Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4582

Locke\'s previous dialogue with the Lord of glory can be regarded as an exchange based on equality.

But for the Supreme God, Locke is close to asking.

Because the Lord of light can only represent himself, but the Supreme God can represent the whole family of light gods.

Locke\'s claim for life attribute resources and wealth is not a small number. The family background of the glorious Lord will not meet Locke.

Only the Supreme God who holds the power of the whole bright Protoss can have this courage and details, enrich Locke\'s paradise lost, and alleviate Locke\'s concern about the excessive loss of the dominant soul in the next dimensional hegemony battlefield.

For Locke\'s request, the Supreme God has no different color. It is obvious that he has known Locke\'s paradise lost before.

So after Locke\'s voice fell, the Supreme God just nodded and replied "yes".

Locke\'s request to the Supreme God is actually based on equal exchange.

Locke did his best on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony in the desperate world, and the light Protoss paid him a lot of benefits.

In addition to seeking a large amount of spiritual materials to enrich paradise lost, Locke also talked with the Supreme God about his views on the current war front in the desperate world and his understanding of the power of some astral rules as a level 8 peak creature.

The Supreme God is a powerful God with unparalleled personal combat power, but his understanding of the war situation in the desperate world is not as outstanding as expected.

It is the Eternal Lord of the eighth level of the bright Protoss who is really responsible for the mobilization of front-line troops in all aspects.

Although the Supreme God did not brighten Locke\'s eyes in terms of war situation analysis, his subsequent description of the rules and the dominant energy field made Locke, as a knight, suddenly enlightened.

As Locke had discovered before, the Supreme God was almost omniscient and omnipotent.

What he is good at is not only the power of light, but also some deep insights into Locke\'s rule of storm power.

Of course, on the avenue of destruction and the avenue of emotion, the involvement of the Supreme God is obviously much shorter.

But it depends on who is the relative to. The general seven level masters and even the exploration of the high God in the field of these two laws are enough to guide them.

Under the background of civilization war, new gods and powerful angels are emerging one after another. In addition to the pressure and internal potential brought by the war, Locke feels that the Supreme God has also played a great role in it.

After a few days of talking with the Supreme God, Locke left with the Lord of glory again.

The oracle of the Supreme God has been dropped in the huge belief star territory controlled by the bright Protoss. The life attribute resources and spiritual materials required by Locke will be delivered to Locke in a steady stream before long.

After leaving the supreme temple, under the leadership of the Lord of glory, Locke came to the main temple set up by the Lord of glory in the world of despair.

It may be that the details of the top civilization are there, or the bright Protoss naturally have a special preference for purity and bright atmosphere.

In the rear of the bright Protoss, Locke didn\'t feel the lonely and lonely atmosphere unique to the desperate world.

At a glance, there is the power of light, in which countless golden buildings and halls are distributed.

Even the extremely low energy element concentration, which has been regarded as a feature of the desperate world by Locke, is not established in the rear of the bright Protoss.

Even the light force concentration here is stronger than that of a blank star field in the star boundary of normal matter.

In those days, it was still far from the realm of light.

The scale of the main temple of the Lord of glory is completely similar to her main temple in the realm of the God of light.

After all, she has been fighting in the desperate world for tens of thousands of years. For such a long time, her angels have built a towering main temple for her.

Besides the symbolic significance and the majesty of the glorious Lord, the main temple has other practical functions.

Raising the concentration of the power of light around the temple is only one of them. Even the omnipotent soul of the Lord of glory can be repaired slowly through this main temple.

Why can the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization continue to fight in the desperate world war for tens of thousands of years, and the main god level combat power frequently appeared during this period. The existence of these main temples plays an important role in restoring strength for the bright main gods.

Similarly, the source energy civilization has built so many steel cities in the desperate world, including a large number of source energy sub cities. A large part of the reason is to recharge and repair the dominant fleet of source energy civilization and other warships and aircraft armours on site.

Locke was not the first time to visit the main temple of the Lord of glory, so he was very calm when he arrived at this huge temple with amazing resplendence.

As a powerful civilization with countless wealth and has achieved the top civilization for nearly one million years.

The main temple of the Lord of glory is ten times more majestic and luxurious than the master Temple of Locke in the wizard world.

In the huge golden palace, there are groups of angels patrolling and flying from time to time.

Because it is still a world of despair, even the main temple has a more solemn and rigorous atmosphere than those temples in the light world.

Follow the shining Lord through the main temple and enjoy the eyes of those beautiful angels or fanatical or reverent.

A huge ancient gate finally appeared in front of Locke.

"When you talked to the Supreme God before, I had taken the wind shadow boots for you."

"It\'s just that falling angel\'s sword is not easy to take. It may take some time to get news." The Lord of glory said to Locke.

The ancient and simple door in front of him opened slowly under the starlight of the star ring in the hands of the shining Lord.

This is the treasure house of the Lord of glory, which contains nearly 70% of the precious wealth of the Lord of glory.

In addition to the income of the Lord of glory over the years, a considerable part of it comes from the heritage of his father, the Lord of stars.

As the door of the treasure house opened, the dazzling golden light and fluctuating rule position appeared in front of Locke.

Nothing that can be collected by the Lord of glory into the treasure house of his Lord God can be anything.

And because this is the battlefield of the desperate world, I believe that the front battlefield brought by the Lord of glory is basically something useful to the Lord of glory.

The pure golden crystal of divine power is the most common thing Locke can see.

They are like Gold Mountains piled up with gold coins in an ordinary treasure house, occupying three-quarters of the whole treasure house.

In addition to the crystals of light divine power that can directly restore the power of the shining Lord, the second largest number in the treasure house is rows of pure white light gods.

The statue also contains a special power enough to cause Locke\'s eyes - the power of faith.