Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 463

On the street side of the commercial street, all kinds of stalls visit. The people selling things are first-class knights, and few second-class knights can see them.

At this time, the cultural differences between the east coast and the three western islands appeared.

On the east coast, there are many large and medium-sized organizations, which are thriving as a whole. At the same time, the undercurrent sometimes surges behind the scenes. It belongs to the gathering of official knights and first-class magicians. It is only held in a few large commercial cities, and most of it is in the form of auctions.

In the three western islands, there are only two organizations, the knight palace and the holy tower. Almost every official knight and magician in the three western islands belong to these two organizations. Most of them usually barter. It is difficult to see the idle trading area such as commercial street on the east coast.

Especially this commercial street composed of formal knights.

"How do you sell this?" On the way to the moonlight tavern, pulled by HALS, Locke suddenly liked three gray plants with crooked heads and heads on the roadside stall.

Gray plants with strong dead breath can make ordinary people seriously ill by smelling them, but for the official knights, it just tastes a little strange.

"Thirty high-grade crystals, or other equivalent items." The stall owner was a knight in black armor. He shrugged his nose and said.

It seems that the knight is not good at collecting and preserving magic materials. Among the three gray plants, two wilt, and one is directly cut off. The gray black juice flows out of half of the plants, which is also the culprit of the unpleasant smell nearby.

"I only give you ten." Locke blurted out.

Just as the knight in black armor was about to refuse, he saw a wooden box in Locke\'s palm, and a strong smell of blood came from the wooden box.

The knight in black armor looked a little moved, took the wooden box in Locke\'s hand, opened it and checked it carefully, "deal!"

These three \'shadow grass\' belong to Locke.

After a while, Locke plans to go to the holy tower and ask the magicians of the holy tower to help them build a set of armor and weapons. By the way, he will meet Angelina and other women, master Kaila and others.

This shadow herb is just used as a gift from Locke to master assar. Dark magic materials are rare. Although this herb looks a little bad, it has a strong smell of death and corrosion. I believe master assar will like it.

The last time he came back from the east coast and passed through the Santa tower, Locke didn\'t see the assar magician. According to grace, the assar magician is attacking the second level magician.

Now grace is a disciple of master Ashar. Since Locke has been promoted to a formal knight, she has to visit him anyway.

Before being promoted to an official knight, the assar magician took care of himself.

It\'s funny to say that two women of Locke, Angelina and grace, have become disciples of master Kaila and magician Ashar respectively. I don\'t know what master Ashar likes about grace.

According to his observation, Grace\'s magic talent is much worse than Angelina. The only praise is her excellent views on pharmacy. Is that why?

Locke\'s deal with the black armor Knight did not hide from the nearby HALS. The ten blood essence were traded in front of HALS. The guy enthusiastically said to Locke, "brother, do you want magic materials? I\'ll give you all my collection, and I also trade with blood essence!"

"Look, I don\'t want all the magic materials." Locke nodded and said that Locke\'s greatest gain in activating goblins was not to obtain a sufficient number of activating goblins, but to increase a lot of knowledge with Santa magicians.

For the understanding of magic materials, Locke is better than most formal knights, such as the shadow grass just now. If Locke is allowed to sell the holy tower, the starting price of three high-grade spars will be 100.

This is the power of knowledge!

"OK, I\'ll show you later!" HALS\'s eyes turned. He wondered if he would call his brothers and let them take out their collection of magic materials.

There are many magic materials that the Knights really don\'t know, but it doesn\'t matter. As long as the energy fluctuation is almost the same, they can directly pull them out and put them in the space ring. Whether they sell them to the trading hall of the knight palace or store them and sell them to Santa magicians one day, they are sure to make a profit without losing.

Moonlight tavern is located in the second half of the commercial street. The tavern is slightly remote, but there are many people inside.

"Coming?" At the entrance of the tavern was a strong man with a bald head and a circle of arms larger than HALS.

If HALS is a brown bear, this guy is an elephant.

"Yes, take care of brother Bobby\'s business!" HALS said with a big smile.

I didn\'t expect that this strong man is the owner of this tavern. Obviously, the name of the tavern is so poetic

"Hello, this is Locke." The stomach Fei in the heart pressed down, and Locke shook hands and said.

The strong boss gave Locke a stronger feeling than HALS. In the first level, only the former assar magician could compare with him.

This is a real master.

"Hello." The strong man shook hands with Locke and ignored them.

"Brother Bobby is the strongest person in our punishment Hall who has the best chance of being promoted to level 2 land knight in the past ten years. It must be right to deal with him more now." This is the spiritual exchange between HALS and Locke.

