Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4561

"Boom!" Finally, when Locke\'s power factor was about to affect the outer armor shield of the dominant war fortress, a far more violent and powerful main gun beam was suddenly launched from the middle of the fortress.

This is a long stored dominant power beam. In the dark blue to purple power beam, Locke even smelled the amazing energy turbulence that could pose a certain threat to level 8 creatures.

It is worthy of being the dominant war fortress of the source civilization that once participated in the siege of Locke. Although its performance in all aspects and the pressure brought to the bright Protoss on this battlefield can only be counted as the peak combat power from the later stage of level 7 to level 7.

However, on the premise of long-term charging and desperate energy infusion, this huge black war fortress finally burst out a strength level comparable to the strike of level 8 creatures!

This is definitely the ultimate power of this dominant source energy war fortress, and its means are equivalent to the doomsday weapon of the galent Federation.

It was also when he noticed that the purple energy beam of the fortress\'s main gun successfully hit the target, and Locke\'s forward movement was also obvious. Suddenly, the source energy civilized officers in the internal control room of the "strong wall Guardian dominating fortress" couldn\'t help boiling.

In their cognition, no one can withstand the blow of the source material dynamic gun.

Before that, they even retreated the many attacks of the Lord of light with the active shelling of the source material, and caused great trauma to the LORD God of light.

Since the past can repel the Lord of glory, it must also repel the terrorist master who symbolizes destruction at this time. This is the idea of civilized officers in most fortresses.

until...... When the element explosion and energy shock wave gradually dispersed, they saw that Locke was not repulsed by the beam of the source active gun, but exploded faster than before and flew to the fortress!

"How is that possible?!" As the commander in chief of the fortress, Admiral husky cannot set a channel.


In the middle of the battlefield, the dominant fleet of source energy civilization sent an energy beam comparable to the attack of level 8 creatures. After all, it broke Locke\'s outer rules and hit Locke\'s body.

Yes, in any case, it is comparable to the attack of level 8 creatures, and as the energy storage attack of the whole fleet, it is definitely not a random attack of ordinary level 8 early creatures, which can be compared.

The strength of the dominant war fortress of yuanneng civilization slightly exceeded Locke\'s expectation, because Locke didn\'t know that this huge war fortress painted black could launch a main gun beam comparable to the attack of level 8 creatures.

But for this dominant fortress, their toss will end here.

The main gun beam did hit Locke and hit him, but in fact, the damage to Locke was only a white mark on the surface of his bone armor.

It\'s not that the defense coefficient of the curse armor Locke wears is too strong, it\'s entirely because Locke\'s physique and life level are too high.

Let alone curse armor, even if Locke didn\'t use any defense secrets, the purple beam that was only equivalent to the full strike of creatures at the beginning of level 8 could not really repel or hurt Locke.

The cloud of destruction suddenly opened when Locke approached the master level source energy fortress.

This time, it is a vast area covering an area of more than 100000 meters. Not only the dominant fortress of the whole source energy civilization is wrapped in it, but also the source energy civilization science and technology warships swept into by Locke.

The purple main gun beam belonging to the source energy civilization still began to gather energy again, but this level of artillery fire can not be frequently completed by this huge black fortress in a short time.

For a long time, it can not be used as a level 8 combat power.

Of course, there are also science and technology warships and fortresses comparable to class 8 creatures in yuanneng civilization.

However, those warships and fortresses that are still in single digits are stationed in the former world war V without exception.

In the border area between theater 5 and theater 6, endogenous civilization can not send forces that can limit his level in a short time.

This also enables Locke, who joined the dimensional hegemony, to create more results as much as possible in the early stage of joining the war.

"Destroy it!" The voice of Locke in the clouds of destruction came.

At the same time, the sky was covered with destruction clouds with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of meters. Under the influence of a burst of energy turbulence and rules, the burning of destruction came from the sky.

This is a large-scale destruction rain covering the junction area between theater 5 and theater 6. The falling destruction meteorites in the sky have brought great trauma to the combat legion of the source civilization.

Of course, there is no more serious and concentrated damage in this process than Locke\'s incarnation to destroy the dominant black fortress directly below the dark cloud.

A series of explosions and flames appeared on the surface of the fortress. The sudden energy position of the fortress undoubtedly shows the amazing blow it is bearing at this time.

However, after all, the defensive force field was opened in a hurry. After holding on for about half an hour, the energy position on the surface of the "strong wall Guardian dominating fortress" was finally completely extinguished.

The dominant fortress of source energy civilization without the protection of energy position is like a fragile iron shell without a solid coat.

When the explosion and turbulence occurred directly on the surface of the fortress, a series of collapses and casualties began to be staged all over the dominant fortress.

"Boom!" The louder and even more frequent explosions and explosions appeared all over the huge black fortress.

However, this time, it was not entirely caused by Locke\'s rain of destruction. In fact, more of them were caused by a certain confusion in the internal energy circuit and ammunition warehouse after the major fortress of the source energy civilization was severely damaged.

A large number of source energy civilization maintenance Corps began to carry out emergency maintenance inside the giant fortress with a diameter of nearly 100000 meters, but it is obvious that their maintenance speed is far behind Locke\'s destruction speed.

"Come out, too, and help me destroy this fortress as soon as possible!" In the dark clouds of destruction, the huge Locke bone arm, whose length expanded to thousands of kilometers, suddenly fell from the depths of layers of dark clouds and created a Nuo depression in the center of the Black War fortress.

There is the central control area of the dominant fortress. Although not many high-level sources of energy civilization in the fortress are erased by Locke\'s blow, it can be clearly perceived that with the heavy damage to the central area of the fortress, the response mechanism of the fortress itself and the ability to dispatch and control a large number of sources of energy civilization legions around it have become much stiffer.

In the dark clouds of destruction, a ferocious painted black bone arm fell from the sky and caused heavy damage to the dominant fortress of yuanneng civilization. This picture is also what Safina, a strong level 8 yuanneng civilization who has just arrived in this battlefield, told Locke. In short, I wish you a happy New Year!