Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4590

This is one of the battlefields of the bright Protoss.

Not long ago, the impact of large-scale scuffle between dominant creatures continued to ferment. At this time, Locke and the Lord of glory were on the battlefield, just a corner of the vast battlefield of the light Protoss in the desperate world.

Just after talking with Locke about the transformation of fallen angels into destruction angels, the mind of the Lord of glory gradually shifted to the battlefield in front of him.

Don\'t think that during the war of civilization, dominant creatures will be in combat from beginning to end.

In fact, in addition to certain critical periods of attack or defense, dominant creatures are still dominated by the middle army in many times.

The battlefield of civilization is too vast. Although the vastness and vastness of the desperate world make the wars that might have occurred in one or several star regions gather in the same heaven and earth.

However, Locke\'s vision was dominated by his eight level peak, and he was amazed by the vastness of the desperate world.

For example, in the fierce war between the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization, with Locke\'s ability, he only expanded his power to two or three war zones.

How many war zones are there in the civilized battlefield of the whole desperate world?

Not to mention those newly developed war zones, there are as many as 19 inherent war zones.

Therefore, although the dominant creatures are powerful and unparalleled, they can\'t run freely on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony in the desperate world.

Instead of wasting their own power of domination, and even the precious soul of domination, it\'s better to conserve energy and wait for the next fight with the masters of source energy civilization.

At this time, the Lord of glory appeared on the front battlefield, but there was no sign of action, just to avoid consuming unnecessary power.

Although he has never done anything, the significance of the glorious Lord\'s arrival at the front battlefield is equally great.

For millions of angel legions on this battlefield, the arrival of the Lord of glory means that the God of light they worship and believe in is watching themselves in the rear.

Extremely high momentum, wandering in the army of the bright Protoss.

The Lord of glory seems to have done nothing, but she has increased the combat power of the angel Legion on on this battlefield by at least 30%!

This is the power of faith.

"God says, light will dispel darkness!"

"I will use my body to light the flame of light and purify heretics and sinners forever!"

"For the great God of light!"


One angel after another turned into a bright meteor and rushed straight towards the iron legion of source energy civilization.

Each of these angels was fearless of death. As far as Locke could see, he saw no fewer than a thousand angels, burning themselves, almost suicidal, crashing into the source energy civilization, hundreds of meters, or thousands of kilometers of giant cosmic warships.

Not only the immediate battlefield, but also the civilized battlefield front line of the whole desperate world. Relying on the advantages of scientific and technological civilization, yuanneng civilization has always occupied an advantage in the scale of combat units and combat clusters.

However, up to now, the bright Protoss still fight back and forth with the source energy civilization, and even show advantages in multiple war zones.

Are these advantages created by the God of light?

no Locke shook his head. He had to admit that the angel Legion was indeed the only powerful army in his life.

It is precisely with the powerful individual fighting ability of these angels and the fierce and fearless fighting style that the bright Protoss can withstand dozens or hundreds of times their own source energy civilized war fleet on the civilized battlefield, and even realize the reverse push.

After the Lord of glory arrived at this battlefield, the momentum was significantly improved, and even when the front row angels frequently expanded the results in a way close to self explosion, the front line obviously pushed towards the source energy civilization.

The war fortresses and steel buildings relied on by yuanneng civilization were quickly screened under the suicidal impact of angels one after another.

The change in the overall situation of this local battlefield has forced the source energy civilization to adopt some "inside information" or subversive forces.

Especially when the detection device of source energy civilization finds that there is a fluctuation of the breath of the LORD God of light on this battlefield.

"Shua!" A blazing white light column with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly shot out from the rear of the source energy civilization, swallowing everything in front of it wherever it went.

Huge gullies appeared below the skeleton continent, and a long valley with a depth of hundreds of meters appeared.

Tens of thousands of angels above level 1 were completely annihilated in this blow.

In addition to some angels at the edge of this terrible beam, the soul can return after the death of the physical body, other fallen angels are really dead, and even a trace of soul residue does not exist.

And this beam of light is obviously shooting towards the most intense area of the angel Legion. Except for one ten winged archangel, the other two eight winged angels are one dead and one injured.

Even the ten winged archangels can find and avoid the terrible beam in advance. Locke and the Lord of glory behind the angel army can naturally perceive it.

Even Locke sensed earlier, when the technology had a high energy level and the incandescent white beam was still gathering energy, Locke sensed.

But he didn\'t say much when he saw that the Lord of glory had already discovered it.

The life level of the eight winged angel is level 6. Considering the strength of the bright Protoss, the real combat power of the eight winged angel is afraid to exceed the vast majority of level 6 creatures in the star world.

If the wizard civilization Legion is currently facing tens of thousands of elite legions above level 1 and a strong level 6, Locke, as a dominant creature, will not be stingy to help them.

But the Lord of glory did not care much about the current situation.

The LORD God of light does love their believers and people, but at present, hundreds of millions of angels participate in the war.

The Lord of glory, as a powerful Lord God, if every angel army takes good care of her, she probably has no energy to do other things.

The huge size of the bright Protoss indicates that the bright Lord gods represented by the Lord of glory can ignore the loss of the angel battle array composed of 10000 angels.

This is not contradictory to the fact that the LORD God of light cares about his angels.

Because the immediate loss is to obtain greater results.

Not long ago, the fierce battle of domination has just ended. The Lord of glory, who has been temporarily rested, must do everything possible to recover himself. How can he waste his excess strength elsewhere.

At this time, the commander of this front battlefield is already the Lord of glory giving full play to his residual value.

Instead of choosing to restore the temple of the Lord of light in the rear, he is on the front line of the battlefield, which is a manifestation of the survival of the Lord of glory and hundreds of millions of angels.

Sure enough, the attack of this blazing white terror energy beam did not disturb the fighting spirit of the angel army of the bright Protoss. Even the formation was quickly restored under the deployment of other angels with more than four wings.

"The God of light is with me!"

A six winged angel, surrounded by a rolling flame of light and holding a milky white sword of light, turned into a bright meteor and first rushed into the hinterland of the iron legion of energy civilization on the battlefield in front of him.