Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 460

460 submit task

After returning the military power to the Legion commander here in the Legion camp of omor on the Saka grassland, Locke set off to return to the omor empire.

With a floating ship traveling thousands of miles a day, Locke arrived at Princeton on time on the tenth day after consuming two medium-level energy crystals.

The continuous control of the floating boat made Locke\'s mental strength consume too much. After getting off the boat, Locke held his forehead.

"I still have to practice more." Locke murmured that he had several ways to improve his spiritual power given by Angelina. Unfortunately, like most knights, Locke hated the practice of sitting in the practice room and meditating for a day.

Compared with boring meditation, Locke prefers to use more and practice more mental power to exercise and improve.

Go straight to the task Hall of the sub Hall of the knight hall. Locke goes to the one that serves the official knights.

"You can get your task reward. What I left for you is fire energy spar." Locke said to Sith with his head sideways.

The fighting spirit of Sith cultivation belongs to fire fighting spirit. I heard that I smiled and replied, "thank you!"

So the two separated temporarily. The place where the official Knights took over the task in the knight hall was not in the same place as the knight attendants.

It belongs to the activity area of formal knights. It covers a wider area and is more elegant in the sub Hall of the knight hall. Through the spacious corridor, Locke passes by many first-class knights.

Everyone is ordinary or publicized. Most of the feelings of these knights to Locke are fear.

"Oh? Are you new?" A knight approaching asked curiously.

"Yes, how do you know?" Locke nodded in affirmation.

"Hiss, I basically know all the guys here. You\'re a new face." The first-class knight is a bald man. His dark skin is easy to think of brown bears.

"My name is HALS, and you?" The man was a self familiar man. He shook hands with Locke and asked.

"Locke." Locke replied.

"I\'m just idle. By the way, let me show you the situation here." HALS said with a smile.

"Thank you." Locke nodded.

It\'s not that HALS, who has always had the title of "black bear", is really in a hurry, but Locke\'s strength has been affirmed by him. After being promoted to a first-class knight, the Knights have also mastered the skills of using spiritual power. In the past, knights judged the strength of others through blood and prestige.

Now, with the double standard of spiritual detection, knights can have a deeper grasp of the enemy\'s situation when facing the enemy.

The reason why HALS is so enthusiastic about Locke is that although Locke is only a new first-class knight, his actual combat strength has been comparable to some ordinary knights who have been qualified for many years.

HALS believed his eyes.

"This is the canteen. Last week, a new ship of silverfish and Yuebei was sent. Recently, they were robbed crazy by the guys here. You can try it. It tastes good."

"This is a rest place. You can come here when you finish the task. There is a separate room. Some guys like to share intelligence here, but we have a better place - tavern."

"This is the war technology hall. There are no good goods. The things in it are antiques hundreds of years ago. Now no one studies them. It\'s better to use their own exploration skills."

"This is the trading hall, which is officially opened by the knight\'s palace. The alchemists on the other side of the holy tower make something good. The shops here can get it at the first time, but the price is a little expensive." At this point, HALS tilted his mouth. It seems that he had a bad experience before.

"This is a commercial street. We usually trade things here. There is a good pub called moonlight. I\'ll take you to try it when I have time."

"By the way, the commercial street connected with the Knights\' attendants here is disconnected, but you can go there if you want, but you need to restrain your breath. You don\'t want to be punished by the law enforcement team because you accidentally hurt those little guys."

"There is a training hall. The venue is good. It is said that the best training ground can withstand the bombardment of level 3 sky knights. Unfortunately, I have no money and can\'t go to that level. The middle and low-grade training ground is enough for us."

"There are other places I won\'t take you to see. Go around by myself when you have time. Stay here for two or three years like me and you can figure out everything." HALS bared his white teeth and smiled.

"I\'ll take you to the task hall first and finish your task." HALS led Locke to the innermost part of the knight hall. The more he went in, the more formal Knights he met.

Everyone who met on the way seemed to know HALS, and the voice of greeting continued all the way.

"How many times have you been on a mission?" HALS asked casually. Of course, he saw that Locke was the Knights during the "ten-year voluntary labor". These Knights basically completed the tasks once a year. The first time also meant that he asked Locke what year he had been promoted to an official knight.

"First time." Locke said.

"Oh, for the first time, you have to go directly to boss Raleigh." HALS lifted his shoulder.

Raleigh, the land knight who issued the mission to Locke two months ago.

Before sending Locke to Raleigh\'s office, when HALS was ready to leave, Rocla stopped him and stuffed a high-level energy crystal into his palm.

"Hey, hey, it\'s still your brother ~" HALS said with a shy smile. Such a big man should show such a philistine smile.

Without help for no reason, HALS wasted his time to lead Locke. He must be seeking something. Locke is more willing to repay this trivial favor with money.

