Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 464

Black magician Locke is no stranger. When he studied at Imperial College, he encountered ghosts transformed by the soul of black magician with Angelina, Qiao Jin and other women.

At that time, a part of the booty was completely preserved in his space ring for collection.

Are the black magicians on the three western islands so rampant that they need to be solved by official knights?

Just promoted to the first level, Locke didn\'t know enough about some situations. He turned and looked at HALS like asking.

"The magicians on the east coast are collectively referred to as\' Black \'magicians." HALS said a simple word, and Locke got a general idea.

Then, in a few words of introduction, Locke learned that the three western islands are in the Northeast sea area, and there has always been an area with no clear boundary with the east coast.

And there are several precious materials of special products in the sea area, which have led to constant disputes and wrangling between the two places.

Up to now, most of the forces on the three western islands and the east coast have become hostile. A large part of the inducement is the contradiction in the Northeast sea area called deer.

It is also the excessive bloodshed in that sea area, which makes it one of the potential struggle sites on the three western islands and the east coast.

There are many islands in the Deere sea area with complex terrain and sea appearance. Dozens of official magicians and knights die there every year, including the strong on the east coast and the strong on the three western islands.

As for the real "black magicians", this group of wizards all over the world shouted to beat the field mice. It\'s too late to hide. How can they really break into the deep pit in the Deere sea area.

"What about you? Are you going?" Shelley also asked at this time. Locke is very young, which is easy to see. In addition, he has strong blood and great potential. It is better to say that they are selling Locke face than asking Locke to join.

The official knight team composed of five people knows each other well. As long as we act carefully at that time, there is no problem in completing the task. If we can really kill one or two official magicians and knights on the east coast, it will be a huge sum of money.

The affluence of the east coast is well known to the people of the three western islands.

"Go, count me in!" Locke laughed.

Alone, he really needs a reliable Gang now. HALS is a good team. Moreover, with the convenience of completing the task together, Locke also wants to see the strength difference between himself and other first-class knights.

"OK, I\'ll call you then!" HALS slapped Locke on the shoulder and said that he and Locke had exchanged the spiritual mark of the messenger.

"How long does the task usually last? Well... I still have a task assigned by the knight hall next year." Locke touched his head and asked shyly.

"Soon, usually between two and six months." Shelley smiled with understanding. She also knew that Locke was in the period of "ten years of voluntary labor".

There are still eight months before Locke takes over the task. Time is enough.

After discussing the task of Deere sea area, several people continued to drink and chat together.

I don\'t know whether the knight\'s body is really so strong, or whether all the people here are northern men. From the afternoon to the middle of the night, almost everyone is drinking on the tank. Locke feels that he has drunk the total amount of this year.

What made him speechless was that the moon was on the branches, and these guys didn\'t leave. They leaned against each other and drank rum that would never be finished.

"Come on, brother Locke, let\'s have another drink." Shelley leaned over and muttered.

Locke\'s ghost took a big risk. Shelley said this in the afternoon. Now, they have had more than one drink and more than one cylinder.

"Forget it, forget it, let\'s eat." Locke waved his hand. If it wasn\'t for the strong body of the official knight, most of them would be intoxicated by alcohol according to their per capita drinking capacity of 40 or 50 kilograms today.

It\'s true that he likes drinking, but he doesn\'t like alcoholism. He pays attention to an appropriate amount of everything. Locke still has great self-control in this regard.

"Boring." Shelley blushed, then went to HALS and they went to clink their glasses.

It is said that in the kingdom of Fraser, because of the perennial snow, in order to maintain the body heat, every family has strong liquor. Usually, the wine pot does not leave the body. Is this true? Otherwise, Locke can\'t imagine what environment makes Shelley a woman develop a stronger drinking capacity than men.

By the moonlight outside the tavern, Locke bored with several delicacies on the table. Silverfish and moonshells are the characteristics of this season. They are produced from Baikal Lake Group hundreds of kilometers away.

The palm sized moon shell intersects with the moonlight outside the window. It is beautiful. It is both eye-catching and delicious. It is also a precious magic food.

Locke can\'t go home tonight. He can only deal with it here in the knight hall for one night. Fortunately, the owner of the tavern didn\'t rush people. Several dignified official knights, like Lai drunkards, tilted and fell on the tavern seats.

Early the next morning, Locke greeted HALS and others, greeted a carriage on the road outside the knight\'s hall, and returned home to make up for sleep.

"The task will be received in about half a month. I\'ll inform you then!" Said HALS in a loud voice.


In a spacious house on shanschel street, Locke was practicing his fighting skill, sword Qi finger, with his hands in the shape of claws.

