Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 466

Richard Bryson, a very common name, was born in Raymond Province in the east of the omore empire. He is the most outstanding gifted Knight of the Bryson family in the past 30 years.

But today, our talented knight is a little embarrassed. He is covered in dirt and sand. He still needs to keep avoiding the chasing enemy behind him.

"Richard, we can\'t go on like this. Run to the nearest supply point!" Jamie\'s companion\'s voice came. Jamie\'s condition was also very bad. His chest armor was directly broken. If he didn\'t practice earth fighting spirit, he might have hung up long ago.

"OK! Let\'s go! I hope someone of official Knight level will pass by!" Branson roared and flew southeast again.

Bryson, Jamie and others have four companions, and everyone is injured, while there are seven chasing enemies behind.

After more than ten hourglasses, the supply point was getting closer and closer, but Bryson\'s heart was getting colder and colder.

If there is no official Knight level dignitaries to support such a close fight, it is likely that the adults are patrolling elsewhere.

A strong wind came from behind. When Bryson was moving forward at high speed, he forcibly twisted his waist and narrowly avoided the inevitable cold arrow.

The back was burning. It was caused by the arrow tearing his leather armor.

"Is there really no hope?" Branson thought desperately.

Didn\'t die in the dangerous world of activated goblins, but died here?

no no way! I Richard Bryson is the man who wants to revive the hope of the family!

Since there was no way to retreat, Bryson took a step, instantly changed the direction of advance, surprisingly turned to chase the enemy behind him, waved his long sword, and the silver light flashed across it.

"Oh, damn it!" He chased the enemy behind him. After being hit, he returned to his camp in three or two steps.

"Frances, are you okay?" One of the seven people chasing the enemy was still a woman. The woman asked with concern.

"Nothing!" Bryson gave him a dirty hand, and the blood in his right abdomen leached out of his skin armor. Frances still replied with a hard mouth.

Bryson\'s sudden counterattack also marked that the four people who were chased launched the final counterattack. There was no help and support from other trial teams, and there were no big figures of official Knight level patrolling nearby. Their fate was already doomed.

Only the knights who died in the battle against the enemy did not have the tradition of dying against the enemy. Bryson\'s counterattack was reasonable for the chaser team. Frances\'s injury can only be said that he was too aggressive.

"Make a quick decision. It\'s too far from our supply point!" Among the seven, a blonde man said that he was the captain of the team.


"I see!"

"OK, boss!!"


The remaining six replied that this was a well disciplined team.

Not surprisingly, this group of four high-ranking attendants belonging to the three western islands will fall here today. The only thing they can do is to try to pull two more cushions before they die.

But looking at the tacit cooperation skills of the seven people chasing the enemy, their dying struggle has little effect.

Five hundred meters northeast of the battle site, Locke asked angrily among the clouds, "should we do it? Those little guys can\'t hold it!"

"Wait, wait!" Shelley looked excitedly at the fierce fight below as if she had found something interesting.

Locke covered his face and said nothing.

He really regretted forming a team with this woman. Locke was supposed to play with HALS, but Shelley\'s three competitors wanted to play with Shelley. They annoyed Shelley and ran to play with Locke. Naturally, HALS was ruthlessly squeezed out.

The following battle has reached a white hot stage. Two of the four member team of the three western islands were seriously injured and can only rely on their backs to resist the enemy\'s attack. The remaining two have a little attention, and Shelley\'s eyes mainly stay on those two people.

Suddenly, among the seven people in pursuit, an archer wearing green armor was surprised and a fierce arrow was shot at one of the two.

"Puff!" At such a distance, Locke seemed to hear the sound of arrows stabbing into bones and internal organs.

"If you don\'t do it, I\'ll do it. If these little guys die, they\'ll be our task reward!" Locke said angrily.

"Hey, all right, all right." Shelley looked disappointed. Four people were seriously injured and three others. The team\'s "performance" was just over.

Just when Locke was ready to shoot, the knight was shot by a sharp arrow on the battlefield and caught by the sensitive Shelley.

"Wait." Shelley held Locke ready to take the shot.

"Jamie! It\'s up to you!" The sharp arrow inserted in the left chest was so eye-catching, but the party Bryson seemed to be all right. Holding his hands and claws, he rushed to the enemy nearest to his side, which was Jamie\'s main target.

Bryson\'s doing so is equivalent to completely exposing his back to the enemy. Several strong winds come. This is the sickle of death and the prelude to the decline of life!

Bryson\'s face stood still and locked the enemy in front of him like death, creating time for Jamie\'s killing moves.

