Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4584

"Unfortunately, many of these life attributes spiritual materials need special botanical creatures to accompany and transport. Otherwise, the speed will be faster if the angel army carries out resource scheduling."

"Including the Supreme God and other main gods, I have also sent believers in the ancient tree star region to help. I believe that over time, there will be more life attributes and spiritual materials reaching the desperate world." The Lord of glory said to Locke in front of him.

"I\'m really shocked by the total amount and depth of resources of the bright Protoss. Of course, I also want to thank the Lord of glory for your help and scheduling." Locke sighed.

What happens when a top civilization launches a war machine and mobilizes all the resources and details of its own civilization.

Locke didn\'t know much before, but after this battle, Locke also roughly saw the gap between wizard civilization and light Protoss.

Dozens of bloody light gates standing side by side stand at the rear of the bright Protoss. With the transportation of some plant species, they are continuously imported into Locke\'s paradise lost.

Locke\'s paradise lost has experienced several expansion and transformation, and now it is not much different from a medium-sized plane.

The vast land and sea make the internal environment of the paradise lost have boundless carrying capacity.

Just a corps of destructive creatures above level 1, Locke can put tens of millions or more without pressure, enough to see how much the carrying capacity of the whole world has reached.

At this time, under the command of the oracle of the Lord of glory, almost all believers in the ancient tree star domain who have reached the life level above level 1 participate in the transportation of life materials in the ancient tree star domain and even the whole bright Protoss.

However, as a belief pastoral area conquered by the bright Protoss, how many plant lineages above level 1 exist in the ancient tree star domain?

Due to the shortage of manpower, a large number of followers of flora and organisms below the first level also went to various areas of the territory controlled by the bright Protoss under the withering Oracle of the shining Lord.

Not to mention, these plant creatures below level 1 seem weak, but their ability in some fields is more outstanding than the elite angels above level 1.

For example, the precious plants with strong vitality that Locke needs, angels above level 1 may need to spend a lot of light power to ensure that they will not lose too much vitality in the process of transplanting.

But those native plant creatures always have a variety of ways.

The simplest one is to temporarily graft those special plants onto yourself.

A large number of life plants and treasures are continuously transported to Locke\'s paradise lost from the star territory of the bright Protoss belief.

Locke\'s harvest is not only enough to make up for his consumption in the fierce war not long ago, but also has countless benefits for the long-term development of paradise lost.

Hold the amazing number of colored stones carried by a second-class plant giant monster in front of you.

These colored stones are said to come from a lower level under the rule of the Guangming Protoss. For that world, these colored stones are precious "stones of life" and sacred stones for the survival and development of lower level creatures.

But for Locke at this time, these stones are only one of the hundreds of millions of spiritual materials transported into Locke\'s paradise lost.

Perhaps the value in paradise lost is no different from an ordinary stone on the ground.

The influx of a large number of spiritual materials with life attributes has brought drastic changes to the internal environment and rules of Locke\'s paradise lost.

If the general medium-sized plane played like this, the rules would have been broken and the ecological chain would have collapsed.

However, Locke\'s paradise lost has long been basically integrated with Locke, and the golden apple tree, as the "plane will" of paradise lost, after such a long time of development and improvement, whether it is intelligence or the power of rules, is more sound than the general medium-sized plane.

Before, Locke loaded more than 1000 destructive creatures above the level of one thousand into the paradise lost without seeing the emergence of those destructive creatures, which caused a large-scale turbulence in the regular environment in Locke paradise lost.

Now there are only a large number of more life spiritual materials pouring into it. Will it be difficult to support the paradise lost?

Although Locke did not enter paradise lost at this time, he can also perceive that the internal life factors of Paradise Lost have become extremely exaggerated through internal vision.

With the passage of time and the continuous integration of the resources sent by the bright Protoss, the power of life in the lost paradise will be higher and higher.

Sometimes it is not necessarily the only right way to rely on Locke alone to drive the development and improvement of paradise lost.

The achievement of the wizard world to this point is not the credit of Locke alone.

The qualitative change caused by quantitative change and the influx of a large number of life energy and resources will have a far-reaching impact on the paradise lost, which is still unknown for Locke.

But according to the feedback from the golden apple tree to Locke, these changes are still good so far.

The golden apple tree also says that it can "eat", including Locke\'s huge life force forcibly transferred from paradise lost in the state of war. Now, with the supplement of these life materials, it is in a very rapid recovery process.

"After I merged the Wanhua psychic world group, I collected many life treasures from that world group and transplanted them into the paradise lost with the help of convenience."

"Now compared with the pen of the bright Protoss, it is far inferior."

"But there is also one thing in the Wanhua psychic world group that the light Protoss can\'t compare with anyway."

"I don\'t know... Do I have a chance to transplant the Golden Jade mother flower to paradise lost?" Locke felt his chin and couldn\'t help thinking.

Level 7 creature Golden Jade mother flower, the only master and guardian of the ten thousand flower psychic world.

If we say that life creatures can also be of great benefit and help to the paradise lost at this time, in Locke\'s past cognition and experience, in addition to the innate treasure like the twelve grade destruction of Black Lotus, I\'m afraid there are only seven levels of plant systems such as Golden Jade mother flower and natural ancient tree, which are more intuitive.

Transplanting a whole flora master into paradise lost, I\'m afraid no one in the whole star world will have such absurd and incredible ideas except Locke\'s level 8 peak.

But the more you think about such things, the more Locke thinks it can be done.

In particular, the nectar of the Golden Jade mother flower also has a certain omnipotent soul recovery effect on the dominant creatures Isn\'t it more important for Locke, who is on the battlefield of the desperate world at this time?!

But transplanting the golden mother flower to the paradise lost is not a trivial matter.

In addition to the cumbersome and difficult process of transplantation, the will of jinyumu flower itself is also very important.

All this can only be considered when Locke has the opportunity to return to the material star world.

Before that, the summons from the Lord of glory made Locke walk out of his state of bowed head and meditation.