Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 471

Above an island in the southeast of Deere sea area, in the gray and black clouds, a magician with half a skull rubbed the crystal ball in his hand to explore the sea area in front of him.

The energy spot in the crystal ball representing the individual creature appears from time to time to provide the skeleton magician with the situation nearby.

"Eh?" Suddenly, three dark red spots on the crystal ball attracted the magician\'s attention.

"Is it the first-class strong person passed by by any organization?" The skeleton magician murmured that more than a dozen islands nearby belonged to the east coast. The magician subconsciously thought they were the strong ones passing by other organizations.

When the three spots in the crystal ball came straight to him, the skeleton magician finally felt a bad feeling and silently took out the magic wand from the space ring.

Looking up, there were three meteors in the sky, one red, one basket and one green. The skeleton magician made a quick decision and summoned a white bone wall in front of him.

"Make a quick decision!" HALS said in a deep voice in the red halo.

"Drink!" Two broad-edged swords that could match the door panel were waved by HALS and rushed at the skeleton magician.

"Damn it, how can there be knights on the three western islands in this place!" The skeleton magician\'s hoarse scream came. The bone wall he had just summoned barely blocked HALS\'s momentum, but what didn\'t make him take it lightly was that HALS waved his wide blade sword again.

The attack that followed HALS came from Locke\'s fighting spirit. With the blessing of the wind system, using the combat technique "flying feather", Locke\'s speed was only half a beat slower than HALS who suddenly burst up.

A wind fighting edge with a length of two meters is combined with HALS\'s wide flame blade. The wind borrows the fire, and the fire borrows the wind. Inadvertently, the lethality is doubled.

After these two blows, the skeleton magician\'s white bone wall broke apart. Not only that, but also a lot of gray and black clouds scattered around him, revealing his true face.

"What the hell is this?" Seeing the dead wizard look like this, Locke took a deep breath. He couldn\'t imagine how he survived with half a skull and half a head of flesh and blood.

Different from Locke\'s surprise, HALS and Arnold, who had just arrived, were not surprised. Magicians looked like all kinds, especially high-level magicians, but their hearts sank slightly at the first sight of the true face of the necromancer.

Locke was just promoted. He didn\'t know the situation. How could they not see that the first-class necromancer in front of him was an old guy who touched the threshold of second-class creatures, and had begun to realize body elementalization.

When one day, the necromancer completely transforms his body into a skeleton with the characteristics of death and darkness, it also represents his promotion to level 2.

"Mom, it\'s really tricky. Come as scheduled. I\'m the main attack, Arnold is the main defense, and Locke sneaks at any time!" HALS shouted and rushed forward again.

What if you touch the threshold of level 2? As long as you haven\'t reached level 2, everyone is a creature of the same class, and they are three dozen and one, you don\'t have to be afraid of the magician.

The fierce fighting spirit of the fire system dyed the small half of the sky over the island red. This was the first time Locke saw an official Knight other than himself at close range. HALS\'s strength was really strong!

The burst fire that was about to ignite the cloud did not have much impact on the necromancer in the fog. He waved his hand and summoned a bone wall again and retreated back.

One on one, he thinks he won\'t be afraid of anyone. None of these vulgar first-class knights is his opponent, but it\'s hard to say when fighting in a group. It\'s a pity that Lord Hyde woods wants to be promoted to a second-class magician and falls here.

Speaking from the self-confidence of fighting will and strength, this powerful necromancer of the death knell mark is far worse than the original assar magician.

The one who was activating the goblin level, but also defeated three with one, and did not show the slightest disadvantage.

However, the magician wanted to escape, so he thought too much. Locke, who was no worse than him, blocked the back tightly. In front of him, HALS attacked frantically, and the white bone wall was about to be destroyed again.

"Damn, why don\'t those two guys come!" The skeleton magician cursed secretly. He had informed the nearby meimeili hut level-1 magician and the shadow tower level-1 Knight through magic summons.



When the necromancer was getting more and more impatient by HALS\'s outrageous attack, the two energy fluctuations were equally fierce, and the battle broke out in the sea area not far from here.

It\'s Shelley, LEV, Charles and them!

The necromancer with only half of his skin left on his face showed a slightly ferocious expression. He saw that he and others had been stared at. At this time, he would no longer work hard, and he might have no chance to work hard again.

First, he threw a strong corrosive acid mist at HALS in front of him. After taking a breath, he pointed to Locke behind him, "death!"