"It\'s just a high-grade spar." Locke smiled implicitly.

"It\'s just a high-grade spar..." After HALS thought over and tested Locke\'s words, his eyes brightened, rushed to Locke and interrupted his action of knocking at the door.

"Brother, are you rich?" HALS\'s eyes were as round as two gold coins.

HALS had such a straightforward conversation that Locke didn\'t respond to what had happened. Before he could say anything, HALS held Locke\'s clothes tightly and said, "brother, if you need any help in the future, just call me. The price is easy to discuss!"

Is this a man who fell into the eyes of money? If it weren\'t for the Hales black bear physique, Locke really defined it that way.

After finally getting rid of HALS\' entanglement, Locke knocked on the door and entered Raleigh\'s office.

At the moment of opening the door, Locke suddenly thought, "are the official Knights short of money? This..."

Locke, who has just reached the official knight, has not yet integrated into this circle. He needs to explore many situations by himself.

Shook his head and scattered his thoughts, Locke strode in.

In the room, Raleigh, sitting behind the table, didn\'t look at the chieftain head handed in by Locke, but smiled and said, "yes, I\'ve completed this task in only two months."

"The death toll of the imperial border guard is 489. I will give you an excellent evaluation on this mission." Raleigh took out Locke\'s task scroll, pressed his finger, and the appearance of a spiritual mark marked the successful completion of Locke\'s task this year. Next, he will have a ten month holiday.

"You have great potential. If you have nothing to do these days, you can take some missions of the knight\'s palace." Riley laughed.

Locke nodded and agreed that the quality of the task evaluation determines Locke\'s annual salary next year. With Raley\'s words, Locke\'s annual salary next year must exceed this year\'s 30 wind system advanced energy spars.

Before leaving, Locke hesitated for a moment, and finally took out two best blood essence and put them on Riley\'s table.

Since Raleigh didn\'t need to report to him, he knew the completion of the task and was more accurate to the number of soldiers\' casualties. I believe Raleigh also heard about the best blood essence he obtained this time.

Directly took out two best blood essence, which hurt Locke\'s flesh, but he had to do so in order to take root in the knight\'s palace.

The best blood essence with bright blood light, as soon as it appears in the room, it overflows with rich and fragrant blood gas. This is a treasure that can also help the current Locke.

Seeing this, I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion. Riley, who has been straight faced, feels that his face is a little softer, although it doesn\'t change from the appearance.

The rich blood gas emitted by the two best blood essence soon disappeared into the room. He put away Locke\'s filial blood essence. Reilly squeezed a smile and said, "just one of my younger generation is going to break through the middle-level attendant. You have a heart."

With that, Raleigh threw Locke a messenger, "it has my brother\'s spiritual mark. If you want to choose a task, you can contact him through the messenger."

Messenger is a popular information transmission medium in the knight palace, which is similar to the crystal ball of the holy tower. It has a single function and can only transmit sound and provide approximate coordinates. Basically, each official Knight will be equipped with one or two.

Respectfully quit Raleigh\'s office. Locke found that HALS outside had left at some time.

When it was dark, Locke didn\'t plan to spend the night in the knight hall. Although the rest area here can be used for formal knights to rest, there is no hotbed at home to sleep comfortably.

After leaving the knight\'s palace, Locke restrained his breath and sat in a roadside carriage for business.

"Arrive at shanschel street in an hour. This gold coin is yours." Locke threw out a gold coin, which was the insignificant one of the two boxes of gold he harvested this time.

The strange pattern on the gold coin indicates that it is not the currency of the Amor empire.

The Coachmans have been driving in Princeton, the imperial capital, for decades. They have no other skills, but they see things very accurately.

This gold coin is bright in color. It shows that it is rarely mixed with lead and copper. It is cold and full in weight. It shows that the content of gold is very high. Even if it is not as valuable as a gold mole, you can\'t get 60 or 70 silver moles in the store.

"OK, you see!" The coachman, a middle-aged man of nearly 40 years old with a stubble of beard, replied very earnestly.

Locke sat in the carriage and closed his eyes.

Fortunately, Locke got home before dinner.

After going out for a month, Raffi was the hostess at home, and her popularity increased a lot.

Angelina and grace are very wise to leave Raffi to Locke. Locke has no particularly high requirements for life. Without Raffi, he would never want to buy new furniture at home and hire dozens of maid servants.

"Will there be too many servants to serve?" At the dinner table, Locke asked Raffi with a bitter smile.

"Your mouth is strange. Our family can\'t afford it." Rafael gave Locke a white look.

After following Locke to the east coast for a round of experience, Raffi has a lot of vision. She promised Miss grace and Christine to take good care of Locke.