is completed, my brother will take you to play in the kingdom of Franza?" Seeing that no one paid attention to him, HALS jumped up the tree and hooked up with Locke.

The longer he contacted HALS, the more Locke felt it was funny. He had a simple mind and developed limbs. He said HALS.

"If I can finish this task before November, I\'ll go with you for half a month." Locke half squinted and the old God said.

"Before November? Yes!" HALS turned his eyes, slapped Locke and said excitedly.

Shelley and others also cast an interested look, "I haven\'t been back in five years." Shelley pinched her hair and said.

"I don\'t know what happened to the group of ice fish I raised in the moat outside the King City. If there is a large number, I\'ll invite you to eat ice fish." Arnold said with a smile.

They were all franzas, first-class Knights fighting in the omore empire.

In the past, I went back to franca once in ten years and handed over and replaced with those left behind first-class knights.

"We Fransa have a lot of fun. Fransa\'s women are also famous for their ice and snow intelligence. If you don\'t dislike it, brother, I can give you some beauties as maidens!" HALS looked like a big brother and said to Locke with a smile.

"Say it again." Locke shrugged.

He doesn\'t know what is famous about franca, but he has heard of franca\'s famous poverty, and it\'s an ice and snow country. Who knows which ice sculpture HALS said "fun"?