Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 474

When Locke arrived, Shelley and Charles were helplessly looking at the end of the sky, a touch of emerald green light flying farther and farther.

"He ran away!" Shelley said angrily.

"It doesn\'t matter. No one thought that guy would escape by burning vitality." Charles comforted that he was one of Shelley\'s competitors.

"Let\'s leave here first. The fluctuation of the battle has begun to affect the nearby sea environment, and the east coast will send investigators soon." Lev suggested.

The three Lockes who just arrived didn\'t express any opinions. After meeting, they looked at each other and agreed.

So a group of six people began to fly to the northwest. There, there are three western islands based in the southern sea area, and the strong ones are as powerful as secondary land knights.

"Arnold, are you okay?" Shelley asked with concern during the flight.

"It\'s all right. My skin is rough and my flesh is thick." Arnold replied with a smile.

Shelley can make several old guys who have lived for nearly a hundred years think about her. Naturally, she has her unique charm. She is also the only woman in this circle. Although Shelley usually looks like a female man, she simply throws away several big men in a street in terms of consideration and seriousness.

Every knight who gets along with Shelley for a period of time will be more or less taken care of by her. Those who like Shelley basically bow down to Shelley\'s consideration. Formal knights are also human beings. At least they are still \'human beings\' and have all the emotions that human beings have.

There were boring magicians in the wizard world who published research reports: in the lives of knights and magicians, the stage of Knight attendants and magic apprentices is actually the period when they are closest to ordinary humans.

At the first level of life, the transformation of the essence of life makes magicians and knights uncontrollable to carry out instinctive evolution. The direction of evolution is unknown, because everyone has a rich and endless gene bank.

In fact, at this stage, we do not belong to the same species. Whether it is the transformation of the Knights\' bodies by fighting spirit or the penetration of magic into the magicians\' physique, the similarity of the first-class creatures in the life structure is only 80%.

As for level two Knights pursue blood transformation. Magicians are committed to body elementalization. Each level 2 knight has the ability to become a blood source creature, and each level 2 magician can freely transform his own flesh and blood into elements that fit his own attributes.

It can be said that the first level and the second level are a watershed for "people". But once the first level knights and magicians step into that threshold in the future, what determines their species is not blood and physical structure, but spiritual belief and pursuit.

Just like a three-level magician who pursues the integration of ice and fire elements in the holy tower of the three western islands, what now constitutes his life body is: pure ice and fire elements, flexible fire and a ray of spiritual light. Do you think he can still be called "human"?

From the perspective of science and rationality, no, he has completely lost the inherent characteristics of human beings.

But in fact, as long as the master brand punt insists that he is a member of the wizard world and belongs to mankind, he is a \'man\'.

Therefore, while at the first level of life, have a good experience of human emotions. This is the advice of an ancient level 5 magician in the wizard world.

Of course, Locke doesn\'t know these doors, crossing a level? Promoted to level two? It\'s too far for him. Although under the general environment of the knight palace, he has obtained some information about promoting to the second level knight, it\'s still far from his current background.

Several people stroked each other and went to the base camp of the knight palace in the Deere sea area.

There are many wounded. Arnold\'s situation is quite serious and he urgently needs to find a piece of safety area to adjust. In addition, there are light wounded such as Locke, HALS and LEV.

The only people in good condition are Shelley and Charles. The botanical magician in Mei Mei Li\'s cabin is really a soft bone. Not only did he not show all his strength against Shelley in the war, but he turned around and ran away when he felt the defeat of the shadow Knight of the shadow tower and the Necromancer with the mark of the death knell.

The six first-class Knights walking together is a force that can not be ignored. The sea area of the island they pass through, whether it is the attendants and apprentices on the east coast or the little guys on the three western islands, dare not provoke them.

When the night was almost over and the early morning sun shone on the sea, several people who finally saw the flag belonging to the knight\'s palace were relieved.

"I\'ll hand over the task, explain the situation, and you take them to the rest area." Shelley said to Charles nearby.

"OK." Charles nodded and replied.

This is a branch of the knight hall set up in the south of the Deere sea area. There are two second-class Knights all year round. When Locke first arrived in the south of the Deere sea area, Moore, the top first-class Knight leader who met them, was directly transferred here.

