Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 470

Shelley\'s attack did not take effect, because Ivy stood up in time, not only explained to Locke, but also gently praised Shelley "sister, you are so beautiful."

The little girl\'s curve has been very effective in saving the country. Shelley, 65, who has become a "grandmother generation", has not been called a sister for many years.

With tears in her eyes, Shelley hugged ivy and kissed her several times.

Ivy should be in her early twenties. The two women who look almost the same, but their actual age has doubled several times, are quite like old friends at first sight.

Shelley can\'t stand the soft and cute strength of children. At her age, she hasn\'t had children. It\'s really a pity to be a woman, so Shelley is especially close to the childish ivy.

After a burst of laughter, Locke and Shelley discussed business.

"I heard that there are three first-class strong players on the east coast nearby." Shelley said that she didn\'t care about the three Roland sisters eavesdropping around.

"Oh? Where are they?" Locke asked that there are many islands in the Deere sea area. There are hundreds of islands in the southern sea area they patrol alone. Each of their team needs to be responsible for nine islands, which is a great workload.

"There is one in the southeast, one on the island in this direction, and one here." Shelley took out a map of the Deere sea area and roughly introduced it.

Rubbing his chin, Locke said in a deep voice, "we have to call HALS and them."

Shelley nodded. "That\'s for sure. These three guys are very close to each other. We need to catch them all."

"Please contact them and wait for them. Let\'s discuss the details." Locke stood up and said.

This is not a small fight. The battle level between the first-class strong is far higher than the attendant stage. Moreover, all creatures at this level have their own cards, and none of them is easy to provoke.

When fighting them, always prepare for the worst.

"OK." Shelley also got up, flew into the sky and contacted HALS and others with a messenger.

HALS and their four patrol islands are far away from Shelley and Locke\'s patrol area. It takes two hours to fly at the fastest speed.

"If you really want to fight those three first-class adults, maybe I can give you some useful information." Alan came over at some point.

"Tell me." Locke raised his eyebrows. He believed that the intelligence of the three sisters was much more detailed than that obtained by Shelley.

"These three first-class strong men belong to the mark of the death knell, the shadow tower and our meimeili hut." Alan said slowly.

"Of the magician guild? That\'s true." Locke\'s expression was not surprising.

Among the east coast forces hostile to the three western islands, the magician guild is not the most prominent. The wall grass says that these people.

They sometimes follow other magician organizations on the east coast to put pressure on the three western islands and try to extort something. Sometimes they secretly trade with the holy tower and knight palace of the three western islands.

We are neither enemies nor friends. We just take what we need.

The southern area of the Deere sea area is the edge of the battle between the two forces. People from the magician guild come here, which belongs to their normal style.

"Can you be more specific?" Locke said.

It is not enough to know the people of these three organizations. It would be better to have the ability of these three first-class strong people to introduce and use power departments.

She pursed her lips and said, "the adult of the shadow tower is a shadow knight. The one who uses the dark fighting spirit and the mark of the death knell is a necromancer."

magician?! Locke\'s expression became serious. When he was at the same level, the magician was better than the knight in some aspects.

"Where\'s Merry\'s cabin?" Locke didn\'t forget there was another one.

Take a deep breath. Alan said, "we are the first-class strong man in meimeili hut. We are also a magician, and a botanical magician who is good at manipulating plants."

For this reason, Locke can see that the three sisters of Elaine should have been abandoned by meimeili\'s cabin, or there is any conflict between the three women and Meimei\'s cabin, otherwise, with the character of a magician, they will not easily betray their organization.

"Hum, when those old guys took the three of our sisters as victims to quell the pressure from the death knell, I didn\'t agree with this organization." Alan said impolitely.

Locke understood what he heard.

If any organization wants to get the recognition of its members and obtain public cohesion, it must pay something, at least to ensure the safety of its members.

For example, if Locke was killed by a second-class knight in the three western islands for no reason, the knight hall would certainly give him a talk.

In history, there have been many stories of revenge for members of the knight palace. Among them, there are no lack of three-level heavenly knights.

This is still a knight\'s palace that pays attention to blood. If there is such a thing over the holy tower that pays attention to inheritance, it will be even worse.

You may just accidentally kill a high-level magic apprentice or quasi magician, but one after another, the first-level magician, the second-level magician and even the third-level magician appear in person to retaliate.

Provoking a small one can lead out a group of old ones. If you don\'t believe it, try it.

This is also the reason why Locke can rest assured that his women are placed in the holy tower one by one. Among other things, the mountain behind Angelina alone needs countless people to look up to.

