Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 475

"Hey, Alan, this way!" Locke stood in the hall outside the rest area and shouted to the three women in the corner of the hall.

Alan, Ellie and ivy, who heard Locke calling, immediately came over.

"Why are you here?" Locke was curious. It was about 1000 nautical miles away from the island where he met three women two days ago. It took half a day to fly at the speed of an official knight.

"We were lucky to meet a team of your attendants on duty on the three western islands. They were on a floating ship." Alan helped Xiufa and said.

The woman had strong adaptability. On the territory of the three western islands, there was no timid and generous appearance of the east coast people. At that time, the knights who took them all the way did not think of the identity of the three women east coast people.

"Oh? It seems that you are really lucky." Locke nodded if anything happened.

The knight\'s palace is not as rich as the holy tower. Where do ordinary high-level attendants have the right to use floating ships? Except for some knights with background, ordinary attendants can share one ship only when they reach the level of quasi knights.

"Well, don\'t worry now." Alan asked with concern that Locke\'s current state looked very bad. His armor was broken, and the blood stains stuck after the battle were not cleaned up. In addition, he flew continuously for most of the middle of the night, and his fighting spirit was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, there is no big wound. With the recovery ability of first-class knights, you can rest for four or five days and warm up with medicine, so you can live again.

"OK, I\'ll find you a place to rest later." Locke casually opened the topic. He never wanted others to worry too much about himself. This may be a habit formed when he was a soldier in his youth. At that time, the old lockers and their sister Leah were worried about him in the village.

"OK, please." Alan thanked her two sisters. After all, it\'s someone else\'s territory. There\'s no place to rest. It\'s really inconvenient.

It\'s strange that three beautiful women appear in the garrison division of the knight hall. These three women are still a water quasi magician, which has attracted the attention of many knights.

Subsequently, Locke took the three women to the rest area and applied for a room with two bedrooms and one living room, which is the privilege granted by the knight palace to the first-class knight on the mission.

The room of about 100 square meters is far worse than Locke\'s big house in Princeton. It doesn\'t even have one-third of the courtyard area somewhere in his residence, but there\'s nothing to be picky about. After greeting the three women, Locke chose a bedroom and went to bed.

Even the door was not closed, and he was still wearing broken armor. Some red blood overflowed from the scar scab, and soon soaked the snow-white sheets. In this way, the thief who Locke was still sleeping came out snoring.

We can see how tired Locke is.

"He really trusts us, too." Ellie, the second sister, looked at Locke sleeping outside the door and said that with Locke\'s current relaxed and defenseless state, a quasi magician can definitely cause heavy damage to him.

"Let\'s go out and don\'t disturb his rest." Alan said that he, who was extremely strong in spirit, could feel the tired soul of the knight in front of him.

Ivy came forward and pulled a quilt from Locke\'s side, covered it, and quietly walked out with her two sisters.

Locke slept very well. When he woke up again, it was the afternoon of the next day, two days and one night. Even Locke didn\'t expect that he would sleep so long.

When he got up, Locke found a quilt covering his body, opened the quilt and stood up. A "stabbing Lala" sound came, accompanied by a burst of numbness.

But Locke\'s blood scab stuck with the sheet quilt. The "stabbing" sound was the sound of Locke accidentally tearing the blood scab when he got up.

General small scars, with the shedding of blood scabs, expose the good skin inside, while slightly larger wounds leave some less obvious gray marks.

At this level, if Locke didn\'t suffer a big injury through his chest, it would be difficult to leave any obvious mark on him.

When he opened the bedroom door, Locke saw three female magicians lying on a two square meter alchemy platform and concentrating on an experiment.

The two rooms and one living room originally provided by the knight hall for the first-class knights for free is beyond recognition after being transformed by three women. The living room is full of strange things, including alchemy props, medicine with bubbles, and some specimens with their own characteristics

Facing Locke is a specimen of armored stone lizard. Although the name of armored stone lizard is domineering, it is actually a streamlined little lizard less than 20 cm long. The tail of this specimen is bent into a smooth circle, revealing a lovely energy. At first glance, it is Ivy\'s handwriting.

Seeing this gadget whose strength evaluation was not even qualified for demonizing creatures, Locke\'s first reaction was that he was hungry. He covered his belly and thought about going out to find something to eat.

