Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 483

Locke is a layman. He doesn\'t know how much it costs to be a puppet comparable to a first-class creature.

Take this black knight as an example. Before refining it, the necromancer had to prepare at least three first-class Knight bodies, one as the main material and the other two as supplementary materials in the experiment.

After saying goodbye to the assar magician, it was already in the evening. Unconsciously, I stayed at the assar magician\'s residence for an afternoon.

Before leaving, the magician Ashar seemed to think of something and threw Locke a crystal ball.

"Is your mental level close to the intermediate apprentice?" Asked the assar magician.

Locke was not sure what medicine was sold in the gourd of assar magician, but nodded and replied, "barely close to the intermediate apprentice."

After the knight is promoted to the first level, his spiritual power will rise sharply. Locke also took the opportunity to have the ability of spiritual communication and spiritual shock attack.

"That\'s just right. This crystal ball is suitable for you now. You are now an intermediate magic apprentice of the holy tower." Ashar magician said blandly.

Locke opened his eyes. He heard that some knights would choose the road of magician again after being promoted to the first level, but countless experiences told latecomers that it was a dead end.

I\'ve never heard of a knight who became a magician after being promoted to the first level.

Christine\'s profession of swordsman is both magic and fighting spirit, and is biased towards magicians. It is very different from the cultivation process of fighting spirit before magic, and there is no comparability.

"This is to give you an identity to get in and out of the holy tower." Seeing Locke\'s dead brain, the magician Ashar had to explain it again.

"Ah, that\'s right. Thank you, master!" Locke reacted and thanked quickly.

There are Angelina, grace and other women in the Santa tower. Locke said he couldn\'t come once or twice a year. It\'s too troublesome to have to apply for a temporary ID card every time. The identity that assar magician planned is just right.

Two days later, Locke went to the Santa tower trading area.

On the busy Commercial Avenue, Locke walked into an alchemy shop that had already been inquired about.

"Hello, I need to make a set of armor weapons that can be used by formal knights." Sitting at the front desk was a senior magic apprentice girl, Locke said politely.

The senior apprentice looked at Locke and took him to a conference room behind the shop.

"Just a moment, please. The alchemist will be here soon." The little girl said crisply. Looking at her appearance, it seems that she is a little smaller than Christine.

It is worthy of being a holy tower. All kinds of geniuses emerge in endlessly. Christine\'s qualification of double cultivation of magic and martial arts is only on the upper middle reaches here. Only those who become quasi magicians at the age of 30 like Angelina can be reluctantly called geniuses.

Locke crossed his legs and didn\'t wait a few minutes when an acquaintance came in.

"Master bosh, why are you?" Locke was surprised.

"Locke, it\'s you." Magician Bosh was also stupid.


After some communication, Locke knew that magician bosh had another identity, the alchemist of the holy tower.

No wonder master Kaila and magician Ashar were not convinced during the plane war. This guy also had proud capital.

"Speaking of it, why don\'t you ask Master Kaila for help? That man\'s alchemy is not low?" Magician bosh said curiously.

"Well." Locke, I don\'t know how to explain.

He had been looking for Kaila magician these two days, but Kaila magician told him that he was good at making alchemy products such as small items, magic props, magic jewelry and magic wands. He didn\'t have much experience in large Knight tools such as armor and weapons. Instead, he suggested that he come to the Santa tower trading area to find professionals.

Isn\'t mage Kayla professional? Professional, of course. It\'s just that they don\'t have the right expertise. People won\'t swing a hammer to make magic armor for Locke, or make a cutting-edge sword

Assar magician is also there. The dark magician is good at making medicine and is not as good as her sister Kayla in alchemy. Locke had to come here to find a way.

"Have you brought the materials?" Magician bosh didn\'t struggle with these details for too long and asked directly.

"Yes, yes." Locke said.

If you ask a magician to make equipment, you must bring your own materials, especially for knights who are not rich.

Locke took out several space rings one after another and poured out a pile of various materials and minerals made over the years.

Some were collected from the activated goblin world, some were given by the Lord foster, some were collected when he was out on a mission, and some were collected by Angelina\'s daughters.

Magician bosh looked at the various things Locke took out and said, "yes, these things are just enough to make a set of first-class Knight\'s armor and long sword."

