Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 462

The trading hall of the knight\'s palace is less gorgeous and more solemn than that of the holy tower.

There are not many Knights coming and going. Some are asking at the trading window. Few people actually decide to buy. Most of them just look at it and ask about the price and commodity performance.

In a word, the two trading halls of the knight palace and the holy tower still have the same points. For example, the things sold are more and more expensive.

"Give my brother some war skills and have a look. Take out the Lei Teng war skills and sword Qi fingers last time!" HALS walked carelessly to a blank window and said instead of Locke.

Sitting inside was an old-fashioned official knight. The first-class Knights did not say that they were young forever, but they could also maintain their appearance at the stage they wanted.

Except for some knights who fixed themselves in the old age stage at the beginning of promotion, most Knights will not be able to regress and show the posture of aging until the last ten or twenty years of their life.

The old knight in the window obviously belongs to the latter.

"It\'s you!" The old man was not surprised. People came to the trading hall every day. HALS was a regular guest inside. Even if he didn\'t buy anything, he could have a good time.

A palm sized crystal ball and a stack of yellow book paper were taken out by the old man. In addition, there are several other sealed combat skills.

Locke\'s eyes only stayed on the crystal ball and yellow book paper. After reading the introduction of several other combat skills, he found that they were really just chicken ribs.

The color of the crystal ball is blue, and there is a faint electric light in it. After politely asking the old man in the window, Locke knows that what is stored in it is the cultivation methods of leiteng war skills and the application experience of some creators.

As for the cultivation content of sword Qi finger recorded in the yellow book paper, it is recorded in the introduction that it was created by a powerful official knight in the knight hall 500 years ago. Not long ago, it was burned by his descendants in the form of a copy and hung in the knight hall for sale.

After being promoted to the first level, the Knights can also control the application of spiritual power. Locke asked a little. After obtaining the permission of the old man inside, he picked up the crystal scout to check the combat skills inside.

The crystal ball only revealed the first tenth of leiteng\'s combat skills, and mainly introduced the principles and application effects of combat skills. There was no substantive operation method. When you wanted to continue to explore, you found that the subsequent contents were wrapped by a layer of prohibition.

After a little sweeping, Locke has a general understanding of leiteng combat technology, which is a combat technology suitable for thunder fighting users. By mobilizing thunder energy, he can achieve a short increase in speed and power explosion.

On the whole, it is indeed a good record. It can increase the speed and strength of users by 30% and 40% over a period of time, which is comparable to some precious explosive precious medicines.

However, it only applies to the limitations of thunder fighting spirit, and the three-day weakness period after the use of war skills, which makes this war skill hang in the knight\'s palace for two months, and few people pay attention to it.

Locke has not considered what kind of fighting spirit to change in the future. The characteristics of Lei\'s fighting spirit are strong explosion, weak endurance, significant advantages and disadvantages, which can not be ignored. After understanding this Lei Teng fighting skill, Locke put down the crystal ball and picked up another stack of books.

The yellow book paper shows the unique age of this war skill. It is a war skill created 500 years ago, but it is still effective today.

After opening the book paper, Locke found that this combat skill allows the knights to use fighting spirit to launch three sword Qi at their fingertips through a complex conduction process.

The first thing to look at a good weapon is the morale conductivity. The essence of this combat skill is to use the body instead of the weapon, taking the finger as the sword.

The strength of the sword spirit is related to the strength of the user\'s fighting spirit. If the application is good, it\'s a good move to give the opponent such a look.

The fighting skill of this school called sword Qi finger is very good. Locke originally came with the mentality of trying, but he didn\'t expect to gain anything.

In addition to these two combat skills, Locke generally looked at the other combat skills put forward by the old man, focusing on the combat skills with the wind fighting spirit as the core.

Most of them do not apply to him. There is a good combat skill called "Feiyu". Locke values some introductions about flight skills, and the combat skill itself is not valued by Locke.

After much hesitation, Locke chose these two fighting skills called "sword Qi finger" and "flying feather".

The combat skills mastered by each Knight are only his own secrets. After HALS brought Locke, he stood away with interest.

"How much is it?" Asked Locke.

The old man glanced at the price and said, "the sword Qi refers to 120 high-level energy spars and the flying feather is 60."

Locke\'s face shook unnaturally. Indeed, it was hideously expensive.

After he was promoted to the official knight, King kensell once gave Locke 100 high-level energy crystals at one time, and the knight hall gave him only 30 annual salaries a year.

The sum of the two combat skills cost him 180 energy spars. Locke suddenly understood why HALS was so poor.

