Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 461

Princeton in winter has a trace of quiet beauty. The imperial capital has been noisy all year and ushered in its short leisure.

Businessmen from all over the country returned home to accompany their wives and children. Residents of the imperial capital also huddled at home and cooked a pot of hot broth to celebrate the coming new year.

There are fewer people on the street, but the popularity of the whole imperial capital has not decreased much.

Princeton is located in the interior of the omor Empire and is less affected by the monsoon. The vast hills in the West and steep mountains in the south block the most violent cold wind.

At this time, the Baikal Lake Group in the northeast also closed the net for the last fishing season of the year, bringing rich and delicious food to the dining tables of the people in the imperial capital.

Two months have passed since completing the task last time. In these two months, Locke was not in a hurry to get any more tasks, but was at home to completely stabilize the state after the breakthrough.

After being promoted to a formal knight, there are no low-level, medium-level and high-level in the conventional sense. One level is one level. Under the same level, the strength depends on the skills, armor weapons and experience of the knight.

An old knight who has been promoted to level 1 knight for decades will never underestimate a knight who has just been promoted to level 1, and the knights who have just been promoted to level 1 will not belittle themselves. As long as the opponent is not a level 2 knight, which is stronger or weaker still needs to be dealt with.

In other words, if Locke still wants to continue to improve his strength, the total amount of fighting spirit accumulated by his reckless cultivation is no longer of great use. What he needs is to go out to see the world and understand the field that the official knights are in.

Ectopic surface, for first-class knights, ectopic surface experience is the fastest way to improve their self-strength. According to incomplete statistics, the number of official knights in the three western islands is 120000, and the mainland of Messia has at least 40000 official knights.

With a population base of billions, the generation rate of four thousand creatures is not low. Since Locke grew up, he has traveled far and wide, taking the mainland of Messia to 7788, especially within the scope of the omor Empire and the kingdom of forstan.

But he saw only a handful of strong people above level 1. In addition to the factor that strong people above level 1 are not allowed to interfere with the growth and life of creatures below level 1 stipulated by the holy tower and the knight palace, there is also a part of the main reason that those strong people at level 1 on the three western islands tend to go out and go beyond their standard.

If it were not for the suppression and hostility of the east coast to the three western islands, if it were not for the west coast, which is a world-famous cold place for wizards, it would also be a good choice to travel on the standard.

The huge tolerance and bearing capacity of the standard, as well as the complex composition of rules, are enough for the primary and secondary guys to explore all their lives.

The wizard world is the top medium-sized world in the surrounding area!

The wizard world with several level-6 strong people and more level-5 and level-4 strong people has put heavy pressure on countless planes around.

All the micro plane natives who know this powerful neighbor try their best to hide their plane coordinates, and the strong gravitational fluctuation of the low-level plane itself makes them have nowhere to hide, surrender or destroy, which is the main melody of the plane war.

As for the intermediate level, ha ha, the wizard world has destroyed three medium-sized worlds within its detectable range. Although everyone is in the intermediate level, sometimes the gap between levels is even more desperate.

In order to avoid these opponents of the same level who may grow into threats against themselves, the wizard world can only start first. The most recent World War between intermediate levels was an age-old World War 6500 years ago, to the extent that the first and second level creatures in the bottom layer could not be verified.

You should know that the founding history of the Amor empire is only 2800 years, while the kingdom of forstan is even shorter, just 700 years.

"Apply for an ectopic task?" In the courtyard of his home, Locke touched his chin and thought that he was planning for the future. The official knight was not his destination.

What kept him from making up his mind was that the duration of any ectopic task began in three years, ranging from five to ten years.

It is not that the tasks that the Knights need to complete are so long, but the energy consumed by each space transmission. The spar is an astronomical number, especially the ectopic surface transmission.

At present, the first-class strong people of the three western islands are sent to all places through the portal of the knight palace and the holy tower, and then come back after completing the task.

Only the second and third level strongmen, who are well worth and few in number, can be reckless and spend a lot of money to transfer directly through the transmission array without "queuing up" with the first level.

In three to five years, Locke was worried about his family. Family affection and love were wonderful memories in the life of creatures who had just been promoted to the first level.

With a life span of more than 200 years, the first-class Knights look back and find that most of the relatives and lovers who grew up with them have disappeared in the long river of history.

(level-1 magicians are even worse. Their theoretical life span is more than 500 years. Magicians are famous for their withdrawn and strange character. This situation is caused by the lack of family affection and love in the course of life.)

