Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 484

"Locke, is this magic contract really concluded by a quasi magician? I haven\'t touched any balance knowledge contained in it." At dinner, Angelina said to Locke.

"Well, her name is Alan. She is a friend I met when I visited the east coast." Locke replied.

Angelina is very unwilling to be surpassed by a magician of the same level in the field of knowledge. She has made up her mind to spend time studying the field of magic balance next.

Relying on the crystal ball given by the magician Ashar, Locke stayed at the Santa tower for a week and spent a good time with Angelina and other women.

At parting, Locke told the girls that he would come back again in three months.

This time back to Princeton, in addition to Raffi, Xiaxi was also taken by Locke.

One year later, master Kayla studied the half elf blood in Xia Xi\'s body. Xia Xi could only be idle here in the Santa tower. It was better to follow Locke back to the omor empire.

Locke is aware of Xia Xi\'s talent in business. He plans to place Xia Xi in Bili\'s family as his spokesman, contact and develop those business families and make good money for himself.

Xiaxi is very interested in the job arranged by Locke, and the most important thing is to help Locke.

The summer in Princeton is coming soon. When the cicadas in the imperial capital are ringing tirelessly, Locke in a carriage has quietly arrived at the Morgan family residence. There is a heated discussion here.

"My Lord!" The maid guarding the door had seen Locke before. When she saw Locke coming, she bent down and greeted him respectfully.

When I opened the door, I saw a group of old men sitting on both sides of a long table. These old men were arguing with red ears.

They are all small and medium-sized family leaders who have cooperated with the Morgan family. Here are noble lords with titles such as Viscount, Baron and Lord, as well as leaders of some consortia and famous chambers of Commerce in the Empire and local areas, and some owners of the down and out Knight family.

Sitting at the top of the long table is old man Orff.

Sitting on both sides are the viscount and Baron families who have cooperative relations with the Morgan family.

These people are the quietest group on the scene, because they have long privately negotiated the distribution and choice of cakes.

Those who are making noise account for the largest number of people, but their interests account for the least.

Seeing Locke coming in, old man Oliver, who sat in the first place, immediately got up and said bluntly, "Lord Locke, you\'re here!"

When old man Oliver said this, the scene calmed down, and everyone looked at the new figure with bright or dark eyes.

There is no doubt that it must be the first-class knight who has made friends with the Morgan family who can make old man Oliver so enthusiastic.

He shook hands with old Oliver. Surrounded by the crowd, Locke sat on the throne.

"This is the head of the bolut family, this is the head of the mace family, and this is the head of the William family." Old Oliver first introduced the three old guys around him.

These three old guys have another identity - Viscount of the Empire.

"Hello." Locke shook hands one by one, showing great humility.

These three old guys, no matter which one is selected, are twenty or thirty years older than Locke. Locke did not show any pride because of the rolling of strength level.

After three old guys, old man Oliver pulled out again. At this time, several dignified figures introduced themselves one after another in the room.

These people behind Locke did not stand up and shake hands with them, but just nodded slightly.

After such a round of communication, people sit down and prepare to start today\'s meeting.

The specific details were discussed by old man Orff and several other chiefs of the Viscount family. It can be completed only after Locke, a first-class knight, arrives and signs a contract.

Old man Oliver came up without nonsense and went straight to the subject. He gave Locke a well-developed contract details, which listed the benefits Locke would get in these families every year and the obligations Locke needed to complete.

"20 tons of pig iron... 5 tons of refined salt... 2000 pieces of silk... 500 barrels of wine..."

"700000 gold moles... 1.3 million silver moles..."

"800 low-level energy spars... 400 medium-level energy spars... 200 high-level energy spars..."


There were dozens of them, which dazzled Locke\'s eyes.

Many of the cooperative families brought by the Morgan family can not directly pay for the energy spar needed by Locke, but can only be funded by minerals, salt and other items.

"I don\'t want these things. You\'d better exchange them for energy spar or magic core." Locke pointed to the dozens of lines above.

Old man Oliver and the three old guys next to him looked at each other and said, "OK!"

In fact, in this contract, the energy crystal supply in the back mainly comes from the three Viscount families, and the miscellaneous tributes in the front come from various small nobles and chamber of Commerce organizations.

Locke doesn\'t want these things, but they want them.

Not to mention pig iron and refined salt, which are important materials for people\'s livelihood, it is enough for them to earn a fortune by taking hundreds of barrels of wine to the provinces in the northwest of the omor Empire and exporting it to ethnic minorities outside the territory.

