Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 467

"Well..." When Bryson woke up again with a splitting headache, it was the fourth day after the battle. In the supply center of the demon hunting knight, in addition to him, the three people next to the bed happened to be his teammates.

"Are you awake?" Jamie, whose head next door was wrapped in a big circle of gauze, said excitedly.

The remaining two teammates and struggled to sit up and looked at their captain with concern.

"Where are we?" Bryson\'s consciousness still stays at the moment of fighting hard a few days ago. He can\'t adapt to the peaceful atmosphere around him.

"Supply center, we were saved by two big men at the official Knight level." Jamie briefly introduced.

Bryson\'s chest, abdomen, shoulder blades, legs and other parts have multiple wounds. Fortunately, his brain is not broken. After a series of thinking, he reflects the current situation of himself and others.

"Well, you can have a good rest." Bryson said, lying on the hospital bed and changing his comfortable position.

How luxurious can the hospital bed in the supply center be? There are only two or three layers of quilts on a dry hardwood shelf, which makes Bryson feel so comfortable. In fact, it is a safe environment here.

"Jamie." After lying down for a while, Bryson suddenly called out his good brother.

"Well?" Jamie, who was already strong and had a bigger circle after a layer of gauze, looked sideways at Bryson like a funny penguin.

"After this mission, let\'s quit the post of demon hunting Knight temporarily?" Bryson said.

After a moment of silence, Jamie replied, "well, anyway, I\'ve saved enough resources to promote quasi knights. I\'ll accompany you back to Raymond province to build a family, but you have to at least get me a Earl title!"

Facing his brother\'s teasing and request, Bryson said with a bitter smile, "my family is the largest, that is, an earl family. I\'ll try to get you a baron\'s identity."

Between the two brothers, a few words of laughter and quarrel determine their life path for at least ten years.

At the end of the conversation, the remaining two members of their team were also a little moved. They asked to follow them and ask captain Bryson to give them a good position.

Among the members of the high-level attendants of the knight palace, demon hunting knights are undoubtedly the best. Each of these knights, who mainly hunt and kill "black magicians" and maintain peace on the border of the three western islands, has one unique skill or another.

Three companions are willing to join. Bryson has a greater grasp of revitalizing the family and fulfilling his grandfather\'s last wish.

The battle was too dangerous. If two official Knights didn\'t arrive in time, their team would be buried here.

Do not want to take such a big risk, but also take advantage of the opportunity of this serious injury vacation. After returning to the headquarters, Bryson plans to apply for a change of position and complete his dream when he was young.

Just as Bryson closed his eyes and thought about how to operate the old family affairs, his companion Jamie woke him up.

"One of the official Knights asked me to give it to you." Jamie moved his arm hard. His injury was not much lighter than that of Bryson. It was only relying on the recovery ability and anti injury ability of the earth fighting spirit that his condition was slightly better than that of Bryson.

Jamie opened her right hand, and half of the blood essence glittering with deep red appeared in the circle after circle of white gauze.

Bryson had seen such supplies several times before, but he couldn\'t afford to buy them. He took the blood essence from Jamie\'s hand. After playing with it for a while, Bryson asked, "what\'s the name of the official knight?"

"Seems to be... Shelley?" Unlike Bryson, Jamie\'s brain was pounded several times in the battle. With the joy of being rescued, there seemed to be something wrong with his memory.

"Shelley..." Bryson remembers the name. If he has a chance in the future, or if he can be successfully promoted to the next level in more than ten or twenty years, he must pay a special visit and thank him.

"Is it a female knight?" Bryson asked casually.

"Yes, it\'s a beautiful lady Knight!" Jamie said with a silly smile.

Well, don\'t worry about this guy\'s memory. At least he can remember Shelley is a beautiful female knight.


On the other hand, he settled a few little guys and returned to the patrol mission. Locke and Shelley are inspecting one of the twelve islands in the southwest of Deere sea area, which belong to the influence of the three western islands.

Below is a densely wooded island. It can be clearly seen from high altitude that hundreds of middle-level and high-level attendants shuttle among them, collecting useful resources one after another.

Some are magical plants, some are magical minerals, and some are tricky middle and low level Warcraft.

"Oh, a blood essence, I\'m really confused ~" Shelley is still talking about the accident two days ago.

Locke ignored Shelley. Now he can see Shelley. She has something in common with all older women - gossip, tuberculosis and stinginess.

It\'s not entirely right to say she\'s stingy. After all, this woman can take out a blood essence to rescue a high-ranking attendant she doesn\'t know.

The best way to deal with such a woman is never to talk to her. If you ignore her, she will naturally find no topic to chat about.

