Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 459

Today, it is those tribal leaders above middle-level attendants who organize the blood blade tribe on the battlefield and are still fighting. After the death of the leader of Higuain, the blood blade tribe did not usher in the rout imagined by Locke.

Like a killer hidden in the dark, moving at high speed, except that some high-level attendants and witch doctors comparable to intermediate magic apprentices can see Locke\'s hand, the rest of ordinary grassland people can only watch their compatriots die one by one.

Once again, he cut the head of a high-level attendant grassland man, and Locke began to find his next goal.

The flexibility and speed of the eagle\'s fighting spirit make Locke like a fish in water on the battlefield. No one can carry his blow.

"The one named Higuain is also a bit capable". If a man had to resist Locke\'s blow, Higuain, the leader of the blood blade tribe, was one, but he resisted with his own life.

If you look carefully, you will find that when Locke collided with Higuain\'s sword before, Locke\'s cold iron long sword had a little rolling edge.

After all, it is a long sword suitable for the stage of Knight attendants. Locke, who has been promoted to an official knight, needs to find a long sword with his own identity after this war, as well as the armor.

The battle lasted an afternoon. In the final stage, in order to suppress the resistance of the blood blade tribe as soon as possible, Locke decisively summoned the scorpion dragon Fermo from the space flute.

Since Locke was promoted to the official knight, under the synchronous action of the spiritual contract, Fermo has also obtained a lot of benefits. After waking up after sleeping for two months, Fermo has not been directly promoted to the first-class Warcraft, but he has also stood at the peak of the quasi first-class Warcraft.

Fermo, who is only one layer of window paper away from the first-order Warcraft, has to deal with it even with Locke\'s current strength.

Eight meters away and approaching the height of nine meters, Fermo has surpassed his scorpion brothers and sisters and is in line with his parents, scorpion Lord Adams and his wife.

Adams is about 15 meters high, while his spouse Shiva is about 12 meters high.

The appearance of scorpion dragon directly broke up the formation of the people of the blood blade tribe.

Warcraft also exists on the prairie. Due to the limitations of grassland species and environment, high-level Warcraft are not known for their size.

Fermo\'s physique has surpassed the giant animals kept by grassland people.

High level Warcraft are not necessarily huge, but they are generally high-level Warcraft. This is the screening of jungle rules and the direction of passive evolution of Warcraft.

Before releasing his evil spirit, the giant scorpion dragon standing there defeated the last courage of the people of the blood blade tribe.

At this time, the disadvantages of failing to undergo strict military training are all apparent.

Countless people of the blood blade tribe left dead bodies and wounded people everywhere and ran away.

When Locke continued to pursue and kill those people on the blood blade tribe\'s must kill list, he gave an order to Fermo to kill those giants.

After an afternoon of fighting between the three beasts of the blood blade tribe and the two beasts of the gray wolf tribe, dozens of scratches and bite wounds were left on each beast, and the combat ability decreased more than a chip.

Facing the fierce scorpion dragon, the lizard beast of the three blood blade tribe left the last cry.

After being promoted by Locke, Fermo\'s mental strength has improved. While his physique has become stronger and his strength has become stronger, his wisdom has also made great progress.

The narrow longan narrowed slightly. When Fermo hit it with great strength, his body "accidentally" scraped the friendly army, a platypus that was the most seriously injured.

"Hiss ~!"

"Ga! GA ~ ~"

The platypus and the lizard monster hit by Fermo screamed.

Before the two remaining lizard giants make any moves, a dark energy ball with amazing energy fluctuation converges in the scorpion dragon\'s mouth and shoots at the lizard monster closest to it.

The giant beast domesticated by grassland people is, in the final analysis, a creature that does not understand the power of elements. The strength evaluation is advanced, but it is not necessarily the opponent of advanced Warcraft, not to mention Fermo is not an advanced Warcraft.

It is unknown whether they can still pose a threat to scorpion dragons after the tragic war.


The afterglow of the setting sun in the West refused to dissipate, and the whole prairie was immersed in a rich red background.

Forty thousand people of the blood blade tribe and ten thousand young people were hanged and killed by the gray wolf tribe and the omor imperial army. There were less than four thousand people alive, and 30000 old, weak women and children were also killed by the red eyed gray wolf people, affecting nearly six thousand people.

This makes the blood blade tribe suddenly drop from a thin and prestigious medium-sized tribe on the Saka grassland to a third rate. There is no strong leader and strong young people. It is still a question whether the old and weak of the blood blade tribe can survive this winter safely.

Compared with the miserable blood blade tribe, the gray wolf tribe is slightly better. Singh\'s original measure of saving strength and sending only half of his people to fight is simply a wise move.

If you are not my race, your heart will be different. How can the people of the Amor Empire really help their tribe? That cold and terrible first-class Knight left a deep impression on the people of the gray wolf tribe.

Although the brainy gray wolf tribe knew that they had been hurt by the omors, the high-level leaders of both sides were as if nothing had happened.

"Knight Locke, thank you for your help. Here are most of the treasures of the blood blade tribe!" In the setting sun, the leader Singh smiled and took rokla to a stacked wooden box.

