Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 469

It has been nearly two years since the last separation in Crimea. It is neither long nor short. Earth shaking changes have taken place in both Locke and the three sisters of the Roland family.

Locke has broken through the shackles and become a powerful first-class creature, and the overall strength of the three sisters of the Roland family has also been improved, and the three sisters ivy has become a quasi magician.

You know, Ivy\'s age is a little younger than Angelina. It can\'t be described as "genius" to become a quasi magician at this age.

"Don\'t you invite me to sit down? I\'m hungry, too." Locke didn\'t show any difference, walked over casually and said like an ordinary old friend.

"Help yourself." Elder sister Alan said that she knew Locke\'s strength. At the beginning, if they hadn\'t transferred all the points to their younger sister, the first person in the magic forest secret place was the man in front of her.

Judging from the fact that Locke was promoted to a first-class knight and their strength soared geometrically, it is unknown how much chance they will win in the end.

The strong can always get such privileges. Locke\'s current strong strength must be handled carefully by Alan, even though he doesn\'t look like a knight on the east coast.

"Why are you here?" Locke picked up a piece of milky root that Alan had washed before, took a bite and said.

The east coast magic apprentices and knight attendants who dare to go to this area are either brave artists or thrown out as abandoned children and cannon fodder.

He just took over several small teams. He really can\'t see what capital these little guys have to make trouble in the jurisdiction of the three western islands.

"Hum, it\'s not the ghost of your death knell scar organization." Ellie said impolitely that she was better than her sister in adaptability and strength, but she was much worse in rationality and wisdom. She thought Locke was a knight of the death knell.

"Well, I didn\'t say I was the knight of the death knell mark." Locke chewed on the tree stem and said, unexpectedly, this ugly gadget is very delicious.

"Is it a specialty of this swamp?" Locke pointed to the root in his hand and changed the topic.

"Yes, it\'s called linggan. It has the function of detoxifying and supplementing qi. It\'s only produced in highly toxic places." Ivy said with her head tilted.

In terms of cultivation talent, the younger the three sisters are, the more talented they are, but in terms of emotional intelligence, they come in the opposite direction.

Seeing that Locke was enjoying the food they had worked hard to find and chatting with ivy more and more happily, Alan immediately woke up his two silly sisters and said to Locke, "are you a knight of the three western islands?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene was a little awkward.

Ellie, who recovered, raised her magic wand slightly again, and ivy covered her mouth in surprise.

"That\'s right." Locke shrugged and didn\'t take Alan and Ellie\'s actions to heart. Instead, he rubbed Ivy\'s hair like nothing.

"You\'ve messed up my hair!" Ivy puffed her face into a bun shape and said unhappily. The little girl was much less affected by the poison gas in the swamp, because Locke expanded his gas shield and wrapped ivy in it.

Since Christine became her own woman, the girl rarely asked Locke to rub her hair, because Christine always felt that Locke regarded her as a child in that case.

God, Christine is already a woman of twenty-four or five years old. The reason why Locke still treats her as a little girl can only be said to be due to habit. Psychologically, Locke thinks Christine is the sister who will never grow up.

"What are you going to do with us?" Ellen asked rationally. She didn\'t feel any hostility from Locke.

"I\'m not going to do it to you anyway." Locke, tell the truth.

In the process of breaking through the formal knight, there is a very important auxiliary prop - the leaf of life, which Locke and ivy exchanged at the beginning.

Anyway, he owes Ivy a favor in promoting to the official knight, so he won\'t do it to the three women. Locke is a man of principle.

"How can we trust you?" Elaine narrowed her eyes and said that after a series of great changes in the family, she didn\'t believe any verbal commitment.

"Sign a contract?" Locke rolled his eyes.

"It\'s not impossible." Alan hit the snake with the stick.

Locke was speechless.

Facts have proved that in terms of magic exploration, the magicians on the east coast are far ahead of the magicians on the three western islands.

This is the first magic contract outlined by a quasi magician that Locke has ever seen. Those he has contacted before, including finished products and semi-finished products, are the masterpieces of formal magicians.

"You should understand this magic contract?" Just after making a magic contract, Alan\'s face is not very good-looking. It can be seen that it takes a lot of consumption to make it.

From this point of view, in fact, Alan has completely believed in Locke. According to her current state, it\'s easy for Locke to be unfavorable to the three sisters.

Even when she sketched the contract just now, Locke suddenly had a mental impact, and Alan would be swallowed by magic and become an idiot if she didn\'t die.