A martial uncle of level 3 magician, tut tut.

Although Locke has only been activating the goblin world and has seen the faceless martial uncle Jos for a limited number of times, his few moves have left a deep impression on Locke. What a powerful strength it is to kill secondary creatures.

It\'s a pity that Locke has seen such a strong man at level three. He doesn\'t know that there is a demigod level above level three and below level Four. Otherwise, he will worship uncle Jos.

The design of the first-class Knight messenger refers to the crystal ball of the Santa magician. Within two hours after Shelley summoned his teammates, HALS and others arrived one after another.

Plus Locke, there are six first-class Knights! The strong lineup surprised the three sisters of Alan, who didn\'t dare to speak loudly.

"Listen to Shelley say there are goods coming?" HALS shouted excitedly as soon as he met.

Their small circle of people came to the Deere sea area, not really doing any patrol task. Hunting and killing black magicians was their main purpose. HALS, a battle madman, was eager to fight a big battle.

"Yes, and there are three." Locke nodded.

The three first-class strong men have to deal with one by two. There are some risks, but the high risk represents high income. The harvest of killing a strong man at the same level is equivalent to killing dozens of high-level attendants.

The new class-1 strongman like Locke has a lot of wealth. Those old and sophisticated guys must be fat.

Several people are eager to try the performance of the upcoming battle. Different from magicians who like to drill in the laboratory to explore higher truth, these Knights licking life on the edge of the knife can only stimulate them to go further.

"Distribute the prey. I can\'t wait." Cried HALS. Among them, he and another knight named Lev are the strongest. When they face the first-class Knight alone, they can\'t fight but can certainly run.

It can be said that he is the best among the first-class knights.

"Don\'t worry, I have to tell you something. Two of the three first-class strong men are magicians, and the remaining one is also a shadow knight who is good at hiding and running away." Locke said calmly.

Hearing this news, the restless hearts of several people calmed down. The magician is not as easy to deal with as the knight. It is also possible to be killed if you don\'t pay attention to it.

After a few seconds of silence, the first person to react was LEV, who had the same strength as HALS, "how much do you know about the two magicians?" Lev asked.

"A botanical magician, a necromancer." Locke said.

When they heard of a botanical magician, they looked a little slower. The botanical Department has never belonged to the main battle department. The strength of those who use this attribute energy is generally limited, but they need to be careful about other strange abilities.

Another necromancer is different. Compared with fire magicians and thunder magicians, this is a more powerful system. In the face of this magician, they need to think about it.

After an afternoon\'s discussion, the six temporarily decided that Locke, HALS and Arnold should deal with the necromancer, Lev and Charles should deal with the shadow knight, and Shelley should deal with the botanical magician.

Shelley\'s role is just to drag the botanical magician. There is no need to rush forward. Once HALS or Lev solves the opponent first, they will support him immediately.

After discussing the countermeasures, several people immediately decided to sneak through the night and launch a sudden attack when people\'s willpower was the weakest in the morning.

"What about us? What are you going to do with us?" Alan stood up and asked at this time.

Several first-class knights, the smelly men led by HALS, watched Locke\'s play with their shoulders. They thought the three little women were robbed by Locke Oh.

Three quasi magicians? Good taste! HALS was half jealous and half gloating.

When they meet magic apprentices on the east coast during patrol, they usually kill them directly. Magicians are arrogant people, and few people bow their heads to them. Even if they bow their heads, they dare not recognize it. Everyone knows the truth of raising tigers, unless they can get a precious magic contract.

The strength is second. The most important thing is that the three girls are handsome. Some of the first-class Knights have moved their minds to see if they can go back and buy one from Locke.

"Take this. There is a task I released. When you meet the Knights of the three western islands, give it to them." Locke handed over a sheepskin scroll, which was engraved with the badge of the knight\'s palace and Locke\'s spiritual power mark.

First level Knights have the right to directly release missions in the knight palace and hire high-level attendants. Locke exercises this right at this time. The sheepskin roll itself is worth a high-level energy crystal, and there are two missions recorded in it.

Seeing this, several first-class knights with some ideas put away their careful thoughts. It can be seen that Locke attaches importance to the three sisters.

"Thank you." Alan solemnly took the sheepskin roll and said.

"You\'re welcome. I\'ll pay back the original favor." Locke smiled and winked at Ivy.


Today, when the code reached the last few hundred words, the computer suddenly had a blue screen, and the state of mind suddenly exploded. Fortunately, after the restart, WPS has the document repair function, which didn\'t make me work hard for an hour and a half, but I also lost about 300 words, so I have to type it again. Alas