Sword Qi refers to two ways to use it. One is "point", that is, fighting Qi is emitted from the meridians in the center of the finger. It has great kinetic energy, is as fast as a sharp arrow, and is hidden.

The second is "stroke", that is, like Locke now, his hands are claws. When he strokes horizontally, there are three to five fighting ripples. This method is not only more powerful than the previous method, but also a range attack, with a radiation radius of up to 100 meters.

Locke\'s fighting style has always been one-on-one and lack of group attack. This sword spirit points to the right time.

Later, when facing the human sea tactics of low-level creatures, Locke completely relied on the fighting skills of sword Qi finger to save fighting spirit and cause a huge blow to the enemy as a whole.

"Crash! Crash!" These days, the trees in the courtyard have fallen bad luck, and countless branches and leaves fly away.

These trees have been planted by previous generations of owners. They have been evergreen for hundreds of years. They usually need several people to hug.

However, these days, Locke is not proficient in practicing sword Qi fingers. He often gets injured by fire. Two big trees with a cross-sectional area of four or five square meters have been completely sawn off by tree cadres.

This also reflects the strong cutting ability of sword Qi from the side.

Locke could smash a huge tree with one punch without using weapons, but he could never cut it so neatly.

"Have you practiced enough? It\'s time to eat!" Outside the courtyard, Raffi\'s voice came.

In order to prevent hurting others, this courtyard where Locke specializes in practicing sword Qi fingers is usually closed to people.

"All right." Locke promised and walked out the door.

Outside the door, Raffi was also dressed in practice clothes. During her time with Locke, she didn\'t fall behind in her own cultivation. Now she has touched the bottleneck of middle-level attendants.

The couple snuggled up and walked to the living room, where the maid had already prepared a rich lunch.

"Do you have any blood essence? Ask me for it when you run out." Locke asked casually. After returning from the last mission, Locke gave Raffi five blood essence at one time for her to practice.

"What\'s more, I\'ve only used one and a half until now." Said Raffi.

Now Christine and Raffi are two of the lowest strength among his women. Even his sister Leah successfully broke through to a senior magic apprentice during the days when foster took care of her parents. Now she is officially accepted by the Santa tower.

Christine doesn\'t want him to worry. Grace is there. It\'s safe for Christine to be promoted to a senior magic apprentice and a high-level Knight attendant. Only Raffi who lives with him needs a snack from Locke.

At the dinner table, while enjoying delicious food, Locke chatted with Raffi about some trivial things.

The Knights are big stomach kings, as are Locke and Raffi. There are all kinds of high calorie foods such as roast whole sheep, roast suckling pigs and roast geese on the dinner table, all of which are their lunches.

It is also dotted with some precious magic ingredients, which are purchased by Locke in the knight\'s palace. The flesh and blood of demonized creatures are not very useful to Locke, but they are still of great help to Raffi.

Still poor, Locke thinks of Fermo, the scorpion dragon who sleeps in the space flute. This guy has an iron stomach. Fortunately, he can reduce energy consumption by sleeping in the space flute. Otherwise, Locke has a headache about the cost of feeding the scorpion dragon every day.

Even if Shelley and others did not invite Locke to perform the task together, he would have to go to the knight\'s palace to receive some tasks and earn some extra money.

"In a week, I have to go out for some time. The time is uncertain. I try to come back in four months." At tea after dinner, Locke took the opportunity to say to Raffi.

"Yes." Raffi nodded. She was similar to Locke\'s sister Leah. She was tough on the outside and soft on the inside. She had always unconditionally agreed with Locke\'s decision.

"You should pay attention to safety." Raffi knew Locke was on a mission.

"Don\'t worry." Locke said.


A week later, in the task Hall of the knight hall, Locke, HALS, Shelley and other six people handed over and received the task contract.

When first-class Knights perform tasks, they will sign a magic contract with real effect in the knight hall, which details the tasks that Knights need to complete and the rewards they can get after completing the tasks.

The preciseness and convenience are higher than that of Knight attendants.

The content of their mission this time is very simple: on behalf of the knight palace, they patrol the Deere sea area for three months to track, expel and kill unknown enemies and "black magicians" who broke into the Deere sea area; Killing three level-1 \'black magicians\' can complete the task ahead of time and double the task reward.

This is an ordinary patrol task, and the inner doorway is not simple.

For example, the words "track, expel and kill" are debatable. The meaning of the knight\'s palace is very simple. If you encounter thorny and difficult guys, try to expel them as much as possible. If you can\'t, put on the spiritual mark to track them, and wait for the knight\'s Palace to send stronger knights to deal with them.

And if you encounter soft persimmons, kill them directly!

After listening to HALS, Locke showed an enlightened look and was eager to try the task he was going to. Now he wanted to find an opponent of the same level.