Nodding quietly, Locke said he knew.

The knight hall in Princeton is divided into three halls. The number of official knights is stable at 3000, the number of earth knights is 50, and there is only one heaven knight on the bright side, who is the Lord of the sub hall.

This is only the number of knights in the knight palace. Don\'t forget the imperial royal family. As the imperial capital, the royal family must have stationed a considerable number of knights and magicians to maintain their dignity.

So in Princeton, it\'s the dragon who gets the dish and the tiger who gets the bed. Locke has lived in Princeton for more than ten years. He really hasn\'t heard of any first-class or second-class strong person running to make trouble.

"Hey, HALS, here!" The knights in the tavern are divided into several circles and get together to drink. HALS is a small circle of six people.

"I\'d like to introduce you to a new friend, Locke." After walking over, HALS pointed to Locke and said.

Then he introduced the six Knights present to Locke one by one. "Clive, Joyce, Arnold, Shelley, Charles and gene are all my brothers!"

The six official knights had a good relationship with HALS. Seeing that he introduced a new man, they stood up enthusiastically and wanted to drink with Locke.

"Who is your brother!" One of the six official Knights was a woman with short reddish brown hair. She pointed at HALS and scolded angrily.

"Well, Shelley is not my brother, but my sister!" HALS laughed.

The laughter between three or two sentences made Locke instantly pull into the distance from these official knights. Based on the theory of strength, this group of people pulled to foster is definitely an earthquake like figure. Locke took the opportunity to make friends with these Knights of the same level.

After a brief self introduction and understanding, Locke knew that among the six knights, "Clive, Joyce, Arnold and Shelley, like HALS, all came from the kingdom of Franza, and Charles and Jean joined their circle later."

This is the advantage of having a group of villagers. When you come to the omor Empire, you can hold a group to keep warm. It\'s not like Locke, who is alone. The official Knights of the kingdom of faustan just stay in flor city for the elderly.

Level-1 knights are common in the knight palace, but level-1 female knights are rare. Shelley is the first female official Knight known by Locke.

Attracted by the opposite sex, Locke could not help chatting and communicating more with the female knight.

"Shelley doesn\'t have a partner yet, brother. I think you have a good chance!" On the wine table, after a few bottles of rum were eaten, he began to talk casually, and big mouth HALS came up and said.

Locke turned his head and pretended not to hear the words of the two goods.

Shelley\'s reaction over there was more intense. She opened her mouth and scolded "get out!"

This is a fierce female knight, rouge horse. No wonder she hasn\'t been subdued yet.

Knights above level 1 cherish resources. It\'s good to have two female knights in every ten formal knights. Many male Knights will choose female Knights one level lower than themselves in order to continue their blood.

The first-class Knight preferred female Knight attendants, followed by ordinary human women, the second-class Knight tried to choose the first-class female knight as a partner, and the third-class sky Knight looked for the second-class knight.

Of course, love between the same level also exists.

Such a significant blood level gap has caused serious difficulties in the breeding of future generations. It\'s OK for the first-class knight to spread a net. If she marries more than ten or twenty ordinary human women and works day and night, she will always succeed.

Despite Shelley\'s violent temper, many people have ideas about her. Locke here can see at least three people, two are Clive and Joyce. They are both Knights of the kingdom of Fransa with Shelley, and the other is gene.

Shelley\'s appearance is not in line with Locke\'s aesthetics. Locke likes women with white skin and gentle personality. Long hair shawl is the best. Shelley with short hair loses a lot of points here.

Of course, for the convenience of fighting, most female knights had their hair cut short, including the Garcia Knight Locke knew.

However, compared with men, her straightforward character is not bad, which makes Locke quite appreciate. She is not artificial, free and easy, and generous. No wonder half of the seven male Knights present like her except Locke, who has just joined her.

A group of official Knights get together and chat about nothing more than fighting and adventure. They won\'t sit there with afternoon tea and discuss the stability of the energy structure of the magic array

"After a while, I\'m going to take a mission to the Deere sea area. Do you want to be together?" Shelley asked, sipping her glass at the table.

"I\'ll go!"

"I\'ll go too!"


It\'s convenient for women to take the lead. Miley revealed his meaning. LEV, Joyce and others directly agreed.

There are five people to go, including HALS. The other two are going back to their motherland and other tasks.

"And you? Do you want to come?" HALS opened his mouth and asked, intending to bring rockra into their circle.

"Deere sea area? What\'s the mission?" Locke was familiar with the place name, but he couldn\'t remember the details.

"Hunt the black mage!" HALS said word by word.


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