Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 473

The five sharp sword Qi fingers hit the Black Warrior\'s neck, and no matter how hard the scales can\'t stop the strong cutting five times in a row.

"Pooh!" A black head soared into the air, and countless corpse oil gushed from the stubble of the Black Warrior like a fountain.

Staggering forward for two steps, the Black Knight fell to the ground.

After the use of high-intensity and high-cost combat skills, Locke fell into a period of weakness, which had nothing to do with his physique. It was purely because of the overuse of fighting spirit, which made his body reach its limit.

He took out a blood essence and put it in his throat. He felt the life heat pouring into his abdomen. Locke\'s body was recovering as quickly as possible.

On the other side of the fierce battle between HALS and others, when the black knight was killed, the spirit connected necromancer also suffered deeply. In order to perfectly manipulate this powerful necromancer comparable to the first level, the necromancer Hyde woods divided his spirit into a quarter and stored it in the Black Knight\'s head.

All this turned into fly ash with Locke\'s move.

With the loss of a quarter of his mental power, the resistance of the necromancer Hyde woods decreased significantly. Under the continuous attack of HALS and Arnold, wounds were frequently added to his body.

Hyde woods was very oppressed. He didn\'t expect that he would die in the hands of these vulgar Knights after traversing the east coast for more than 200 years.

The outbreak of any level strong before death is very amazing. If you don\'t pay attention, you will be pulled down by him, especially the level-1 magicians.

After the black knight was scrapped, Hyde woods, who knew he was in a desperate situation, changed his previous attitude of defense and procrastination, and instead launched a crazy attack. Several powerful single magic were issued, and Shengsheng blocked HALS\'s attack.

As a veteran of the knight\'s palace, HALS experienced countless battles. How could he be dragged into the water by the trapped beast of the necromancer Hyde woods, and instantly change his combat style to focus on defense.

HALS, Locke and others don\'t know what a quarter of the loss of spiritual power means to a magician. Now even if the necromancer successfully delays the arrival of support and survives, he also loses the potential to be promoted to a second-class magician.

Not only that, the 500 year life span of the first-class magician will be greatly reduced. It can\'t be said that since then, like those Knights he despises, he has only a life of more than 200 years. According to his current life span, he is successful in escaping back. If he can last another 100 years, he can burn high incense!

Grief is nothing more than heart death. It\'s about Hyde Woods\'s current state. He\'s out of his mind.

In the Necromancer\'s crazy retaliatory counterattack, Arnold is under the greatest pressure. The earth fighting spirit gives it indestructible defense, but this does not mean that he can eliminate all attacks.

The strange necromancer spell makes Arnold feel powerless in his self-confident defense ability.

His face was gray and decaying. Seeing that Arnold was in bad condition, HALS had to go up and bear some pressure.

The outbreak of the necromancer is temporary. It is impossible to support the LORD with the body magic capacity of the first-class magician. He consumes so much energy. Now the pointer to HALS\'s victory is time.

After a short rest, when the fighting spirit recovered about 40%, lockty sword rushed to support HALS and others.

The signboard sword Qi means to send out again. This time, the number of sword Qi is only three, and the cutting force is much worse than the five just now. This also consumes half of Locke\'s total fighting spirit.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. It was not HALS who had been chasing and pestering, nor Arnold who had been sticking to him like sticky candy, but Locke who forced Hyde woods to this job.

Long before releasing the Black Knight, although the necromancer was ready to sacrifice it, he didn\'t expect that the defeat of the Black Knight came so fast that he didn\'t get rid of HALS\'s pursuit.

"Source of shadow!" An elliptical energy sphere emitting deep black gravitational fluctuations was formed from the hands of the necromancer and flew to Locke.

Nearly half of his armor was broken and less than 50% of his total fighting spirit, Locke neither dared nor could take this move. He dodged dangerously and dangerously. Locke could even pass through his waist from the energy ball and smell a burnt and corrosive smell.

Needless to see, Locke also knows that the epidermis of his right waist has been completely eroded by death energy.

Sure enough, it was difficult for the first-class knight to compete with the first-class magician. Knowing that his depth was not big, Locke quickly retreated and joined HALS, forming a siege against the necromancer.

If one blow failed, another move came. The low-level skeletons wandering around the necromancer gradually strengthened in the sound of the magician\'s singing spells, and the gray bones became crystal, which seemed to improve more than hardness.

