Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 468

This is a crescent shaped island. The East and west sides of the island are relatively steep and steep hillsides, but the north and South are shoals and sand particles, surrounded by an island lake with an area of about 100 square kilometers.

On the light white beach, salt water crabs and various amphibian marine creatures can be seen everywhere.

Locke is no stranger to this kind of saltwater crab. When he and Angelina were trapped in the Murphy forest, he relied on this demonized creature for a long time.

"It\'s just a small island with poor resources." Locke frowned and said that the beautiful environment around us is indeed relaxing, but this is not a suitable place for vacation.

Fighting, killing and death will be staged here at any time.

"Yes, otherwise it wouldn\'t be abandoned by the top." Shelley said naturally.

The first-class knights are also very popular in the knight palace. It is a manifestation of the huge power of the three western islands to invest hundreds of first-class knights in the deer sea area.

"Give it a share. Where are you going?" Shelley asked with her eyes open.

"I\'ll go south." Locke pointed to the shallow swamp in the South and said that he felt a familiar smell, or three, from the moment he got close to here.

"Well, I\'ll go north. Let\'s meet in the middle of the island at noon!" Shelley said this and flew to the north of the island.

It\'s about 10 a.m., a small island of hundreds of square kilometers. With the strength of Shelley\'s official knight, it\'s a piece of cake to search and kill half of the island\'s intruders in two hours.

There is no tower rule here to protect the little guys at the level of Knight attendants and magic apprentices. In the face of the formal Knight level, they only have to be crushed.


In the southern swamp named Banna Island, the three sisters of Ailan are walking hard among them.

"Elder sister, do we have to be so careful?" Ellie, the second sister, said with her mouth pursed. Her purple magic robe had been stained with many stains.

"After all, it belongs to the sphere of influence of the three western islands. It\'s right to be careful." Alan explained, then took the three younger sisters and went on.

The magician\'s physique is generally poor. In this dangerous environment, there is no doubt that Alan and Ellie are better. They are a little embarrassed and can stand it. The third sister Ivy can\'t.

The girl has just been promoted to a quasi magician for less than a year. She studies wind magic and has little effect on physical fitness. Now she has been slightly poisoned.

The ubiquitous biogas and sour smell in the swamp are the culprit of Ivy\'s poisoning.

"Ellie, give me a primary antidote." Alan shouted, Ellie walking in front.

"OK, then." Ellie took out a light blue potion from the space ring and threw it back. After all this, she continued to move forward. She has the obligation and ability to act as a pioneer.

The three sisters have been able to grow up to now, relying on their delicate care and heart to heart cooperation. Even if they were targeted by the high-level of the death knell mark organization this time, they did not break their will.

The antidote glittering with light blue light, Alan carefully pulled out the plug, fed it to his sister, put it back on and keep it.

The three sisters also need to use this ordinary primary antidote sparingly.

The culprit behind this is the mark of the death knell.

When half of the antidote was taken, Ivy\'s face was obviously much better, and her pale little face was angry and ruddy.

"Sister, I\'m fine." Ivy said softly.

"Well, come on, I\'ll hold you." Alan took her sister\'s arm.

In fact, they can choose to fly, pass from above, or bypass the miasma of the swamp, but for conservatism, Alan still takes two sisters and acts below.

This year\'s Knight attendants and magic apprentices on the east coast are much worse in quality than the three western islands, especially the two levels of high-level attendants and intermediate magic apprentices. They don\'t have enough challenges and dangerous baptism. These little guys are so naive and careless to expose themselves on the islands of hostile forces.

Are the three western islands too weak these years? Or there are fewer and fewer first-class Knights assigned. Anyway, since you see them, Locke must give these guys a lesson.

As for the tuition fees for classes, it is their life and property.

After sweeping several Knight attendants and magic apprentice teams on the island, Locke\'s pockets gradually bulged.

The mild fighting and warm blood did not cause any inner waves. Even Locke did not realize that with the improvement of the level of life, the gap between different classes was like a natural moat, which made him feel less and less when he killed these creatures who were also "human".

It\'s like killing chickens and dogs. It\'s extremely boring.

Only when he harvests a new space ring and investigates the possible materials in it, will he be so interested.

But there are still too few. What good things can a group of middle-level and high-level little guys have? Not everyone is as rich as Locke\'s high-level attendants.

The east coast is indeed more prosperous than the three western islands, but the higher population base there makes the materials scattered to every knight and magician completely inadequate.