Only after experiencing the pain of losing loved ones and loved ones will the first-class Knights work hard, inspire themselves and move forward to a higher level.

The most intuitive evidence is that the peak period from the first-class knight to the second-class knight is between 120 and 180 years old.

Five years is really too long. Locke also plans to go to Santa tower to see Angelina, grace and other women next summer.

For the time being, let go of the idea of performing tasks on different sides. Locke carefully counted and found that there are still two means to improve his strength. One is to change the fighting Qi skill. In the trading hall inside the knight\'s palace, Locke knows several good skills suitable for him.

The second is to update the equipment. This is a money burning job. It is suitable for the weapons and armor used by formal knights. It can\'t be made in the secular blacksmith shop. We must find special talents. It would be better if we were the alchemist of the holy tower.

In fact, there is another half method, that is, learning a war skill, but war skill, like a unique skill, has strong blood and inheritance. What is sold in the market are rotten Street goods, and real good things never flow out.

Instead of hoping to get a strong fighting skill, it\'s better to honestly hone your fighting skills. What suits you is the best. Every official knight is a fighting master and doesn\'t have to learn from others.

"Hey, go to the knight\'s palace later." The more you think, the less you have a clue. Locke simply doesn\'t want to.

At this time, Raffi\'s voice came, "Locke, let\'s go out tomorrow."

Tomorrow is the new year, no matter which country, region or person People attach great importance to the festival.

"OK." Locke replied.

Accepting Raffi\'s plea, Locke followed her around the famous waltz street in the West District of Princeton, the capital, and bought some small and interesting things.

In Locke\'s impression, Raffi has always been a hard-working little maid. After becoming Locke\'s woman, the little girl has grown a lot. With the temperament of silk hostess, Locke is also happy to see this change.

Of course, you can\'t refuse the invitation of a beloved woman. Locke and Raffi are like an ordinary couple on Princeton street, the capital, watching freely along the direction of the crowd.

This new year is the most comfortable one Locke has spent in recent years. If only Angelina and them were here.

After the new year, Locke went to the knight\'s palace.

Sith is really miserable. He can\'t go home during the Chinese New Year. He is left here to guard.

After greeting the unlucky guy, Locke went to the area where the official knights were located.

"Hey, brother Locke!" As we passed the rest area, a loud voice came. It was HALS.

Locke stopped and turned to look, "HALS, didn\'t you go home?"

"Home? This is my home." HALS glanced at his mouth. Although he looked like a middle-aged man, he was actually 20 or 30 years older than Locke. He was less concerned about the concept of "home".

This is the common character of the growth of magicians and knights.

"I want to learn a war skill. Do you have any suggestions?" Locke said bluntly.

"War skills... This thing is not easy to clean." HALS scratched his head.

Knights pay attention to blood, and magicians pay attention to inheritance. Every newly created war skill and magic, as an inventor, will never be taught to people other than their relatives and disciples.

The knight\'s palace has been handed down for thousands of years. Excellent war skills absolutely exist. Even if some war skills are sold, the price they have to pay is not acceptable to ordinary people.

"I believe you can\'t see those combat skills below level 1..." HALS said as he thought.

Locke nodded. He had some combat skills in the knight attendant stage. Locke had some contacts in the attendant stage. Most of them gave him the feeling that they were flashy. Some really good combat skills were not suitable for him.

After all, it is not tailor-made. Of course, the inventor of war technology takes himself as the standard.

This also led Locke not to learn a war skill before becoming a knight, because those war skills were useless to him. It was better to use the set of skills he had worked out for more than ten years.

"There are two kinds of good fighting skills hanging in the trading hall recently. I can show you. If not, I can only try my luck in the commercial street." Said HALS.

"OK, I\'ll go to the trading hall." Locke said.

"I\'m with you." HALS followed up. Based on his years of experience in looking at people, the knight named Locke must be a good money owner. It\'s absolutely right to deal with such people.

Don\'t think that formal knights are not short of money. With a higher platform and wider channels, the speed of spending money by formal knights is amazing.

High level energy spar for cultivation, maintenance of weapons and equipment, necessary expenses for performing tasks, recovery potion that can effect first-class creatures

Not to mention others, just talk about HALS. His life is tight.


PS: the explanation of the difference in life expectancy between level 1 knights and magicians will be mentioned later, including their theoretical life expectancy after promotion to level 2 and level 3.