More than a hundred skeleton frames rushed at Locke and others, which had a small trend of skeleton sea. These garbage skeletons with only high-level attendants in their strength evaluation did not reach the position of quasi Knight even after they were strengthened by the magic of the necromancer, which made the three people feel a little relieved.

However, the next encounter raised their laid down hearts again.

It costs a lot of magic to strengthen these skeleton shelves once. The practice of the necromancer is that the drunken man doesn\'t mean wine.

"Phosphorus bone explosion!" The skinny fingers pointed forward.

The skeleton frames gathered in front of Locke\'s three people exploded violently after a chaotic energy fluctuation.

The white mushroom cloud rises and blocks 90% of the line of sight on the battlefield. The creatures on the island below are the worst, because the explosion is generated from the bottom up. Hundreds of people are injured and killed indirectly by the move of the necromancer.

"Cough, cough, cough."

After the white mushroom cloud, there were only three people left in the sky, HALS with a weak arm, Locke with a slight twitch of his right abdominal muscle, and the necromancer with weak breath and dim soul fire in his eyes.

In the huge pit formed by the explosion below, Arnold, with his hands crossed and defensive, was half kneeling. He was overused and exhausted his muscle energy. He was one of the worst people on the field at this time!

Just now, Arnold withstood about two-thirds of the impact of the phosphorus bone explosion, and the remaining one-third was shared by HALS and Locke. In a critical moment, this reliable partner assumed his due responsibility!

Next, it\'s time for Locke and HALS to perform!

"Jie, you\'re not dead yet!" The left arm was temporarily scrapped, which seemed to have little impact on HALS. He showed his white teeth and sneered cruelly at the necromancer.

Locke didn\'t speak. He tried to resist the pain of muscle tear, threw away the completely bent cold iron sword, took out an ordinary fine iron long gun from the space ring and followed HALS behind.

Facing the momentum locking of the two strong enemies, the Necromancer\'s expression was quite indifferent.

The skeleton frame that just detonated the strength of hundreds of top high-level attendants has exhausted all his magic reserves, and his mental power has dried up to the bottom. At this time, a low-level magic apprentice may be able to clean him up. Why do you need two strong men, Locke and HALS.

"Hey..." At the end of his life, the necromancer didn\'t know what he thought. Before he issued his last words, they were torn to pieces by Locke who rushed up fiercely.

"Madder, this bone frame is so hard!" Bang! Bang! Bang! After splitting three times with a wide blade sword, HALS couldn\'t help scolding the half skeleton of the necromancer.

But all the unhappiness turned to naught after starting with the half white skull.

Holding the remains of the necromancer in his hand, HALS looked back and forth excitedly like a grave robber who had dug up a huge treasure.

"I didn\'t expect you to be interested in the skull of the dead." Locke leaned on his long gun and looked at HALS speechless.

From small to large, he has experienced hundreds of battles, large and small. Locke saw such a strange guy for the first time.

"What do you know? This is the body of elements that level-1 magicians have only after they are promoted to level-2!" HALS seemed to know a lot, still holding that half of his skull with complacency.

This first-class necromancer is indeed the guy who touched the second-class threshold. It can be seen from the fact that he alone faced the powerful Locke three and caused so much trouble.

Half a piece of white warm bone flickered slightly in HALS\'s hand. Locke, who was no stranger to magic, released a trace of spiritual power. After detection, he really felt an unusual and extremely strong death attribute magic from above.

"This little thing alone is worth the loss of our three brothers this time!" HALS smiled. After collecting the bone fragments, he turned back and looked after Arnold in the pit below.

Locke went forward to collect the other relics of the necromancer, including the body torn to pieces by them. The bones of first-class creatures are also valuable. Locke won\'t care whether they belong to the same "human" remains.

Take a break.

Locke asked the other two, "where are you going?"

HALS, who helped Arnold, first felt the energy factor in the surrounding air, and then said, "the battle fluctuation in the West has subsided. Let\'s go to the North!"

"OK." Locke nodded.

In the west is the battle site of Lev and Charles. They deal with the weakest shadow Knight among the three enemies. I believe that the calming of the battle fluctuation is a clear proof of their victory.

As for the north, Shelley\'s battle area, she faced a botanical magician alone. At this time, she needed them to support her quickly.

"Let\'s go!" Three streamers of light crossed the horizon and shot north, leaving only a mess on this island.


New month, free recommended tickets ~ brothers, let\'s have a wave~~