Shelley is an older woman because Locke\'s thinking still stays in the cognition of the life span of ordinary human beings for decades. Shelley, who is only 69 years old this year, has just passed one third of her life. She is still an unmarried young woman who has not stepped out of the cabinet

In proportion, Shelley\'s life age should match a woman in her early twenties.

This concept gets more and more confused. Locke simply doesn\'t want to. Women care about their age. If Shelley didn\'t make a slip of the tongue, Locke doesn\'t know that she is twice as old as himself. Locke is only 35 years old this year.

Shelley took such care of the younger generation of high-level attendants. Locke guessed that Shelley might have been taken care of by the existence of formal Knight level in the previous attendants stage.

In fact, Shelley is the most serious one in every patrol, but Locke has a lot of free time.

"Alas, the little blonde on the east coast a few days ago is not fat at all. He took out all his space rings, and there are dozens of intermediate energy crystals and some garbage. Locke, how about the chick you chased? That\'s a magician!" Shelley\'s eyes stared like gold coins and asked Locke.

"Just an intermediate apprentice, nothing." Locke said insincerely.

How could he tell Shelley that he had harvested two high-level energy spars and some valuable magic potions from the space ring of the female magic apprentice.

The gold belt for killing and setting fire. Sure enough, the quickest way to get money is to rob.

"How can it be? I think the chick\'s equipment is the best..." Shelley said reluctantly.

"Well, let\'s go to the outer islands." Locke duly interrupted Shelley.

"Oh, well, go southeast!" Shelley said that the place where Bryson and others were saved a few days ago was on an island in the southeast.

Those islands are the boundary between the three western islands and the east coast in the Deere sea area. The two sides are fully competing for sensitive areas, and the fighting there is also the most frequent.

With his combat skills "flying feather" running silently, Locke kept up with Shelley\'s flight speed and headed southeast.

On an island in the southeast islands of the Deere sea area, a mixed team of more than ten high-level magicians and knights acted here.

"Eddie, Cecil, you take people to the east of the island!"

"Quack, porut, take someone to the West!"

"We meet every other hour. I hope there won\'t be any accidents!"

In the team of more than a dozen people, a young man in black robes was their leader. The black robes with mysterious patterns showed that the young man was a noble magician.

"I see, David!"



The people answered one after another.

"Alan, what about you? Would you like to come with me?" The young man in black invited.

"No, our sisters are going to act alone." Said the long haired woman in a pale blue magic robe.

"Well, then you go to the south. We\'re going to the north." The young man in Black said with a dry smile.

Instead of keeping up with the man in black, Alan took his two sisters and walked alone to the south of the island.

"Cut, what are you proud of? A bereaved dog whose family is about to disappear..."

"Yes, I still don\'t listen to brother David..."

"I\'m afraid it\'s not the adults who were taught by the death knell that broke their brains?"


Before the three women had gone far, there were bursts of sobs and laughter behind them. The bad speech made people angry.

The second sister of the three women couldn\'t help but turn around and want to teach them a lesson.

"Ellie, come back!" Elder sister Alan called back her second sister.

"Look at them!" Ellie\'s little face was blue and red, and she obviously endured it to the extreme.

"Hum, they are all abandoned children who have been thrown out. They probably don\'t know their fate." Alan sneered.

With that, he sighed again. Why aren\'t the three sisters.

"Sorry, sister, it\'s all my fault..." Ivy, the third sister, opened her mouth at this time.

"I don\'t blame you. It\'s the mark of the death knell that deceives people too much." Alan touched Ivy\'s head with pity.

"What shall we do now? Shall we go to the south of the island?" Ellie inquired. Despite her impetuous character, she was more adaptable than her eldest sister Alan.

"Let\'s go. It\'s our task after all." Said Alan.

The three women took the shape of Pinyin and flew to the south of the island.

All three are strong quasi magicians, which is why the young man in black wants to win them over.

However, the three quasi level magicians who are responsible for the south of the island covering an area of hundreds of miles are really far fetched. There is no way. Who let them offend the death knell mark organization before they were sent to the frontier.

"Oh? The island opposite is a little interesting!" After patrolling over his own island, Shirley pulled Locke excitedly and pointed to the opposite side.

Strictly speaking, the opposite island belongs to the three western islands, but due to the serious shortage of medium and high-level Knight attendants and magicians, they have gradually given up control of the island over the years. Now there are only "black magicians" on the east coast, except quasi knights and quasi magicians who are confident in their own strength.

Locke also noticed dozens of breath of life on the island and turned to Shelley and asked, "go and have a look?"

"Of course, these little guys on the east coast dare to come to our jurisdiction!" Shelley was like a bandit who found a pile of treasure, said with a small star in his eyes.

"Well, go and have a look!" Locke said that he did not feel the energy fluctuation of any first-class creatures on the island, and the risk factor was not large.