"There are still some fruits in the bedroom. Go and get them if you want to eat." Alan, who was concentrating on the experiment, said that she had noticed Locke coming out of the room.

Ellie and ivy woke up like a dream. Ignoring the ongoing experiment, they turned to Locke.

"Cough, you go on." Locke smiled awkwardly. He knew that the magician was very taboo to be disturbed during the experiment.

Locke had a deep experience when he assisted assar magician in his experiment.

The scene in the three women\'s bedroom and the living room are completely two extremes. There are no experimental equipment or strange things. In the limited space, three quilts of different colors are stacked on the bed.

It should be the quilt stored in the three women\'s space ring, one blue, one cyan and one pink. The air is filled with the fragrance of young girls. Locke\'s face is burning.

He didn\'t stay in the third girl\'s bedroom for a long time. After finding a plate of fruits mentioned by Alan, Locke hurried away.

With a green fruit with black stripes in his mouth, Locke stood a little away and watched the three women do the experiment with relish.

Women at work have a unique flavor. In the past, when Angelina did experiments, Locke rarely helped, but since he helped assar magician for a while and found this mystery, Locke ran to Angelina\'s laboratory.

If you can assist a first-class magician in the experiment, Locke can also assist Angelina. The most important thing is that after Angelina\'s experiment, when they are in a bad situation, they will take advantage of the situation to do some children in the laboratory Inappropriate activities.

At the beginning, Angelina was still a little embarrassed, but she couldn\'t help rocking. Finally, it was absurd with her. She pulled grace together several times

However, Locke didn\'t have the courage to hold Leah. He knew that his sister was thin skinned. He didn\'t let go of the dark lights in the bedroom at ordinary times, and wouldn\'t allow Locke to do such extraordinary behavior.

After swallowing several fruits in a row, the light heat rose from his stomach, and Locke felt better.

"You can try to raise the test tube a little more so that the heat control will be easier." Locke took the time to suggest.

"Do you still know alchemy?" Elder sister Alan looked up at Locke in surprise.

"A little understanding, a little understanding." Touched his nose, Locke said. In fact, he found that some details of the experiment of the three sisters were different from that of the magician Ashar. The one just now was just one of them.

Touching his chin, Alan then moved the test tube a little above the fire element power furnace according to Locke.

Fill in a little magic again, and Alan began to observe the status of various instruments on the alchemy platform.

It\'s not interesting to stay here. After watching the three women do the experiment for a while, Locke got up and left the room.

On the sofa in the rest area outside, Locke saw HALS and others chatting together.

"Brother, you finally wake up, or I will forcibly go in and wake you up." HALS grinned.

"Where are they?" Asked Locke.

"Shelley is still in the room, but she\'s almost rested. Arnold hasn\'t woken up. He\'s seriously injured this time. Charles and LEV are drinking there." HALS pointed in a direction.

"Why, do you want to act?" Locke sat next to HALS. He had just eaten some fruit. Now he was hungry again. He immediately asked HALS to get something to eat.

Walking with Locke to the reception desk here, HALS briefly said, "Moore and his people have left this morning."

Moore and others were not seriously injured. Exhausted, they were ordered to return to their jurisdiction after a day of repair.

"When shall we move?" Locke, who received a large nutritional package, asked as he walked on the road.

"Take another day off and start. After helping Moore and them, we can go back to Princeton to hand over the task." HALS said, "well, one day is enough for you to recover?"

"Almost." Choose a corner with HALS, Locke said wolfingly.

Now that his energy and physical strength have recovered, he only needs to calm down and cultivate the fighting spirit of the eagle for a long time, and replenish the exhausted fighting spirit, and his combat strength can be restored by 80%.

As for the broken armor and scrapped weapons, they are irreparable factors. I believe there will be no danger for Moore to attack and recapture several islands this time. 80% of them are strong enough to deal with it.

"Well, we\'ll act tomorrow afternoon." HALS decided.

After the big meal and chatting with HALS for a while, Locke helped Alan and them bring three portions of nutritious food back to the room.

The next afternoon, several people who were in good condition flew to the island group stationed by Moore and others.

It is worth noting that there are only five people on this trip. Arnold was strongly asked to stay in the branch to continue his cultivation. There are so many knights, one more and one less.

Besides, it\'s just to recapture some islands taken by the east coast, plus Moore and others.