"Damn it, get out of here!" The ghost of the knight locked by Bryson took a big risk. The difficulty and blood of the enemy were beyond his expectation. He hit Bryson with his elbow several times in a row, with little effect.

"Die!" Brother, how can Jamie let go of the opportunities created with his life.

Waving his two handed sword, Jamie rushed to Bryson with great momentum. In his eyes, there was only the locked knight.

The two handed sword was danced with great power. Jamie even saw panic and fear from the knight\'s facial expression.

"Poof!" A big head spiraled up into the sky. The headless body locked by Bryson staggered forward for two steps and collapsed.

Jamie, who succeeded in one blow, did not have time to breathe a sigh of relief. The ensuing huge blow overwhelmed him. The strong armor could not resist the fighting spirit, the cutting edge, and the strong muscles were torn apart by these vicious enemies like paper.

"Bang!" Broken cloth bags are usually hammered for several meters.

"Wow!" With a loud spit of blood, a total of two enemies crossed to him. His body was tired and weak. At present, the only thing Jamie could move was his own eyes.

Looking at his brother Richard, Richard Bryson, who had resisted several attacks, had already fallen into a coma. At this time, an enemy walked towards him after he fainted.

"It\'s over, brother. It\'s a pity that I can\'t fulfill my promise. I promised to go to Raymond province to help you revive the Bryson family..." Jamie sent out his last words dryly.

"Over? No, no, no! You did a good job, little guy!" Shelley, dressed in light blue armor, suddenly appeared in front of Jamie like an angel Walking in the world.

"He did better!" Shelley looked at Bryson who was unconscious and didn\'t know his life or death.

Jamie swore that this was the most beautiful lady Knight he had ever seen. Her arrival was so timely!

Official Knight! Saved!

Maybe he was too excited. After seeing Shelley, Jamie\'s brain congested and fainted immediately.

"Oh, I fainted. Will it be all right?" Shelley put her finger out to detect Jamie\'s breath.

"Hum!" Unlike Shelley\'s affectation, Locke attacked with spiritual force as soon as he appeared, sweeping away all the east coast Knight attendants present.

Of the remaining six people on the east coast, five were shaky and covered their heads in pain. Only a woman who looked like a magician felt a little better.

"It\'s a first-class knight. Let\'s run!" The leading blonde Knight endured severe pain and shouted.

The six fled quickly from different directions. They also knew that under the hands of the two official knights, they had little chance to escape unless they scattered and fled.

"I\'ll go after these three, and those three belong to you. How about it?" Shelley said slowly that among the three people she chased, including the blonde captain, the guy who can usually be the captain, are very fat.

"OK." Locke is concise and comprehensive. Among the three people he pursues, there is the female magic apprentice. I believe the harvest will not be small.

After they assigned the target for a short time, they rose up like birds and chased in the direction of several people\'s escape.

In front of the official knights who got rid of the plane gravity and learned to fly, these little guys who had not been promoted to the first level had nothing to hide. Their escape was just to delay death.

Unless an expert of the same level stops Locke and them, their fate is already doomed.

The east coast has fertile land, a large population base and a large number of high-level talents. Naturally, it will not arrange formal Knight bodyguards for the high-level attendants who have just experienced two level wars, like the three western islands.

With a little effort, Locke succeeded in solving the three little things he was responsible for.

After returning to the original place, he found that Shelley was faster than him and had been waiting for him there.

After mastering the combat skill "flying feather", Locke\'s flying speed has increased by at least 20%, and Shelley is even faster than him. In addition to strength factors, it is also possible to master some good flying skills.

Sure enough, there was someone outside. Locke put away his strange thoughts and walked towards Shelley.

"How are these little guys?" Locke asked casually.

If a high-ranking attendant from the three western islands is missing or dead within his patrol range, his task reward will be deducted. If he dies, two high-level energy spars will be deducted. Locke doesn\'t want to earn eight high-level energy spars for nothing.

"These three little guys are fine. It\'s hard to say." Shelley frowned and looked at Bryson, who was still in a coma.

"It\'s not because you want to go to the theatre." Locke thought, considering that two of the four Knight attendants remained sober, Locke refrained from saying this.

"Forget it, forget it. I think this guy looks good to me. It\'s a good thing." Shelley sighed, took out a blood essence, broke it in half and put it into Bryson\'s mouth.

Blood essence and other materials still play a role for formal knights, and are priceless for high-level attendants. Locke had a chance to get dozens of grams, less than one piece, with little grassland.

Half a blood essence went down, and Bryson\'s face looked much better, with a little blood on his face.