Magician Bosh\'s eyes rested on a dark ore with a volume of two cubic meters.

Even Locke himself forgot when he got this ore. It seems that it was a piece of meteorite iron that fell into his territory decades ago.

"What about my reward?" Asked the magician bosh, his eyes shining.

In fact, the kickbacks on these materials are enough for him to earn, but after all, he is not a saint and his relationship with Locke is not so close. What should be discussed is still to be discussed.

"What do you think of this?" Locke pulled out a rag and put it on the table.

Sure enough, magician Bosh was immediately attracted by this rag.

"Where did you get this magic robe?" Magician Bosh was a man who knew the goods. At a glance, he recognized that the magic robe accorded with the style of the east coast.

"Booty." Locke bared his white teeth and smiled.

"Oh, no wonder." Magician bosh nodded with a clear look.

This rag is really just a rag here in Locke. The magic fluctuates less than half and is of no use, but it is different in the eyes of alchemists such as magician bosh. It is a treasure house of knowledge.

Both sides of the transaction were very satisfied. Magician bosh told Locke to take armor weapons three months later.

"Three months ~" Locke sighed. His mandatory task this year will come soon. Time is tight. It\'s another matter whether he has time to run the holy tower again at that time.

"What do you think? Can I make you armor and weapons in a week?" Magician bosh blew his beard and stared.

Leaving the trading area, Locke walked to the forest outside the Santa tower.

During his stay in the holy tower, he simply released the scorpion dragon Fermo and made it crazy for a few days. There was no sunshine and air for a long time. Fermo had a good time in the holy tower forest and harmed countless low-level Warcraft.

Not only did Fermo stay there, but Angelina\'s favorite Angie was also released.

Looking down from the air corridor, Locke saw two scorpion dragons, one big and one small, in a corner in the southwest of the huge forest, running wild like two Mountain Kings, bringing many variables to the calm forest.




There are often quasi level Warcraft in other places roaring to express their dissatisfaction with the two scorpion dragons.

In the past, Anji, who was only worthy of high-level Warcraft, would have endured, but today is different. With her brother here, Anji roared back in the direction of the voice, unwilling to show weakness, so it was not lively.



These two days, Fermo and his sister Angie have worked in the Santa forest for several times.

This guy is really not a good brother. He is full of violence. When Locke eats with several women at night, Angelina will complain that Fermo has broken her Angie.

In this case, Locke just smiled foolishly.

He knows the situation of Fermo best. As long as the opponent is not a first-class Warcraft, he doesn\'t believe that any Warcraft can beat Fermo today.

In terms of strength, Fermo is only one foot away from the world of Warcraft.

After a general look, Fermo and Angie are still very energetic. Locke is relieved to go back to dinner.

Fermo also felt that the master had just come to see it, roared in the direction Locke left, seemed to say hello, and then turned around and continued to take his sister to rush to the place with dense Warcraft.

Back to the women\'s residence, Angelina is still studying the magic contract that Locke gave her yesterday in her room, while grace configures medicine in another room. Christine is driven by Locke to practice fighting spirit. Raffi and Xiaxi are stirring up tonight\'s food in the kitchen.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Locke came up to Leah and asked, smelling the aroma of Leah.

"Historical classics created by the famous scholar balinke." Leia said softly.

"What\'s the use of this thing? It can\'t improve your strength." Locke curled his lips.

"There are many thoughts worth learning, and who says they can\'t improve their strength? There are also a few words about master balinke\'s experience in magic cultivation." Said Leah.

What Locke doesn\'t know is that balinke is not only a famous historian, but also a powerful secondary element teacher.

Among Locke\'s women, his sister Leah\'s cultivation enthusiasm is not high. She neither pursues the improvement of life level nor the control of strength. It can be said that she has no desire, and her character is light to the bone.

If Locke didn\'t ask her to study hard at the Santa tower, she would prefer to accompany Locke, wash his clothes and cook for Locke every day.

Reading famous works is an interesting thing Leia found for herself in her spare time.

In fact, if Leah had devoted her time reading these books to spiritual meditation and magic accumulation, perhaps she would have caught up with grace and become a senior magic apprentice.

"Well, whatever you want." Locke has no objection to his sister\'s interest.

But then Leah couldn\'t read well, because Locke, a troublemaker, had been moving on her, making her blush and unable to calm down.