There are two boxes of Yellow Orange gold, five boxes of precious silver, and some strange antique like items with a strong flavor of grassland folk customs.

Most of the grassland people are honest. The boxes containing things are two meters wide and one meter high, which is bigger than those treasure boxes Locke has seen.

For honest people, Locke can\'t do it any more. In singer\'s corner of the eye twitch, Locke took away two boxes of gold and four boxes of silverware. He still has a bottom line. At least he left a box of silverware to the gray wolf tribe.

There are more than a dozen grassland antiques in cloth bags that Locke didn\'t take. These things have neither magic fluctuations nor artistic cells that Locke can understand. I believe they can\'t sell well back to the omor empire. They are simply given to the gray wolf tribe.

This move made Singh, the leader of the gray wolf tribe, breathe a little. The nobles of the omor empire can\'t appreciate these antiques, which doesn\'t mean they have no value on the prairie.

Some leaders of large and medium-sized tribes like these things. They can get the famous trading town Shi Changyin on the Saka grassland. Singer can also recover some losses of the gray wolf tribe.

Singh was accompanied by a pair of his children. Xin and Si were well protected. They were only slightly injured in the dangerous battlefield on all sides.

Xin, with a green scarf wrapped around his head and a layer of gauze wrapped around his left arm, seemed to have hurt his muscles and bones. Locke threw him a bottle of recovery medicine.

The medicine made by alchemists is rare on the prairie. It is a healing medicine that can provide effect for the fatal wounds of high-level attendants. It is definitely overqualified to treat Xin\'s arm wounds.

The young man Xin thanked Locke for his generosity.

The silk with red makeup is not as amazing and natural as it was at first sight. The face is dirty one after another, and there is a blood stain on the right side of the cheek. I don\'t know whether it\'s hers or someone else\'s.

Seeing that there was only the loss caused by the surge of Qi and blood, and there were no other external wounds, Locke gave her a low-level mental recovery medicine prepared by grace.

The mental recovery potion flashing with golden liquid was not ordinary at first sight, but silk bit her lips and refused to accept it. Finally, Singh scolded her anxiously and reluctantly thanked her.

The girl is also angry with Locke for delaying the attack. It can\'t be blamed on the girl. Locke let the gray wolf tribe block the first wave of the fiercest attack of the blood blade tribe, which weakened the effective power of the blood blade tribe, leaving 2000 bodies here.

These people are usually excellent uncles and uncles of the tribe. They suddenly died in the war, leaving unforgettable pain to the immature silk.

It is a disaster for the gray wolf tribe and a blessing for the imperial soldiers. In this battle, a regiment of 5000 people was made up, and the personnel loss was controlled within 500 people. This is a rare great victory!

When the battle was over, everyone gathered the bodies of relatives and friends and gathered the weapons and knives dipped in blood everywhere, Locke also weighed the four blood colored diamond spars in his hand with great interest.

This thing is the best blood essence of grassland giant beast, which gathers all its blood and gas in the heart. For knights, it is more precious than the crystal core number of quasi level Warcraft.

The dozens of blood essence given by hinger and those captured from the blood blade tribe have become the use of Locke, an official knight, with little effect. Only when this giant beast produces one of the best blood essence can it promote his current strength.

Among the four best blood essences, three are lizard giants from the blood blade tribe and one is duck billed giants from the gray wolf tribe.

These blood essences were given to Locke by Fermo, the scorpion dragon. As for the dead behemoths, they were beaten by it.

The vigorous grassland beast is really a tonic. With the appetite of scorpions and Dragons swallowing Petrochemical gold, it can eat the whole head. Fortunately, the weather is getting colder, and it can\'t be broken outside for a few days.

The head of Higuain, the leader of the blood blade tribe, has been wrapped up by Locke and saved in the space ring. Locke also personally checked and confirmed the remains of the backbone of the dozens of blood blade tribe leaders.

At this point, even if the task is completed, with absolute strength, tens of thousands of blood blade tribes have been annexed in only one day, which is really shocking.

Singh, who saw Locke\'s real strength on the battlefield, still showed hospitality and hospitality despite being put in front of Locke.

"Knight Locke, won\'t you be a guest in the gray wolf tribe for two days?" Three days later, Singhal retention road outside alisano basin.

"No, don\'t say goodbye." Locke said.

Then, without waiting for Singh\'s expression, Locke rode away, and the imperial Corps stationed next to him roared away like a waking beast.

Seeing that Locke\'s figure was getting farther and farther, and the smoke of the imperial army was drifting farther and farther, hinger said to Xin who had been following him, "do you know why I am so afraid of this official knight?"

Xin was silent.

"Because he is even better than the first-class leaders of the big tribes I have met, and... If I see his age correctly, he should be less than 40." Said hinger.

The middle-aged singer is actually 49 years old this year. He really can\'t imagine how much opportunity and life and death experience a knight needs to advance to the first level before the age of 40.

"Take care of your sister. She\'s still young." Singh sighed. He has more than a dozen sons and daughters, but Xin has the potential to inherit his gray wolf tribe.