Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4589

Not only Safina knows the ambition of the God of source energy, but also the leaders of the source energy Parliament can guess.

It is precisely because the God of source energy did not completely hide his ideas and ambitions at a certain time in the past, he and the source energy warrior group he represents will be strongly suppressed and suppressed by the Source Energy Council.

Sometimes it is foolish to blame history and others for the fault.

The current situation of the source energy God and the source energy warrior group is also inseparable from some of their own past practices.

Safina obviously understood the words of the God of source energy, but for the solicitation of the God of source energy, Safina with her beautiful eyes slightly lowered did not immediately reply to him.

Safina is not a lone source warrior. She has her own family behind her and her own group in need of shelter.

Don\'t think that the identity of yuanneng warrior can limit Safina\'s choice.

Without the support of the family behind her, let alone the master level source energy warrior, even a level 6 source energy warrior is difficult to break through the shackles only by his own strength.

Like the God of source energy, he was born from the laboratory and achieved the existence of level 8 peak with his own strength and tenacious spirit. He is the only one in the whole source energy civilization.

Although Safina also pursues change in her heart, she is a representative of the "moderates".

Although Safina did not give a clear answer, her performance has actually explained her attitude.

The originally confined space is quietly broken as Safina continues to move forward.

In the internal monitoring system of source energy city, the picture presented is only that the God of source energy and Safina met at the corner, and they didn\'t even say a word.

The sound of Safina stepping on the purple heels of her high feet gradually faded away, and the God of source energy also went to an empty place inside the city of source energy and looked outside.

The vast world of despair is still boundless in the eyes of the God of source energy.

In the deeper part of the white bones, the God of source energy knows that the war between source energy civilization and the protoss of light is still fierce.

A silent sigh came from the mouth of the God of energy.

The road to the future is very long, and I don\'t know where it ends and how it ends.

The God of source energy does not know whether he is the Savior of source energy civilization, but he knows that he will not give up his original intention.


Despair is the front battlefield of the world.

Locke, who had just returned from the realm of light, was surrounded by more than 200000 fallen angels.

The appearance of these fallen angels was obviously beyond the expectation of the Lord of glory.

However, after Locke\'s slightly embarrassed and apologetic explanation, the Lord of glory did not say anything more on the matter.

"Most of these fallen angels should come from the seat of the Lord of glory. Since there are already ten winged archangels reporting to the Lord of glory, I don\'t think there will be any problem." Said the Lord of glory.

Locke used to know that there was a gap between the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory.

But at this time, through the performance of the Lord of glory, Locke found that the contradiction between her and the Lord of glory seemed to have been eliminated.

Also, with the dimensional hegemony going on to this day, the Lord of twilight and the Lord of dawn have fallen successively.

In the context of such a civilized war, there is obviously no market for internal strife and personal contradiction.

Moreover, the theater of the Lord of glory is often adjacent to the Lord of glory.

The two Lord gods of light have been helping each other many times before and after. The unhappiness in the past has long been quietly eliminated.

Sure enough, civilized war is the best way to transfer internal contradictions.

Even factional contradictions and system disputes that are almost obvious like yuanneng civilization can be forcibly suppressed under the background of civilized war.

What is the contradiction between the shining Lord and the shining Lord in the light Protoss.

In this way, Locke\'s previous approach to the glorious main war zone, but ignoring his plight, seems a little petty.

However, Locke is not the main god of the bright Protoss. Naturally, he does not need to put down his prejudices for the continuation and future of the bright Protoss.

Fighting according to his own heart is the symbol of Locke\'s strength and status.

As for the Lord of glory, hem, if Locke is in a good mood, he may help him in the future. If he is in a bad mood, he will fall down.

After all, even the Supreme God could not force Locke to ask for anything.

The appearance of 200000 fallen angels can be regarded as a supplement to the large number of destruction Angel legions lost by Locke after he joined the battlefield of the desperate world.

And with the approval of the Lord of glory, Locke decided to turn all the 200000 fallen angels into a legion of destroying angels.

On the previous battlefield, the Lord of glory obviously saw the power of the angel of destruction under Locke, which is the real fighting and killing arms.

At least in terms of destruction, the angel of destruction is more than a normal angel.

Therefore, in communication with Locke, the Lord of glory said, "on the battlefield of the desperate world, the source energy civilization has gradually found out some details of our bright Protoss, and specially set up some pollution weapons for this purpose."

"These polluting weapons are more powerful than the rose Dynasty civilization and the galent Federation."

"Not only will the power attributes of the polluted angels change, but even their souls cannot enter the angel reincarnation pool for washing."

"I don\'t want those polluted angels to end up either exploding their souls or being washed by the blood Angel referee."

"So I hope that in the future, this part of the polluted angels can be under the command of Knight Locke, and they will be transformed into destruction angels." The Lord of glory said to Locke.

The words of the Lord of glory not only want to make the light protoss have more power that can be reused, but also sincerely think of those unfortunate polluted angels.

The relationship between the LORD God of light and angels is absolutely more than 90% of the so-called "gods" in the star world and their believers.

For example, in the wizard alliance, the orc God Kampas under Locke sells his people and believers secretly all year round to earn huge magic money.

In contrast to the bright Protoss, which God will betray his angels?

Every angel is the darling of God.

Don\'t think too dark and dirty about the belief system of the light Protoss.

Just imagine if those believers of the God of light did not really realize the glory and care of God, would they abandon everything and serve their faith wholeheartedly.

This is why, in fact, under the rule of the Guangming Protoss, most intelligent creatures in every aspect are "happy".

Akron, the ruler of the light system, is not just an example. If allowed, Akron hopes to lead all the hundreds of thousands of futur creatures above the futur world to join the war.

Even if it is a creature above level 1, as long as the bright Protoss sends down the Oracle, it is believed that hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures below level 1 in the whole futur world will join the battlefield of the desperate world one after another.

Where faith lies, fearless!

Those crazy believers of the light Protoss who have not yet been transformed into angels are even more useful than the low-level slave biological cannon fodder Legion in the wizard world.

Because they are more fearless of death and more keen to kill the enemy.

This is also the hidden power that the light Protoss has never used.