"Of course." Locke said that through spiritual reading, he knew that the magic contract in front of him required him not to hurt the three Roland sisters. If he violated it, he would bear a magic called "cold ice thorn".

"Are you sure quasi level magic can be useful to me?" Locke said sideways that he really didn\'t want to sign the contract, but he didn\'t know how to win the trust of the three sisters.

"Cold ice sting is a magic that works directly on the brain. It belongs to the dual system magic of water system and spirit system. You might as well try it." Alan looked sick at this time, but he didn\'t lose at all.

Of course, Locke was not interested in trying the magic called cold ice thorn, and it was almost the time he agreed with Shelley.

Locke didn\'t leave his spiritual mark on the contract, but directly took the contract and put it into the space ring. "I won\'t sign it. The contract is good. It\'s just the protection fee you gave me." Locke said.

From another point of view, the value of this contract is much stronger than those space rings harvested by Locke. Angelina and grace will like it.

This is not to say that there is no such skill that quasi magicians can make magic contracts in the Santa tower, but Angelina, they may not have been contacted for the time being, or master Kayla did not teach them.

It\'s no wonder that the magic contract outlined by the quasi magician actually has some functions. At least it has little real impact on creatures above level 1, while creatures below level 1 need to pay such a high price?

"Protection fee? Will you protect us?" Second sister Ellie recognized what Locke meant.

"Who knows, it depends on the mood." Said Locke, a rogue.

"I believe brother Locke will." Ivy stressed the point and said solemnly. She looked so cute.

"Do you mind if I call a friend over?" Locke said he was not sure if the woman would get angry if he was late at the time agreed with Shelley.

Throw one advanced antidote to each of the three sisters. Locke flies into the sky and goes to find Shelley.

Only three women in the woods looked at each other.

Ivy was the first to react. Instead of taking the advanced antidote Locke gave her, she took out the unused primary antidote and took it carefully.

After so much experience, Ivy also knows a lot of things. She knows the hard work of her two sisters. Who can tell? Did she take the initiative to flirt with Locke to gain favor and compassion.

"Sister, drink it first. Don\'t live up to brother Locke\'s kindness." Ivy urged her two sisters.

Since entering the swamp, the poisonous gas in the air has been invading their bodies all the time. Ivy is fine. She is fed with the primary antidote. Alan and Ellie\'s two sisters have always fought hard with their bodies.

Seeing this, Alan and Ellie looked at the antidote in their hands.

However, like ivy, they were not willing to drink the high antidote given by Locke, but took out a primary antidote from the space ring, and the sisters drank it equally.

On the other side, over a cliff in the center of the island, Shelley stood early and waited for Locke.

"Hey, you\'re late!" Shelley crossed her waist and said, usually others are waiting for women. Today, she is waiting for a man for the first time for so long.

"Something happened." Locke said casually.

"Coincidentally, I also met some situations and got some good information!" Shelley didn\'t bother about Locke\'s being late, but said with a smile.

"What information?" Looking at Shelley\'s happy appearance at this time, Locke was interested in the information she said.

"Hum hum, I pried open the mouths of some little guys and learned from them the location of several first-class strong people on the east coast nearby." Shelley said excitedly. As for how she pried it open, Locke can\'t guess.

Knight attendants are promoted to official knights, which is no different from thousands of troops crossing the single wooden bridge. They can stand out from so many high-level attendants. Locke doesn\'t believe Shelley is a peace loving and gentle man.

Don\'t underestimate the strength of women. They can definitely surpass most men.

"Just in time, I\'ll take you to meet some friends. They should also know some information." Locke said.

In the misty water, Shelley was taken by rockra to the poison swamp in the south of the island.

"Is this what you call a friend?" In the blue gas shield, Shelley asked with a strange expression, pointing to the three Roland sisters in front of her.

"Do you have some hobbies?" Shelley raised her eyebrows and said in a bad tone.

Many knights in the knight palace have the bad habit of collecting beautiful women. To speak well, it\'s for the sake of reproduction. The fertility of first-class knights is low. To speak hard, it\'s to satisfy their animals Desire, especially male knights.

Although the clothes of the three sisters, Alan, Ellie and ivy, were stained with a lot of dirt and ash, this could not hide their original good looks.

With the unique intellectual beauty of female magicians, the three women can definitely be called a disaster to the country and the people.

"No, of course not!" Locke said firmly, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

There is no doubt that if he says the wrong thing, it is likely to be Shelley\'s impolite blow.

After wiping the cold sweat, Locke said in his heart that the woman was still a feminist.


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