There are not many East Coast knights and magic apprentices on this island. After searching his half of the island, Locke harvested only seven or eight space rings and several packages at a discount of four high-level energy spars.

The sun was shining, and it was less than half an hour from the time agreed with Shelley. When Locke got up to fly to the center of the island, a shallow swamp under his feet inexplicably stopped him.

"Anyway, there\'s still some time. Go down and have a look." Locke said to himself that except for this miasma filled swamp, the whole southern island was patrolled in a carpet way to confirm that there were no creatures other than non-native Warcraft.

Looking at the miasma concentration in this swamp, Locke subconsciously thought that there would be no east coast magicians and knights hiding in it, but the rigorous character he had developed all the time made him not care to spend more time to see the situation here.

A two centimeter thick gas shield appeared on Locke, helping him block all the biogas and sour smell outside.

A shield that can support such strength, like flight, is a feature exclusive to formal knights, just as the feature of high-level attendants is fighting and letting out.

Why does level war generally require knights to have more than level 1 strength? In addition to the life intensity of level 1 creatures that can cope with most dangerous and changeable environments, this level of fighting shield can bring life support to Knights.

The real plane war will not be the same as the one Locke participated in before, and the Knights will be transported to the ectopic continent by floating ships.

But all Knights above level 1, under the leadership of level 3 sky knights, set out directly from the Space Fortress outside the plane, in the posture of falling stars, and dive into the ectopic plane!

This layer of air shield can help them effectively block the rolling of the plane barrier and isolate the huge amount of heat generated by friction with the atmosphere.

Walking inside the swamp, he accidentally ran over several poisonous insects close to him. Locke looked surprised. No wonder he always felt a familiar smell. It turned out to be here.

Locke flew in one direction.

The roots of the broad ligated trees were simply covered with tarpaulin, and the three sisters sat around and served their lunch.

Milky tree roots, dark red speckled blue berries, and some thumb sized brown mushrooms are their lunch today.

Every magician is a qualified botanist, especially the three sisters, who have reached the quasi magician class. They have rich knowledge and experience. They can easily distinguish which can eat and which can\'t eat.

It\'s very powerful to find these delicious foods in the swamp where toxins are everywhere.

Picked up a piece of white rhizome, Ellie took a bite, the juice flowed, and some slipped out of Ellie\'s mouth. She was really hungry.

"I\'ll look around..." After two bites of a root, he stuffed another one into his pocket and said hello to his sister. When Ellie was ready to jump up the tree trunk, her action suddenly stiffened.

On the branch less than 20 meters away from the three sisters, a knight in silver armor just looked at them in his spare time.

The three sisters have the same heart. Ellie\'s unnaturalness immediately awakens Alan and ivy. The three women instantly form a triangular formation to face the incoming enemy.

Locke is very familiar with this formation. He had seen it several times in the trial space of meimeili\'s cabin.

"Oh, long time no see." Locke smiled.

As the eldest sister, Elaine quietly walked to the front and protected her two sisters behind her. The knight in front was obviously a first-class knight. Her strong sense of crisis made her temporarily lose her thinking ability.

Although their three sisters\' joint attack array can theoretically explode the power of the first-class strong on the basis of being quasi magicians, Alan knew very well that less than 20% could win when fighting with such strong in actual combat.

Different from Alan\'s cautious attitude towards the enemy, Ellie looked a little suspicious at this time. She seemed to find something and couldn\'t believe it.

The most obvious thing is ivy. When the two sisters raised their magic wands to throw out powerful magic at any time, the girl put down her magic wand, opened her big misty eyes and looked at Locke closely, as if she wanted to see every detail on his face.

"Cough, Ivy\'s sister has become a quasi magician?" Locke smiled at Ivy, who was protected last.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Are you brother Locke?!" Ivy opened her eyes wide and shouted happily.

"What, it\'s really him!" Meanwhile, Ellie exclaimed softly.

Alan also relaxed a little. The knight gave him a feeling that he was really similar to the knight in the secret place of the magic forest a few years ago.

But like Guixiang, Alan didn\'t put down his magic wand. A powerful ice arrow was still ready to go at any time.

No wonder the three women didn\'t recognize Locke. When he was in the secret land of the magic forest, he was wearing the white bone armor given to him by old Cole, and the medal of points with the mark of the death knell, which was very different from his present appearance.