Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 485

The northern part of the omor empire is mostly hilly and mountainous. The climate here is bad and the environment is dangerous. It is not suitable for large-scale urban settlement.

It is precisely because of this that the population and economic focus of the omor Empire generally shifted to the East and south, and the West was no better. It was a great Gobi.

In a principality called zelot, the current Archduke is worried.

The Duchy of zelot is a small duchy located in the north of the omor empire. It is adjacent to the omor empire. There are no important domestic resources. It only exports a rare earth preferred by magicians as its main livelihood.

Every civilian in this kingdom is a valuable asset to the Archduke. This does not mean that the Archduke cares about his people, but that there are too few people in the Principality of zelot.

The land is small and the population is sparse. It is most appropriate to evaluate the Principality of zelot.

Archduke zelott of all dynasties can be called diligent governance, including this one now.

He wiped the sweat stains on his face with a silk towel handkerchief imported from the southern omor empire. Archduke zelot moved his pudgy body and asked the herald in front of him, "is there any news from the laren forest? How\'s the adult?"

"The latest news is that there are still strong battle fluctuations in the laren forest. As for the adult who went in yesterday, he should still be fighting the stone mist storm bear." The herald looked a little anxious.

"Send two more teams of knights to have a look. If there is new information, it must be transmitted at the first time!" Archduke zelot said hastily.

"Yes!" The herald went out to deliver the news.

Watching the herald run out of the hall, Archduke zelot slumped in his chair.

"Your Majesty, you are too tired these days." One of Archduke zelott\'s favorite concubines appeared in the palace and said.

The appearance of this beautiful concubine made our Archduke zelot breathe a sigh of relief. He tried his best not to think about the troubles in the laren forest.

"Just be tired. The point is to hope that the knight from the empire can completely solve the problem." Archduke zelot said with a worried face.

"It\'s a pity that general Warren is not in zelot, otherwise the violent bear would have been killed long ago." This concubine is not a vase. She, who was born in a famous family, knows a lot.

"Alas, general Warren has been transferred by the knight\'s palace to carry out his mission. It is estimated that he will be back in a year or two." Said the Archduke.

General Warren is zelot\'s top strength, a first-class knight, and zelot\'s greatest deterrent to the outside world.

It is also said that zelot is too weak and small. It covers an area as large as that of a province of Faustin. There is only such a strong person trained in the public.

Once the first-class strongman left zelot, the troubles and difficulties that followed made our Archduke zelot drop from a fat man of more than 400 kilograms to about 300 kilograms.

The concubine said that Archduke zelott was too tired. It was true that he was not half false.

If you can let a first-class Knight leave the country for several years to perform a task, Archduke zelot doesn\'t mix food and other dead things. Nine times out of ten, he is sent by the knight hall to perform a task.

In the two successive plane wars, Knights of all levels in the knight palace suffered heavy losses. After more than ten years of cultivation and supplement, they only slowed down a little.

There are not many first-class peak knights in the knight palace. These Knights have been given many rights and positions in the current Knight palace. It can be said that the first-class peak knights in recent years are close to the second-class Knights more than ten years ago in terms of treatment.

"I hope general Warren will come back as soon as possible." The fat man said.

"Your Majesty, I heard that a first-class knight from the knight palace came yesterday?" The concubine asked.

"Well, it\'s the knight who came to help us solve the stone mist storm bear." The Archduke nodded and said.

"That\'s great." The concubine said with a smile, "once the stone mist storm bear is solved, the amount of rare earth tribute this year can be completed."

"I hope so." The fat man sighed.

Larun forest is not the main producing area of rare earths in the kingdom of zelot, but there are three key rare earth mines on the nearby larun high slope. Four out of seven rare earths in the principality are mined from those heavy mines every year.

The rare earth mine on the high slope of larun has not been started for two months because of the raging stone mist and bear in larun forest, which is also the biggest worry faced by Archduke zelot.

"I don\'t know where this violent bear came from! Damn it!" Archduke zelott shook his fist heavily and gnashed his teeth.

In the laren forest about 70 kilometers away from here, Locke was holding Yan Changsheng\'s left chest and staring coldly at a deep pit in front of him.

Under the pit, a bear Warcraft with gray rock barbs on its back and red eyes was roaring in pain.

The grizzly bear\'s condition is much worse than Locke\'s. His shoulder blades are directly torn. Even one of his hind legs is interrupted by Locke, so he can only lie on the ground and be cruel.

From the performance of this bear Warcraft and the fact that there is no half clarity in its eyes and only bloodthirsty nature, this stone mist storm bear clearly has the strength of quasi level Warcraft and even surpasses quasi level Warcraft, but there is no matching intelligence. What\'s the situation.

He didn\'t intend to make any more trouble. Locke was about to go down and ended up with the life of the stone mist bear.

