Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4591

"It has reached the level of all-out attack by creatures in the early stage of level 7, but it doesn\'t seem to be launched by dominant warships or fortresses."

Looking at the battle situation on the civilized battlefield in front of him, Locke exclaimed that while the angel corps of the bright Protoss was strong, he couldn\'t help but comment on the blazing white energy beam across the battlefield just now.

It can wipe out tens of thousands of angels above level 1, including four winged and six winged angels. Even one of the eight winged angels died unfortunately.

The blazing white energy beam has obviously reached the power level of dominant creatures.

The dominant combat power of scientific and technological civilization can not be compared with the dominant creatures growing up in the cultivation system in the normal star world.

For example, in the source energy civilization, a single source energy warship can not be regarded as a dominant creature, even if the power of its main gun can threaten the dominant.

Only with countless second-class warships and other combat groups, a complete fleet can be compared with the dominant creatures in the normal star world.

This is the advantage and disadvantage of the scientific and technological civilization system.

It is impossible for the source energy civilization to specially arrange a dominant source energy fleet in this local marginal theater.

The device that can launch the energy beam comparable to the full strike energy beam of creatures in the early stage of level 7 should be the intrinsic power arranged by the source energy civilization in their various war zones.

These forces can ensure that the source energy civilization can maintain certain advantages on the whole battlefield, but they will not be used many times, and there will be other restrictions.

Seeing the blazing white energy beam just now, Locke couldn\'t help thinking of the forbidden spell level magic released by the casters in the wizard world.

Forbidden spell level Magic also uses lower life level and power to pry the power and magic power of higher-level elements.

In the past civilization wars of wizard civilization, forbidden spell level magic is also used as an inside means, which will not be used frequently in ordinary times.

Because the use cost of forbidden spell level magic is also very high, its high chance of backfire, as long as there is a little difference, it will lead the caster to fall on the spot and even spread around.

However, the power of forbidden spell level magic is also obvious.

It is said that when Douglas was at level 6, he could pry the power of his own elements and release the top forbidden spell comparable to the full strike of level 7 creatures.

Locke\'s low voice obviously also attracted the attention of the Lord of glory.

As for the blazing white energy beam just crossed on the battlefield in front of us, the shining Lord nodded and said, "this is a special device called \'source energy particle gun\' arranged by source energy civilization on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony."

"See the endless steel buildings? The source energy particle cannon is hidden under those steel buildings."

"According to the summary and discovery of our bright Protoss in previous wars, the source energy particle gun of source energy civilization is often as long as kilometers, and each launch will absorb the huge energy of the surrounding steel city, so the launch frequency will not be too high."

"I think if the source energy civilization had not found our trace, they would not use such war devices rashly, because it was inconsistent with the frequency used in the past." The Lord of glory explained.

The temporarily arrogant source energy particle gun can not be used as a real intrinsic force to change the pattern of this local battlefield.

The fall of tens of thousands of angels represents only one percent of the power for a corner of this local battlefield.

And in the rear of the bright Protoss army, in the huge door of light, new angels arrive without delay.

There are only more than 10000 angels, but they will be supplemented in a short time.

In terms of the reinforcement rate of the angel legion of the bright Protoss, at this time, the bright Protoss is far from being stretched.

Source energy civilization, active energy particle gun and other devices, similarly, the bright Protoss also has corresponding war equipment.

As this is the theater under the seat of the Lord of glory, what attracted Locke\'s attention on the battlefield were the three Guangleng fortresses with a diameter of 3000 meters away.

These light bastions should be the result of adaptive transformation by the Lord of glory with the technology owned by the light Protoss after obtaining the light bastions from the ruins of the Atlantis civilization.

The scientific and Technological Development and creation level of Guangming Protoss are not too high, which is related to the power of belief that Guangming Protoss has always respected in the past.

However, the appearance of the three light edge fortresses has effectively reduced the damage of some angel legions on the battlefield and provided some benefits to the angels on the frontal battlefield.

For example, a huge prismatic pyramid of light scatters outward with the light prismatic fortress as the center.

With the power of light, these giant light pyramids provide some protection and energy supplement for the angels on the surrounding battlefield.

In the face of the coverage attack of source energy civilization, unless it is a long-range beam with a particularly high power level, ordinary energy rays can still be stably blocked by the light edge fortress in the rear of the war.

Also noticed Locke\'s vision, the Lord of glory went on to say, "the lightedge fortress technology has not attracted the attention of other lightlord gods before the dimensional hegemony, including me. I just have a try."

"However, after the opening of the dimensional hegemony, the role of Guangling fortress has become more and more prominent. In particular, its temporary defense and certain energy supplement have gradually attracted the attention of all our Lord gods."

"I have completely shared the Guangling fortress technology with other gods, but up to now, for various reasons, Guangling fortress technology still can\'t realize mass production in the rear of Guangming Protoss."

"In this local battlefield, it is the limit to have three light edge fortresses."

"I\'m afraid there is only one theater in the charge of other gods on a battlefield of the same scale, or even none at all." The Lord of glory shook his head and said.

When Locke arrived at the battlefield of the desperate world, he naturally experienced and observed the theater in the charge of other gods.

What the Lord of glory said is true. For example, the new Lord, the Lord of enlightenment, in the 17th theater he is responsible for, Locke has never seen several light edge fortresses.

"Compared with the defense function of Guangleng fortress, the energy supplement it provides should be the key?"

"Because of the special rules and environment of the desperate world... There are not many free energy particles in the air here." Locke said.

Locke\'s words are obviously true, and the Lord of glory did not refute them.

Thanks to the strength of the angel legion of the bright Protoss, they can adapt to the dangerous environment of the desperate world.

If the wizard civilization is a regular legion of knights and magicians, it is obviously not a problem.

However, the hundreds of millions of slave biological cannon fodder relied on by Wizard civilization in the past may be greatly reduced in practicability after being sent to the desperate world.

Because the slave biological cannon fodder of wizard civilization is mainly dominated by creatures below level 1.

Slaves above the first level can already be regarded as elite slaves.

This part of the slave legion, Rao is a wizard civilization, and it is rarely used as pure cannon fodder.