Just sitting down in the rest area for a few minutes, Locke and others saw acquaintances.

"Moore, why are you here?" Locke looked at the Knights sitting less than 20 meters away from them in surprise.

Without exception, everyone is injured, especially Moore in black armor. The blood stain on his body is not dry, and the scab wound is remarkable.

"You\'re back! Great, I just reported your situation..." Moore, who has always given Locke a stereotype, tells them what happened yesterday.

After receiving the information sent to them by HALS, Moore made a quick decision and left only one first-class Knight behind. He led the other three first-class knights to the place where Locke and others fought.

On the way, I met a team of first-class knights on the east coast. It seems that the first-class Knights team also has to rush to support.

There was nothing to say. After the encounter, the two sides broke out a war over the sea about 800 nautical miles away from Locke and others.

Moore and his party were four. The support team on the east coast was five first-class knights. At the critical moment, Captain Moore resisted the pressure with one enemy and two.

In the half day of the war, both sides had their own injuries. After the fighting spirit dried up, they both withdrew cautiously. Moore and Locke had just returned, which was less than an hour faster than Locke.

"Thank you so much!" Among them, HALS solemnly said that if Moore and others did not stop the knights, the sudden addition of five first-class strong players on the east coast would definitely cause heavy losses to their team.

"This is our task." Moore looked positive.

Locke and their mission was to patrol the Deere sea area for three months, while first-class knights in the knight palace like Moore received something similar to a long-term garrison.

This kind of mission is characterized by time-consuming, and the content of the mission is generally mandatory, and the remuneration is slightly higher than their patrol mission.

"How\'s it going?" Moore pressed forward and asked HALS.

HALS raised a curve in the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "two of the three East Coast guys died and one escaped. One of them was a magician."

"Two first-class\' black magicians\' were killed, which is good news for us." Moore relaxed his expression and said

Moore is used to calling magicians and knights on the east coast "black magicians", which will make him start without too much psychological pressure.

"Well, don\'t you always want to counterattack? This time, it\'s OK to recapture more than a dozen islands!" Liv next to me also smiled.

The loss of two first-class strongmen, the east coast is in the south of the Deere sea area, which belongs to Moore. The control in the sea area will definitely decline seriously, which is their opportunity to the three western islands.

As for how many islands the counterattack will get and the benefits obtained after getting those islands, it has nothing to do with Locke and others. This will be Moore\'s wealth.

"We\'ll help you then!" HALS said solemnly to Moore.

The sophistication between knights is like this. Moore and others helped HALS this time. HALS had to pay them back.

"Locke, do you still have blood essence? Give Moore and his brothers some." HALS said to Locke with his head sideways.

Locke rolled his eyes, smiled and scolded, "there\'s another box, you guy, who knows to take my things as a favor."

"Don\'t be so stingy. I\'ll give you 10% more when I reward you for each task." HALS laughed.

After receiving some blood essence from Locke, Moore seriously said "thank you" to Locke This is a man of principle.

Shelley left for half an hour before she came back from the handover. She also held a mission completion certificate personally approved by the knight in charge here.

Locke\'s mission in the knight\'s palace is to patrol the Deere sea area for three months and kill three first-class black magicians, which can end the mission ahead of time.

Now their patrol mission has been completed for two months. Although the number of black magicians killed has not reached three, the fall of two first-class strong men on the east coast has exceeded the expectations of second-class Knights here.

This sheepskin scroll representing the completion of the task is the reward given to them by the top.

"Don\'t go yet, Shelley. We have to help the Moore brothers." HALS gave Shelley a brief account of the situation.

"No problem." Shelley immediately agreed that Moore and others had to help to support their own injuries.

"By the way, Locke, I saved the three little girls before I met you here." Shelley turned to Locke.

Stunned, Locke asked, "where is it?"

Shelley nuzzled outside the rest area. "Over there."

Locke got up tired and walked out.


I found that those who cast monthly votes for Xiaodou are old brothers who have been accompanying Knight\'s journey for several months. Thank you!

This chapter talks about the life theory of level two knights and magicians, which can be regarded as a foreshadowing. The way to promote a knight is blood transformation, at least for now.