Life was threatened. The unique survival instinct of all creatures made the stone mist bear calm for a moment. He didn\'t beg for life or try to escape. The stone mist bear stabbed his head underground at the critical moment!

Locke didn\'t believe that the stone mist storm bear was holding his head and begging for mercy. Seeing that the stone mist storm bear acted like this, Locke shouted, "come again?! die for me!"

A fierce and fierce shot flew straight to the neck of the stone mist storm bear.

"Dang!" In the metal cross sound, the stone on the back of the stone mist storm bear stimulated the rapid growth, from about three meters to five meters, and the width of the stone spike also increased significantly.

I don\'t know what the stone spike was made of, but it really blocked Locke\'s full blow.

"Roar!!" After blocking the blow, the stone mist storm bear was also uncomfortable. He pulled his head out of the ground in pain and roared up to the sky.

This time, the last trace of reason left in the eyes of the stone mist violent bear has completely dissipated, and only tyranny and killing are left in his red anger.

A little metal slag fell from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the stone mist storm bear had eaten something under the ground just now.

"Hum, the end of a powerful crossbow! I\'ll see how long you can last?" Locke\'s words were easy, but his actual actions were not half taken lightly. While struggling with the violent bear, he called out Fermo, the scorpion dragon in the space flute.

Fermo, the scorpion dragon, is in a miserable situation at this time. One third of his scales are broken. There are two palm prints at the back waist. How do you think these palm prints look like bear palm prints.

At first glance, seeing the fog storm bear again, he could not help shrinking half a step back in the rogue posture of scorpion dragon Fermo in the Santa forest.

It cooperated with Locke to fight with the violent bear yesterday. It disabled one of the violent bear\'s hind legs and suffered two old fists from the violent bear. It can be said that both sides were hurt.

"Don\'t be afraid, it\'s dying. It\'s going to die this time!" Locke gave Fermo an airway.

Locke was also oppressed. He thought it was a simple killing task. How could he think that his opponent was so difficult.

If not for the life level of the violent bear, it is still hovering in the quasi level. In terms of its persistence and attack strength, Locke thinks there is no problem in judging a level of Warcraft for it.

In fact, there are some Warcraft in the world. Obviously, the level of life is less than level 1, but it is more difficult than ordinary level 1 Warcraft.

Locke, unfortunately, happened to meet such a man today.

It was another hard struggle for half a day. Locke and Fermo joined hands and finally beat the fog bear down again before night came.

Two thirds of Fermo\'s body scales were broken, and corrosive dark red blood flowed all over his body, dripping on the ground, damaging many turf and branches.

Taking Fei Mo back to the space flute, Locke rushed forward to cut off the head of the stone mist storm bear to be safe.

The skin of the stone mist bear was so rocky that Locke wasted three black iron Epee swords, cutting and chopping them, and then took the bear\'s head off.

"Yes, we have to change a set of equipment quickly." Locke gasped.

One of Locke\'s big losses in dealing with this quasi rank violent bear with exceptional combat power is that his equipment is too poor.

His armor was made casually, and high-ranking attendants and quasi knights could do with it. As a first-class knight, he didn\'t see enough. The weapons are even more. The scrapped swords are cheap goods bought by Locke from the knight palace.

After the war, Locke did not leave here for the first time, but flew to the deep pit where the bear had stayed.

This violent bear gives Locke a strange feeling. It has one characteristic, that is, it won\'t leave the forest, or it won\'t leave the deep pit too far.

Closer and closer to the pit, an uncomfortable feeling came.

Feeling that there was no spiritual fluctuation of any creature nearby, Locke boldly walked over to explore.

The closer you are to the pit, the more uncomfortable you feel, and a layer of shield is quietly formed. This is the unique fighting shield of first-class knights.

When the shield was formed, Locke felt better. It seemed that something was blocked out by the gas shield.

Lie down to the edge of the pit and look down. In the dark cave, some bright yellow metal blocks appear.

"Shit! Is this a rare earth mine?" Locke scolded.

The Duchy of zelot, a duchy, has more than 100000 people, all living on the export of rare earth materials. It is not an exaggeration, but it is really enough for them to live only by selling rare earth.

The target of their sale is the magicians who are rich and well-informed.

Locke finally knows why there is such a strange feeling. Rare earth is not real earth, but the general name of many precious metals.

This kind of precious metals is different from gold, silver and other metals. They are rarer than gold and silver, and correspondingly more expensive than ordinary gold and silver.

Rare earth has one thing in common, that is, it has strong radioactivity. Magicians also like to call this kind of metal "radiation stone."

The reason why Locke feels uncomfortable is that he is affected by the radiation of rare earth, which can affect a first-class knight. It is conceivable that there are rare earth reserves below!