Unable to take out so many energy crystals, Locke asked, "do you take gold and silver here?" His space ring also contained two boxes of gold and four boxes of silver plundered from the blood blade tribe.

The old man looked at Locke, nodded and said, "close."

Gold and silver is the most important currency in the wizard world. It circulates among ordinary civilians and strong people above level 1. However, gold and silver are rarely traded among strong people above level 1. In addition to bartering, it is customary to trade with energy crystal or magic core.

Little circulation does not mean no circulation. The reason why gold and silver, a secular metal, can circulate among creatures above level 1 is because of the unique excellent magic guidance and ductility of gold and silver.

Refined gold and secret silver are the products of gold and silver after special melting. They are also one of the most excellent and precious resources in contemporary times. Knights and magicians will use them.

A spare space ring with an internal space of 15 cubic meters was handed over to the trading window. In addition to the boxes of gold and silver obtained some time ago, there were also some gold, silver and jewelry saved by Locke himself in more than ten years. Some came from killing the enemy and plundering, and others came from filial piety during faustan\'s period, which piled up a whole space ring.

For Locke now, these things belong to external things, and their effect on him is not as good as energy spar. Only some of them are left for standby, and most of them are taken out by him.

The process of statistics is very complicated. The old man took this space to explain that it disappeared. He came back after ten hourglasses and wiped a sweat. The old man said, "these gold and silver are converted into 80 energy crystals, and those jewelry are converted into gold moles. He gave you 30 energy crystals, a total of 110."

One hundred and ten energy spars have exceeded Locke\'s psychological expectations, very good,

After paying 70 pieces of variegated crystals of non wind energy crystals again, Locke was satisfied with these two combat skills. The prohibitions in the page had been removed, and Locke could look at them at ease.

They walked out of the trading hall, greeted HALS, and walked to the commercial street.

"You have something!" HALS smiled.

Locke is silent. It belongs to the commercial street of formal knights. It is colder than the knight attendants. In addition to fewer people, there are few formal knights who set up stalls.

Everyone is a first-class strong man. In the small kingdom, they are all figures standing at the peak of power. No one can pull that face.

"Then I think you are very short of money?" Walking in the commercial street, Locke asked casually.

"Do you think I\'m the prince of a country?" HALS turned his eyes up and said angrily.

This is the result of Locke\'s inertia. The four first-class knights in the kingdom of Faustin, including him, are all Marquis and Prince. If people at this level are short of money, they are also short of high-grade energy crystal, not secular gold and silver.

This is just a national characteristic of Faustin. In order to cope with the war, two successive kings of Faustin need to rely on the support of the four Marquis families, which makes the domestic resources tend to be part of the four marques.

In fact, there are a considerable number of official knights who are not the Lord of one party in their own country. Their incomparable strength makes them obtain a good sacrifice in their own country.

HALS was born in the Fraser kingdom in the north of the omor empire. It is an ice and snow country with a small population and poor economy. The only commendable thing is that the Fraser kingdom with a population of 600000 is strong enough. There are seven first-class strong men in contemporary times.

HALS is just one of them. You can expect the remote and backward Franza kingdom to give HALS any support. Even HALS is not a noble. Like Locke, he climbed up from the army system of Franza kingdom.

Perhaps it was the quality of the army that made HALS particularly pleasing to Locke.

As Locke gained a firm foothold in the knight palace and met a large number of friends at the same level, he will find that 70% of the official knights at this stage came from humble, and only 30% were pure blood nobles.

The more people at the bottom, the more they look forward to climbing up, and they pay the greatest and most efforts.

It\'s good that the four Marquis families in the kingdom of Faustin have formal knights, but have they ever had secondary knights.

Today, the guardian of Faustin, the knight Lord Roma, is an orphan adopted by the former king of Faustin in the dark guard a hundred years ago.

It was the young suffering that made ROM firm will, overcome all difficulties and ascend the distant rank of the land knight.

It is precisely during the growth of the Roma knight that the Faustin royal family spared no effort to help, so that the local Knight vowed to be loyal to the Faustin royal family forever during the official Knight period.

Since everyone is a "noble generation", they get along very well with each other. Like Locke, HALS doesn\'t like the affectation of the nobility, even though he still holds the title of marquis in the kingdom of Franza.

"Go! Go to the moonlight tavern and I\'ll take you to meet some friends!" HALS and Locke said, shoulder to shoulder.

Among the seven first-class knights in his country, except two who stayed in Fraser, the rest worked hard in the knight Hall of the imperial capital. Fraser valued faith, which is also the reason why he has good contacts and communication here.