"The contract needs to be changed." Said old Oliver.

"Well, you can discuss with my wife how to change it." Locke took advantage of the situation and launched Xia Xi standing next to him.

Xia Xi, who has long silver hair and looks so different from ordinary people, was noticed by interested people when she followed Locke. Only then did we know that she was the wife of the first-class knight.

"I don\'t know what you call it?" Old Oliver dared not rely on his old age and asked in the same respectful tone as he did to Locke.

"My name is Xiaxi. Hello." Xia Xi smiled.

"Xia Xi?" Old man ofer mumbled and repeated that he seemed to have heard the name somewhere. He was old and couldn\'t remember it for a moment.

A few years ago, Xia Xi made a lot of industries in Princeton. Later, with Locke taking her back to foster, he sold all those industries to the Billie family. Old man Oliver heard Xia Xi\'s name once at that time.

Not everyone doesn\'t know Xia Xi. Anyone present knows Xia Xi.

Sitting a little closer to old man Oliver and Locke, Bili looked at Xia Xi incredulously. She knew what Xia Xi looked like. What\'s the matter? Xia Xi, who was a few years older than her, has become younger than her and her hair has changed color.

Bili made up her mind and went back to chat with Xia Xi and asked what was going on. Women are very concerned about their appearance. If she can, Bili also hopes to be younger.

After that, Locke didn\'t participate in the cooperation and negotiation with these families, and gave it to Xia Xi, which is also training Xia Xi.

A week later, Locke went to the knight\'s palace. His task this year will begin soon.

With the messenger given by Raleigh\'s Knight last year, Locke went to the task promulgation hall and found Raleigh\'s brother, leiwan.

Leiwan is a middle-aged knight with a moustache. Locke can\'t see its depth, but it is judged to be at least a powerful first-class Knight comparable to HALS.

Pick up the messenger handed by Locke, Lei Wan checks it several times, and detects the fluctuation of his brother\'s familiar mark through mental power. Lei Wan throws two task scrolls to Locke.

"First, wipe out a small Naga tribe that has been plagued for a long time in the southeast sea area."

"The second is to kill the quasi level Warcraft bear that recently haunted a dense forest in the north of the Empire."

This is the advantage of having backstage and access.

Locke hasn\'t heard of a newly promoted first-class knight who can choose the type of mission to complete during the ten-year mission.

Without much consideration, Locke chose the second task.

Shit, the southeast sea is so big that Locke has to work hard to find the small Naga tribe, not to mention fighting in the waters he is not good at.

It\'s much easier to kill the bear.

"Have vision." Leiwan smiled and praised Locke. "Don\'t take it lightly. This bear hurt three of our quasi knights on the mission last month, so it was valued by the top and adjusted to the trial mission of first-class knights."

"Well, I see." Locke said so. In fact, he didn\'t care much.

The bear is so brave that he dares to hurt the people in the knight\'s palace. From this point of view, most of the quasi level Warcraft is of general wisdom, just because of its rough skin and thick meat.

You know, in the three western islands, many quasi level Warcraft, level Warcraft, and even super level Warcraft are very self-aware. It\'s too late for people who usually hide from the holy tower and the knight\'s palace. How can they hurt people.

Take the scorpion dragon family entrenched in the Murphy forest in the kingdom of faustan as an example. The scorpion Dragon Lord Adams and his spouse Shiva are all level Warcraft, and there are several equally powerful descendants below them. Such awesome strength must be recognized and counselled in front of the holy tower and the knight palace.

Angie and Fermo were sent to Locke by scorpion Lord Adams as mounts and demons. Don\'t be too obvious to please.

Put away the task scroll. Locke plans to complete the task within two months, and then go to Santa tower to get his new equipment.

After receiving the task, Locke stopped by to visit HALS, Shelley and others who lived in the knight\'s palace. They had just completed the task of Deere sea area. They planned to rest for two months and digest the harvest.

Knowing that Locke\'s mandatory task was to kill a quasi level Warcraft bear, HALS and others, like Locke, didn\'t take it to heart.

Locke\'s strength is clear to them, and he is not weak among the first-class knights. This task is not dangerous for him.

"Work hard and come back early. Shelley has planned his next mission." HALS hit Locke on the shoulder and said boldly.

"Well, I guess I\'ll be back in two months." Locke said.