The death spirit is the most powerful death finger in magic. It is close to Locke\'s face with its unparalleled penetration and rapidity.

If he didn\'t stop this blow, Locke would probably have to endure the attack of death element all the time for a long time.

It\'s too late to hide. The speed of death is faster than Locke imagined.

The skeleton magician had already judged the situation in front of him. Among the three first-class knights, the one who threatened him the most was undoubtedly the knight who used fire fighting spirit in front of him, and the most likely breakthrough was Locke behind him.

At the critical moment, when Locke was going to use his left arm to resist the death finger, a dark yellow figure rushed over and blocked Locke!

Is the last of the three first-class Knights - Arnold!

He is famous for his defense and durability. At the moment, he rushed over and blocked the blow of the necromancer.

After hitting Arnold, the ray of death attribute did not radiate the death force, but was forced to solidify to a point by the rich earth attribute energy.

In front of Arnold\'s strong breastplate, if you look carefully, you will find a gray black spot on it.

"Thanks!" Locke whispered and quickly changed his position. In this battle, he is not suitable to be the protagonist.

HALS is the main attack and Arnold is the main defense. What he needs to do is give him a fatal blow when the necromancer reveals his flaws.

On the other side, Shelley and others fought soon.

Lev and Charles are facing the shadow knight. When they are all first-class knights, Lev and Charles are obviously in an advantage in the game.

The shadow Knights trained by the shadow tower are mainly sneak attacks and sneaking. In frontal combat, they are not as dominant as knights with general attributes.

Leff, who is as powerful as HALS, uses a rare wooden fighting spirit. A long sword shining with green light is his weapon. It can be found that every time he hits the shadow knight, the shadow Knight will appear uncontrollably stiff for a short time.

It turned out to be poison. Wood fighting spirit is famous for its vitality and continuous fighting spirit inheritance. Unexpectedly, Lev found another way to use poison in the battle. No wonder her strength can be compared with HALS.

In the secular world, poisons that can work on first-class knights are quite rare. These things can only be seen in the alchemy room of some strange magicians, and the poison on Lev\'s long sword is a kind of poison that he gave birth to with his own wood fighting spirit.

Shelley was the last place to fight. At first, everyone thought Shelley was the most nervous, but now it seems that Shelley is the most relaxed among the people.

The botanical magician in meimeili\'s cabin counseled. The battle fluctuations around him were so strong that of course he didn\'t hide from him. How many enemies attacked him.

Mental strength swept, there are six strong people at the same level!

Meimeili\'s cabin has never been a fighting organization in the magician guild. The guy sent here this time is a soft bone. It\'s OK for him to do experiments in the laboratory and teach students. Let him work hard? forget it.

At the edge of the battle, the magician of meimeili\'s cabin has begun to prepare for his retreat. Shelley\'s ice fighting spirit has indeed caused him a lot of trouble, but with several life-saving props in his hand, it\'s OK to run.

After feeling the careful thinking of the enemy in front of her, Shelley had no choice but to smile bitterly. She could only try her best to hold this man, not to mention leaving him, but at least she couldn\'t let this guy rush to the other two battlefields to support others.

If we say that at this time, the place over the sea where the battle is most intense should belong to HALS and Locke.

The sky is full of elegant fire energy and ubiquitous dead spirit energy. These two amazing first-class strong men have had a small impact on the surrounding environment.

"Look up there! Lord Hyde woods is fighting one against three!"

"Call the nearest level-1 adult to come to support!"

"Beware of the attack from the sky!"

"Jeffrey, don\'t leave me. My legs are corroded by the energy of death!"


Immortals fight and mortals suffer. Locke and others fight in the sky, which leads to the suffering of Knight attendants and magic apprentices on the east coast of the island below.

It was either scratched by the powerful magic sputtered by the necromancer or touched by HALS\'s strong fire fighting spirit.

There are many people who lack arms and legs.

"Damn it, you can\'t delay any more!" The necromancer whose half head is a terrible skeleton angrily said.

What those little guys saw was his brave posture of one against three. Only he knew how embarrassed the situation was at this time.

"I have cultivated a semi-finished product that is about to succeed for 15 years. Today I can only consume it." The necromancer cursed and summoned a humanoid creature with black armor from the six pointed star array of the right bone ring.

"Go, Black Knight!" In the two eyes, one is a white dead fish eye bubble and the other is a beating soul flame. The necromancer shouted hysterically.