Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4583

The power of light and the power of faith are the two most commonly used power sources of the light Protoss.

Although to some extent, they can be compared to the magic and fighting spirit used by wizards, world knights and magicians.

However, compared with magic and fighting spirit, they are two almost different power systems. Obviously, the relationship between the power of light and the power of faith is more complex and profound.

The unparalleled power of faith accumulated on the rows of light gods is collected and stored by the light Protoss in various belief planes for a long time.

And can be put into their own main god treasure house by the Lord of glory. I\'m afraid any one of these bright gods has gathered the power of faith provided by hundreds of millions of believers in the whole world for nearly a thousand years.

Within the light Protoss, the main gods traded with each other and exchanged certain items, usually with the power of faith as the basic currency.

At this time, the rows of statues of light that appeared in front of Locke, of which the two with the strongest power breath, have reached the level of low-level world-class secret treasures.

I don\'t know if this situation is that the bright Protoss has mastered the ability to mass produce world-class secret treasures.

And I believe that the statue of light of a similar level should have something else in the hands of the Lord of glory, but she rewarded it to the elite angels under her command.

As for how many such bright gods there are in the whole bright Protoss, it is unknown for the time being.

In addition to the most common crystal of divine power and the statue of light, there are many other treasures in the treasure house of the Lord of glory.

Most of these treasures take the power of light as their main attribute, while others have the power of stars.

Of course, there are not a few other attribute treasures, but the proportion is not as much as the first two.

Among the treasures in front of us, the most amazing thing is that in addition to the two statues of light, there are five world-class secret treasure level props in the whole treasure house.

One of them is naturally the wind shadow boots that Locke asked the Lord of glory to find.

As for the other four pieces, their properties and appearance are different.

One of them is a defensive world-class secret treasure similar to the holy coat of light. It has the attribute of light. It should be a spare defense secret treasure made by the Lord of glory at a great cost.

The other three are a wooden staff with a strong breath of life, a evil blade emitting black light, and a round mirror containing the power of shadow.

The glorious Lord has a great family and great cause, and his total assets have exceeded the vast majority of level 8 masters in the ordinary star world.

At least Locke killed the ancient crocodile king of Piacenza, the demon God Casolo, the sea of death and the queen of the iron tower. None of them had such exaggerated personal assets as the Lord of glory.

Including in the light Protoss, there is no Lord God who can compare with the wealth of the glorious Lord\'s family.

"This time you made a special trip to the battlefield of the desperate world to save me. You didn\'t hesitate to recruit another level 8 master and send me star beads."

"Only wind shadow boots are not enough for me to return your favor. Take whatever you see in these things in the treasure house." The Lord of glory solemnly said to Locke.

The wealth of the treasure house of the Lord of glory is not limited to those mentioned above.

They are just the most precious things in the treasure house, such as seven world-class treasures, including two statues of light.

And just the next level of props in the treasure house, placed in the star world, can definitely attract the attention and looting of general large and medium-sized world civilizations.

For example, there are more than 20 facet crystals (also known as star nuclei) in the treasure house, and these facet crystals are all produced by the condensation of medium-sized facets.

The energy source core and main material of the main attack ship of the Russian lobas Titan fleet of the galent Federation are those star cores.

In addition to the star core, the props and treasures that are more precious or inferior to it are even more unknown.

It can also be seen from the situation here that in order to win the victory of dimensional hegemony, the Lord of glory and the bright Protoss she represents have put all their wealth and heritage into the battlefield of the desperate world.

This struggle for hegemony only allows victory, not defeat.

In order to win, the bright Protoss is willing to pay any price and make changes that have not been made in the past decades or millions of years.

For the kindness of the Lord of glory, Locke shook his head after focusing on the world-class treasures.

Just raised the wind shadow boots and took them back into his hands, saying, "with the relationship between you and me, plus the cooperation and assistance between each other in the process of dimensional hegemony, there is really no need to make such a score."

"You brought me the wind shadow boots and have even with the star beads I gave you."

"I think it will take quite a long time for this war to end. There will be opportunities for you and me to cooperate with each other in the future." Locke said.

This is not the first time Locke has declined the kindness of the Lord of glory, and the Lord of glory is not a coy person.

Under Locke\'s several excuses, the Lord of glory nodded and did not continue to entangle this matter, but then said, "in the supreme temple, I hear you say that you need a lot of life attribute resources and spiritual materials."

"In the belief star domain under my command, there were a lot of such resources in the ancient tree star domain."

"I have sent down the oracle and ordered the believers there to focus on collecting such resources. I hope you won\'t refuse this time." Said the Lord of glory.

The kindness of the Lord of glory finally made Locke nod.

It is also the performance of the Lord of glory, which shows that Locke is not wrong about people.


Three months later.

With the help of the oracle of the Supreme God and the Lord of glory, a large number of life attribute holy materials and props continue to reach the world of despair through the gate of light.

Because there is a large time flow rate difference between the desperate world and the normal material star world, not to mention that those resource holy materials themselves waste a lot of time in the transportation process through the space-time channel.

It can be seen that the bright Protoss has achieved such a degree in only three months. How exaggerated is their control of resources and the operation efficiency of the whole civilization.

Locke communicated with the bloody light gate of paradise lost. During this period, he often stood in the rear of the light Protoss, corresponding to those light gates.

One of the more interesting and embarrassing things happened during this period is that when the flower elves and ancient tree survivors in Locke lost paradise assist in transporting and transplanting various life attribute spiritual materials and props, they often see ancient tree star believers who are completely attached to the light Protoss and have pure faith in the light God.

They have similar appearance and the same blood.

But they are completely different races.

The ancient tree survivors under Locke have a relatively complete inheritance, and the oldest group of flower elves and ancient tree creatures have experienced the existence of ancient tree star war, so their thinking concept still stays hundreds of thousands of years ago.

However, these creatures in the lower ancient tree star domain of the new era coming out of the door of light have completely become believers of the God of light.

For the angels who often fly over the patrol in the surrounding bright Protoss base camp, these modern ancient tree star domain creatures not only have no fear and tension, but are full of longing and longing.

If nothing happens, the creatures they trust most firmly will have the opportunity to invest in the angel reincarnation pool and become holy angels.

This is also the highest aspiration of these modern ancient tree star creatures after being baptized by the belief of the God of light.